DC Database

"Gauntlet": In Seattle, Oliver Queen helps Colin, a teenager, to store some supplies in Dinah Lance's florist shop, the Sherwood Florist. Oliver asks Dinah if she'd be interested in going to Alaska to see the Iditarod Trail Sled

Quote1 Some of us do have to work, Oliver. I mean, we don't all have closets full of money. Quote2
— Dinah Laurel Lance

Green Arrow (Volume 2) #5 is an issue of the series Green Arrow (Volume 2) with a cover date of June, 1988.

Synopsis for "Gauntlet"

In Seattle, Oliver Queen helps Colin, a teenager, to store some supplies in Dinah Lance's florist shop, the Sherwood Florist. Oliver asks Dinah if she'd be interested in going to Alaska to see the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, but Dinah complains that she has to work - unlike Oliver, who is otherwise unemployed. A gay couple comes into the shop and purchases one white rose to celebrate their seventh anniversary. The couple leaves, wandering down Broadway happily, until an unseen figure brandishing a wrench brutally attacks them, leaving their bloodied bodies in the middle of the street.

Detectives come to the shop to question Oliver and Dinah regarding the incident. One of the detectives suggests that there has been an increase in gang activity among youths in Seattle recently. Oliver decides to help the investigation as Green Arrow.

Later, Colin comes to the shop to tell Dinah that he is quitting. He hides his face from her, and when she presses the issue, he reveals that he has been beaten as part of an initiation gauntlet run by a gang called the Warhogs. He refuses her help, and says that he has no choice but to do whatever he is told by the gang.

Green Arrow visits the surviving gay man in the hospital and promises to catch his lover's killer. Oliver disguises himself as a gay man and he is soon attacked by three young gang members. He overpowers them but discovers that one of the thugs is Colin.

Appearing in "Gauntlet"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Warhogs

Other Characters:

  • Colin





  • This issue is suggested for mature readers.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
