DC Database

Quote1 I know you don't want to send Desmond to Hell, but that doesn't have to be the end of the story. You of all people can find a way to keep fighting for him. Go to New Orleans and set things right. Quote2
—Zari Tomaz

Legends of To-Meow-Meow is an episode of season 4 of DC's Legends of Tomorrow. It premiered on December 10, 2018.

Synopsis for "Legends of To-Meow Meow"

Appearing in "Legends of To-Meow Meow"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Custodians of the Chronology's Timeline characters
    • The Dragon (Single appearance) (Appears only as a corpse) (Erased)
    • Leprechauns (First appearance)
      • Red (Single appearance; dies)
    • Marilyn Monroe (Single appearance) (As an illusion only)
    • The Minotaur (Single appearance) (Appears only as a corpse) (Erased)
    • Sara Lance (Single appearance) (Deceased) (In a photograph only) (Cameo)
    • Amaya Jiwe (Mentioned only)
    • The Demonic Unicorn (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
    • The Fairy Godmother (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
    • Konane the Kaupe (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
  • Earth-1 characters
  • Garden Gnome's Timeline chracters
    • Hank Heywood (Single appearance) (Deceased) (In a photograph only) (Cameo)
    • Nate Heywood (Single appearance) (Deceased) (In a photograph only) (Cameo)
    • The Garden Gnome (Mentioned only)
  • Puppets of Tomorrow's Timeline characters
    • Time Bureau (Puppets of Tomorrow's Timeline) (Single appearance) (Erased)
      • Ava Sharpe (Single appearance) (Erased) (Cameo)
      • Gary Green (Single appearance) (Erased) (Cameo)
    • Napoleon Bonaparte (Mentioned only)
    • Reptilians (Mentioned only)
  • Sirens of the Space-Time's Timeline characters
    • Mick Rory (Single appearance) (Deceased) (In a photograph only) (Cameo)
    • Nate Heywood (Single appearance) (Deceased) (In a photograph only) (Cameo)
    • Ray Palmer (Single appearance) (Deceased) (In a photograph only) (Cameo)
    • Amaya Jiwe (Mentioned only)
    • The Fairy Godmother (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
  • Time Bureau (Mt. Vesuvius' Timeline) (Single appearance) (Erased) (Cameo)
    • Gary Green (Single appearance) (Deceased) (In a photograph only) (Cameo)
  • Time Bureau (Unknown Timeline) (Single appearance) (Erased) (Cameo)
  • Kara Zor-El (Earth-38) (Mentioned only)
  • Indigo Girls (Mentioned only)



  • Anansi Totem (As an illusion only)
  • A.T.O.M. Exosuit
  • The Atom's Laser Rifle (Single appearance) (Erased)
  • Cold Gun
  • The Fairy Godmother's Wand
  • Garima's Sword
  • Heat Wave's Heat Gun
  • Martin Stein's Doll (Possessed)
  • Memory Flasher
  • Nate Heywood's Crossbow (Single appearance) (Erased)
  • Rebecca Silver's novels
    • "Uncaged Desire"
  • Rip Hunter's Gun


  • Waverider (Also in erased timelines)
    • Jump Ship



  • This episode marks the first time that the Legends are referred to as the "Legends of Tomorrow" in any Arrowverse episode.
  • Multiple timelines are created as a consequence of the Legends' time travels, including:
    • A timeline, which was born in the epilogue of the previous episode as a consequence of Constantine never joining the Legends, where the Custodians of the Chronology were formed after Sara Lance was killed by the unicorn in Woodstock;
    • A timeline where the Sirens of Space-Time were created as a consequence of the Fairy-Godmother killing Nate, Rory and Ray in Salem;
    • A timeline where, in the aftermath of the changes in the previous timeline, Rory called the Legends Time Bureau's puppets so the Fairy-Godmother transformed them literally into puppets. Ava Sharpe also somehow died in this timeline;
    • A timeline where Nate Heywood and Hank Heywood were murdered by a Garden Gnome;
    • A timeline where Gary Green accidentally died on Mt. Vesuvius;
    • A timeline where Constantine never joined the Legends and all the Legends and the Time Bureau members are alive; in this timeline, as a consequence of never meeting Charlie, the Legends murder all the magical creatures.


See Also

Recommended Media

  • None.

Links and References

  • None.

