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BLIPS: Bluetooth locator for an Indoor Positioning System in Realtime

Published: 28 August 2024 Publication History


Traditional localization systems often rely on a network of external sensors, making the setups cumbersome, expensive, and requiring significant calibration effort. The advent of Bluetooth 5.1 and later versions brought enhancements that enable precise localization using constant tone extension (CTE) in the signal through Angle of Arrival (AoA) and Angle of Departure (AoD) techniques. This work examines the capacity of a single Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) locator with an antenna array based on AoA in terms of performance, efficiency, and latency in real-time indoor positioning. While traditional neural networks train measured entities to match calculated distances, we utilize the azimuth and elevation angle components in the AoA measured and train neural networks to match their theoretical counterparts. We conducted extensive experiments in a real-world lab environment, providing ablation studies in the design. The results demonstrate the system’s capability in real-time with many potential interference variables. Under lab conditions, our results show the capacity of a single locator wanes past 4m with the best average accuracy of 0.09m error in positioning within a 5m radius to as much as ∼ 1m of error beyond 6m up to the maximum possible measuring distance in the lab.


Web Admin. 2023. Bluetooth Location Services Solutions - Silicon Labs.
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COMPASS '24: Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies
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Published: 28 August 2024


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  1. BLE
  2. Indoor Localization
  3. Proximity Sensing
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