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Wikify, wfy, wikiize, wiki-ise, etc.
To format using Wiki markup (as opposed to plain text or HTML) and add internal links to material, incorporating it into the whole of the DC Database. Noun: wikification; gerund: wikifying. See also Wikipedia:How to edit a page, Wikipedia:Guide to layout and Wikipedia:Make only links relevant to the context.
A link to another Wikipedia page or to an anchor on the same page, as opposed to an external link. For policy, see Wikipedia:Only make links that are relevant to the context, Wikipedia:Build the web. For mechanics, see Wikipedia:Canonicalization, Wikipedia:Help:Section#Section linking, Wikipedia:How to edit a page#Links and URLs, and Wikipedia:Citing sources/Further considerations#Wikilinks to full references. See also free link and piped link.
Wiki markup, wikitext, wiki text, wiki-text, etc.
Code like HTML, but simplified and more convenient, for example '''boldfaced text''' instead of <b>boldfaced text</b>. It is the source code stored in the database and shown in the edit box. Searching by the Wikipedia software is done in the wikitext, as opposed to searching by external major search engines, which is done in the resulting text. The size of a page is the size of the wikitext. See also Wikipedia:How to edit a page, Wikipedia:Guide to layout.

If you are a requester:

Articles from time to time lose the wiki syntax they (hopefully) had when they were first created. If you notice such an article, add the {{Wikify}} so we can go back and fix broken links, etc.

If you are an editor:

To wikify, go through the article tidying wiki-syntactical errors, broken links and adding missing links where appropriate. When your work on that article is complete remove the {{Wikify}} tag from the article. If there is at least one link in the history or synopsis section, most templates will remove the article from this category.

Text for this page was copied from Wikipedia:Glossary

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