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EdgeFM: Leveraging Foundation Model for Open-set Learning on the Edge

Published: 26 April 2024 Publication History


Deep Learning (DL) models have been widely deployed on IoT devices with the help of advancements in DL algorithms and chips. However, the limited resources of edge devices make these on-device DL models hard to be generalizable to diverse environments and tasks. Although the recently emerged foundation models (FMs) show impressive generalization power, how to effectively leverage the rich knowledge of FMs on resource-limited edge devices is still not explored. In this paper, we propose EdgeFM, a novel edge-cloud cooperative system with open-set recognition capability. EdgeFM selectively uploads unlabeled data to query the FM on the cloud and customizes the specific knowledge and architectures for edge models. Meanwhile, EdgeFM conducts dynamic model switching at run-time taking into account both data uncertainty and dynamic network variations, which ensures the accuracy always close to the original FM. We implement EdgeFM using two FMs on two edge platforms. We evaluate EdgeFM on three public datasets and two self-collected datasets. Results show that EdgeFM can reduce the end-to-end latency up to 3.2x and achieve 34.3% accuracy increase compared with the baseline.


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  • (2024)VIAssist: Adapting Multi-Modal Large Language Models for Users with Visual Impairments2024 IEEE International Workshop on Foundation Models for Cyber-Physical Systems & Internet of Things (FMSys)10.1109/FMSys62467.2024.00010(32-37)Online publication date: 13-May-2024

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  1. EdgeFM: Leveraging Foundation Model for Open-set Learning on the Edge



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      SenSys '23: Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
      November 2023
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      1. foundation models
      2. edge computing
      3. offloading
      4. edge-cloud collaborative system
      5. open-set recognition
      6. internet of things


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      • (2024)VIAssist: Adapting Multi-Modal Large Language Models for Users with Visual Impairments2024 IEEE International Workshop on Foundation Models for Cyber-Physical Systems & Internet of Things (FMSys)10.1109/FMSys62467.2024.00010(32-37)Online publication date: 13-May-2024

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