DC Database

"Batman: "The Night of Thanks, But No Thanks!"": Batman attempts to go into action on a night when he really should have stayed in bed because during his nightly patrol all he comes across are situations, that despite initial appearances, involve no criminal activity.

Quote1 Worst night of my life, Alfred. Absolutely, without a doubt, the most miserable night of my life. Quote2
— Bruce Wayne

Detective Comics #567 is an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1986.

Synopsis for Batman: "The Night of Thanks, But No Thanks!"

Batman attempts to go into action on a night when he really should have stayed in bed because during his nightly patrol all he comes across are situations, that despite initial appearances, involve no criminal activity. For this reason, his patrol ends up early and all he can do is complain about the situation to his trusted friend, Alfred.

Appearing in Batman: "The Night of Thanks, But No Thanks!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Officer Schwartz (Single appearance)
  • Charlene (Single appearance)
  • Rick (Single appearance)
  • Bernie (Single appearance)



Synopsis for Green Arrow: "The Face of Barricade!"

Barricade reveals his countenance to be the face of a skull, and tells Green Arrow he was once Lars, the monk whom GA once fought over the Book of the Ages, whose forces reduced him to a skeletal state. He says that the Book was restored by the monks of his faction through alchemical means, and that the spell which skeletenized him was reversed, as long as he remained in contact with the Book. With the Wisdom Key held within Onyx's headband, he can make the reversal permanent. Onyx, however, snatches her headband back, and Barricade leaves Green Arrow to grapple with her. The headband is then tossed to Black Canary, who has just arrived. Barricade overpowers her and snatches the headband, but Green Arrow uses his shafts to separate the Book of Ages from the pouch on Barricade's back in which it is carried. Barricade collapses into a mass of lifeless bones. Black Canary notes that the tiara does not carry the Wisdom Key any longer, and that Onyx is gone. Later, Onyx meets Tommy in the park, and gives him back the Wisdom Key, which she had stashed in his pocket for safekeeping during their kiss. Tommy indignantly says that Barricade could have hunted him down next. Onyx replies that, earlier, Tommy had tried to protect her from Barricade and wouldn't leave her. But now, she leaves him.

Appearing in Green Arrow: "The Face of Barricade!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Tommie




  • "The Night of Thanks, But No Thanks!" is reprinted in Detective Comics: 80 Years of Batman: The Deluxe Edition.
    • This is a story that writer Harlan Ellison promised to write for Julius Schwartz, during Schwartz's tenure as editor of Batman. However, Ellison delayed the script so much that it was published in this issue, eight years after Schwartz had left the Batman editorial office.[1] For this reason, the story is dedicated to Julius Schwartz.
  • This issue marks the end of Len Wein's run as editor of the Batman comics after four years, leaving the chores to Dennis O'Neil, who later became the group editor of the books until the end of the millennium.
  • This issue features the final appearance of Green Arrow's feature in Detective Comics. His next featured appearance is in his own mini-series Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters.
  • This is the last issue of Detective Comics to feature the Pre-Crisis Earth-One Batman (and associated characters) and the next issue features the New Earth Batman as a result of the change in direction from the entire company.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

  1. ↑ Man of Two Worlds; 2000 (Schwartz Autobiography)