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Web Intelligence - Volume 22, issue 2

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Price: EUR 130.00
ISSN 2405-6464 (E)
ISSN 2405-6456 (P)

Formerly Web Intelligence and Agent Systems (ISSN print 1570-1263, ISSN online 1875-9289)

Impact Factor 2024: 0.2

Web Intelligence (WI) is an official journal of the Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC), an international organization dedicated to promoting collaborative scientific research and industrial development in the era of Web intelligence. WI seeks to collaborate with major societies and international conferences in the field. WI is a peer-reviewed journal, which publishes four issues a year, in both online and print form.

WI aims to achieve a multi-disciplinary balance between research advances in theories and methods usually associated with Collective Intelligence, Data Science, Human-Centric Computing, Knowledge Management, and Network Science. It is committed to publishing research that both deepen the understanding of computational, logical, cognitive, physical, and social foundations of the future Web, and enable the development and application of technologies based on Web intelligence. The journal features high-quality, original research papers (including state-of-the-art reviews), brief papers, and letters in all theoretical and technology areas that make up the field of WI.

Intelligence model for Alzheimer’s disease detection with optimal trained deep hybrid model

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Test suite optimization under multi-objective constraints for software fault detection and localization: Hybrid optimization based model

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Optimal hybrid classification model for event recommendation system

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Deep learning-based path tracking control using lane detection and traffic sign detection for autonomous driving

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SMoGW-based deep CNN: Plant disease detection and classification using SMoGW-deep CNN classifier

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Over comparative study of text summarization techniques based on graph neural networks

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Hybrid deep model for brain age prediction in MRI with improved chi-square based selected features

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Internet of Things assisted Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Pest Detection with Optimized Deep Learning Model

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