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Algorithm 997: pySDC—Prototyping Spectral Deferred Corrections

Published: 08 August 2019 Publication History


In this article, we present the Python framework pySDC for solving collocation problems with spectral deferred correction (SDC) methods and their time-parallel variant PFASST, the parallel full approximation scheme in space and time. pySDC features many implementations of SDC and PFASST, from simple implicit timestepping to high-order implicit-explicit or multi-implicit splitting and multilevel SDCs. The software package comes with many different, preimplemented examples and has seven tutorials to help new users with their first steps. Time parallelism is implemented either in an emulated way for debugging and prototyping or using MPI for benchmarking. The code is fully documented and tested using continuous integration, including most results of previous publications. Here, we describe the structure of the code by taking two different perspectives: those of the user and those of the developer. The first sheds light on the front-end, the examples, and the tutorials, and the second is used to describe the underlying implementation and the data structures. We show three different examples to highlight various aspects of the implementation, the capabilities, and the usage of pySDC. In addition, couplings to the FEniCS framework and PETSc, the latter including spatial parallelism with MPI, are described.

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Software for pySDC?Prototyping Spectral Deferred Corrections


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ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  Volume 45, Issue 3
September 2019
357 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 08 August 2019
Accepted: 01 February 2019
Received: 01 August 2018
Published in TOMS Volume 45, Issue 3


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  2. Spectral deferred corrections
  3. multigrid
  4. parallel-in-time integration


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  • IKT 2020-Forschung für Innovationen
  • German Federal Ministry of Education and Research


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