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Robust frequency stabilization of multiple spectroscopy lasers with large and tunable offset frequencies

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We have demonstrated a compact, robust device for simultaneous absolute frequency stabilization of three diode lasers whose carrier frequencies can be chosen freely relative to the reference. A rigid ULE multicavity block is employed, and, for each laser, the sideband locking technique is applied. A small lock error, computer control of frequency offset, wide range of frequency offset, simple construction, and robust operation are the useful features of the system. One concrete application is as a stabilization unit for the cooling and trapping lasers of a neutral-atom lattice clock. The device significantly supports and improves the clock’s operation. The laser with the most stringent requirements imposed by this application is stabilized to a line width of 70 Hz, and a residual frequency drift less than 0.5Hz/s. The carrier optical frequency can be tuned over 350 MHz while in lock.

© 2013 Optical Society of America

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