DC Database

Gordon and Bullock's friendship is coming to a conclusion amidst the chaos following recent actions. Gordon is offered the position of Captain of the GCPD but he is hesitant about the situation. Meanwhile, Barbara, Tabitha and Selina are dispatched by Cobblepot to go and bring back Nygma after disco

Quote1 Sometimes, if you're not careful, friendship can blind you to what's staring you right in the face. Quote2

A Dark Knight: Stop Hitting Yourself is an episode of season 4 of Gotham. It premiered on November 9, 2017.

Synopsis for "A Dark Knight: Stop Hitting Yourself"

Gordon and Bullock's friendship is coming to a conclusion amidst the chaos following recent actions. Gordon is offered the position of Captain of the GCPD but he is hesitant about the situation. Meanwhile, Barbara, Tabitha and Selina are dispatched by Cobblepot to go and bring back Nygma after discovering he is making fun of him the fight club. However, Solomon's memories begin to return, which may threaten their business in the fight club. Also, Gordon finally confronts Sofia Falcone.

Appearing in "A Dark Knight: Stop Hitting Yourself"

Featured Characters:

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  • No trivia.

See Also

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Links and References

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