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C11Tester: a race detector for C/C++ atomics

Published: 17 April 2021 Publication History


Writing correct concurrent code that uses atomics under the C/C++ memory model is extremely difficult. We present C11Tester, a race detector for the C/C++ memory model that can explore executions in a larger fragment of the C/C++ memory model than previous race detector tools. Relative to previous work, C11Tester's larger fragment includes behaviors that are exhibited by ARM processors. C11Tester uses a new constraint-based algorithm to implement modification order that is optimized to allow C11Tester to make decisions in terms of application-visible behaviors. We evaluate C11Tester on several benchmark applications, and compare C11Tester's performance to both tsan11rec, the state of the art tool that controls scheduling for C/C++; and tsan11, the state of the art tool that does not control scheduling.

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Supplemental material - C11Tester: A Race Detector for C/C++ Atomics Technical Report


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cover image ACM Conferences
ASPLOS '21: Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
April 2021
1090 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 17 April 2021

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  1. C++11
  2. concurrency
  3. data races
  4. memory models


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