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Towards an algebraic theory of recursion

Published: 01 April 1991 Publication History


An algebraic framework for the study of recursion has been developed. For immediate linear recursion, a Horn clause is represented by a relational algebra operator. It is shown that the set of all such operators forms a closed semiring. In this formalism, query answering corresponds to solving a linear equation. For the first time, the query answer is able to be expressed in an explicit algebraic form within an algebraic structure. The manipulative power thus afforded has several implications on the implementation of recursive query processing algorithms. Several possible decompositions of a given operator are presented that improve the performance of the algorithms, as well as several transformations that give the ability to take into account any selections or projections that are present in a givin query. In addition, it is shown that mutual linear recursion can also be studied within a closed semiring, by using relation vectors and operator matrices. Regarding nonlinear recursion, it is first shown that Horn clauses always give rise to multilinear recursion, which can always be reduced to bilinear recursion. Bilinear recursion is then shown to form a nonassociative closed semiring. Finally, several sufficient and necessary-and-sufficient conditions for bilinear recursion to be equivalent to a linear one of a specific form are given. One of the sufficient conditions is derived by embedding to bilinear recursion in an algebra.


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Pradip K. Srimani

Two distinct approaches to designing queries and investigating their implementation and optimization in relational database systems exist: relational calculus and relational algebra. These two approaches are equivalent in their expressive power (that is, both are complete), but each has distinct advantages and disadvantages. Normally recursion is not allowed in relational algebra. Recursion and consequently optimization of recursive queries are studied mostly under the formalism of relational calculus (first-order logic). On the other hand, algebraic manipulation of queries offers useful insights into different inherent properties of queries and alternative query processing strategies. Recent studies show that recursion can be handled in the framework of relational algebra, and in some cases we get optimizations that cannot be trivially obtained in a logic-based setting. The purpose of this paper is to develop a detailed and rigorous algebraic theory of recursive queries and their optimization. The authors consider Horn clause programs and provide an abstract model of the query optimization process to discuss their results. They have developed a number of important, deep mathematical results. They show that all relational algebra operators form a closed semiring and that an immediate linear recursive query is answered by solving an equation in an explicit form. They consider mutual linear recursion, bilinear recursion, and multilinear recursion in great detail and develop different interesting mathematical properties related to optimization of these kinds of queries. They compare the algebraic and the calculus-based approaches in the light of their new results and discuss some new directions for further research. The paper is detailed and mathematical but self-contained. It also contains an impressive list of references to most of the recent works in related areas. You need to be mathematically sophisticated to make complete sense of this paper, but if you are a database theorist and interested in query optimization in an algebraic setting, this paper is a must read.

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cover image Journal of the ACM
Journal of the ACM  Volume 38, Issue 2
April 1991
260 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 April 1991
Published in JACM Volume 38, Issue 2


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