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VibEmoji: Exploring User-authoring Multi-modal Emoticons in Social Communication

Published: 29 April 2022 Publication History


Emoticons are indispensable in online communications. With users’ growing needs for more customized and expressive emoticons, recent messaging applications begin to support (limited) multi-modal emoticons:, enhancing emoticons with animations or vibrotactile feedback. However, little empirical knowledge has been accumulated concerning how people create, share and experience multi-modal emoticons in everyday communication, and how to better support them through design. To tackle this, we developed VibEmoji, a user-authoring multi-modal emoticon interface for mobile messaging. Extending existing designs, VibEmoji grants users greater flexibility to combine various emoticons, vibrations, and animations on-the-fly, and offers non-aggressive recommendations based on these components’ emotional relevance. Using VibEmoji as a probe, we conducted a four-week field study with 20 participants, to gain new understandings from in-the-wild usage and experience, and extract implications for design. We thereby contribute to both a novel system and various insights for supporting users’ creation and communication of multi-modal emoticons.

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CHI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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Published: 29 April 2022


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  1. Social communication
  2. animation
  3. emoticons
  4. emotional expression
  5. haptic feedback
  6. mobile interfaces.
  7. multi-modal interaction


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April 29 - May 5, 2022
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