#dev 2024-09-22

2024-09-22 UTC
[schmarty], troojg and [tantek] joined the channel
my CSS game is ramping up. just wrote `a:hover:has(>picture:only-child)`
Super Saiyan! `a:hover:has(>:is(picture, video, iframe):only-child)`
jonnybarnes, ttybitnik and oodani joined the channel
Sadly text nodes don't count so this will make me have to insert spans 😦
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
There's a feud in the HTML5 spec about how to markup scripts iirc - there's a argument for dl which is presentational, and one for <cite><q> iirc
doesnm joined the channel
troojg, __DuBPiRaTe__ and [qubyte] joined the channel
Has is such a game changer. I use it to position ruby text for furigana based on a class on the body:
```body:has(.furigana-position option[value="over"]:checked) {
ruby-position: over;
-webkit-ruby-position: before;
(similar for under and off)
[tantek] I have bad news, you and a few other web BF users got hit by a weird bug that ended up wiping your old posts
(from the fediverse and Bluesky)
rare untested code path. lesson learned, even when something seems like it doesn't need a test, or it's harder to test, eg UI...write tests anyway
tests has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
I can search for your posts on a fediverse instance, and they then show up again and get attached to your profile, eg https://indieweb.social/@tantek.com@tantek.com
still looking at exactly what/how I can repair
(no other regulars here got hit afaict)
[preview] Tantek Γ‡elik
No worries [snarfed]! It's "just" distribution right? And for old posts they've already been seen and scrolled off
I suppose there's some loss from showing up in rarer tag search results but hey happy to be part of helping things work better
agreed! in some sense yeah the distribution channels are imperfect lossy caches
tests++ can't do that enough
tests has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
unrelated, just saw "technorati for source code repos" proposed in a chat elsewhere πŸ˜† πŸ€”
[snarfed] What would that mean?
I'm sure there are some fascinating studies you could do on dependency graphs now I think about it.
I wonder if GitHub exposes the data in their Dependencies feature via their API.
all their basic repo and language-specific dependency data is in BigQuery
(and I have no clue what it means but I'm sure we could invent something πŸ€ͺ)
CRISPR and sp1ff joined the channel