Necrozma (game)

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ネクロズマ Necrozma
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Pokemon Moon Alola ART Book cover.jpg
Art of Necrozma with Nebby
from the Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon Alola ART Book
Debuts in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Caught at Mount Lanakila
Gender Gender Unknown
Ability Prism Armor (Necrozma)
Neuroforce (Ultra Necrozma)
Current location With the player or Mount Lanakila
This Pokémon is fully evolved.

Necrozma (Japanese: ネクロズマ Necrozma), also referred to as the Blinding One (Japanese: かがやきさま Radiant One) by the Ultra Recon Squad, and known as the pillager of light (Japanese: (ひかり)略奪者(りゃくだつしゃ) pillager of light) in Alola mythology, is a major antagonist in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. it serves as one of the main threats in the game, looking to take the light of the Alola region in order to regain its original form and power.

In the core series

Character profile

Main article: Necrozma (Pokémon)

Necrozma was worshiped by the people in Ultra Megalopolis and described as the "Blinding One." In the Alola region, Necrozma was seen as a threat by Alola's ancients, and had its history erased. In Pokémon Sun and Moon Necrozma is mostly an unknown Pokémon who appears similar to that of an Ultra Beast.

In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Necrozma is a Pokémon that is rather violent and aggressive, seeking out the light it once lost as a result of its injuries. This behavior has resulted in it being locked up and seen as greedy, leaving the Pokémon to have impurities build up in its body and crystalize due to a lack of light. The Aether Foundation wants to prevent any future harm to Alola that Necrozma may cause. Necrozma is less aggressive by the end of the game, but remains in constant pain, only attacking if provoked. Lillie sees this problem and provides the player with Nebby to give Necrozma the light and sustenance that it may need, knowing that both Pokémon may cooperate with one another.


See also: Necrozma → Form data

Necrozma has four forms, its regular, weakened form, its Dusk Mane Necrozma Form, its Dawn Wings Necrozma Form and its original, Ultra Necrozma Form. Necrozma used to be permanently in its Ultra form; however, after an incident with the ancestors of the Ultra Recon Squad, it lost its light and was reduced to its weakened, dark form, it transforms into Dusk Mane NecrozmaUS/Dawn Wings NecrozmaUM after absorbing Nebby, shortly after it evolved into a SolgaleoUS/LunalaUM and into Ultra Necrozma after it manages to absorb enough light while still possessing Nebby, allowing it perform an Ultra Burst and return to its original and most powerful form.

Necrozma Dusk Mane Necrozma Dawn Wings Necrozma Ultra Necrozma
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Pokemon Moon Alola ART Book cover.jpg 0800Necrozma-Dusk Mane 2.png 0800Necrozma-Dawn Wings 2.png Ultra Burst artwork.png


In Alola's ancient history, Necrozma was once viewed as the "Blinding One" whose light was scattered across Ultra Space, going through Ultra Wormholes and into the Alola region. This light, now known as Z-Power, would spread through Ultra Wormholes and into other dimensions, creating the energy used for Z-Moves and the aura that surrounds Ultra Beasts and Totem Pokémon. The people of Ultra Megalopolis attempted to gain control of Necrozma in order to recreate the light it shares. This injured Necrozma, causing it to become aggressive, transforming its body into a black prism-like shape, and putting the Pokémon in constant pain, seeking out the light that it once had. According to Professor Kukui, pieces of its body were chipped off and scattered creating the Z-Crystals and Sparkling Stones that are used to form Z-Rings and Z-Power Rings found in Alola.

Necrozma had attempted to recover this stolen light in Ultra Megalopolis and return to its original state, resulting in Ultra Megalopolis being shrouded in darkness. Necrozma was locked up in Megalo Tower for its violence, preventing it from escaping.

Necrozma, looking to devour Alola's light, had made its way into the region and putting it into darkness. Necrozma was met by the guardian tapu and the region's Legendary Pokémon, SolgaleoUS/LunalaUM, battling with them at Tapu Village. Necrozma had succeeded in this fight against the Legendary Pokémon, resulting in a transformation where Necrozma had taken the light coming from SolgaleoUS/LunalaUM and turning it into Dusk ManeUS/Dawn WingsUM Necrozma. Now dubbed the "pillager of light" by the king of Alola, the Tapu and a youth had fought against Necrozma, using the Z-Power from Z-Crystals and Sparkling Stones. This story had created the tradition of the young going on their island challenge. Information about Necrozma was erased from history and most, but not all, historical books written about the Pokémon were burned.

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Whether the Necrozma encountered here is the same Necrozma found in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon or a different one altogether is unknown.

After the player has caught all the Ultra Beasts found in Alola, they will tell Anabel and Wicke at Aether Paradise about their work. Looker of the International Police comes into the room, notifying the group of an Ultra Beast that is colored black but was somehow refracting light like a prism. However, the International Police has stated that all the Ultra Beasts they have identified have been caught. The player goes to Ten Carat Hill to encounter the mysterious Pokémon, the same way they did with the Ultra Beasts. This Pokémon turns out to be the Legendary Necrozma. If the player catches Necrozma, they can talk to Looker on Route 2's motel and he will look at Necrozma's Pokédex data. Looker notices that it matches perfectly with what he had seen before, but concludes it must just be a rare Pokémon.

While the encounter method is the same as the Ultra Beasts, Necrozma is unaffected by Beast Balls, and its name appears during battle rather than displaying as ???, allowing it to be registered as seen in the Pokédex.

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Necrozma was being researched by the Aether Foundation and members of the Ultra Recon Squad under orders of the Aether Foundation's president, Lusamine. Lusamine had been told history about Necrozma, and it's escape from Megalo Tower, hoping to prevent its appearance in Alola. In the process, her and the Ultra Recon Squad began research on a Cosmog, a Pokémon who can create Ultra Wormholes. With Cosmog's power, she can go into Ultra Space and encounter Necrozma on her own. Knowing that overuse of this power will harm the Cosmog, Lillie had taken Nebby away from Aether Paradise with Lusamine ordering the Ultra Recon Squad to track down the girl and Nebby. Throughout the story, the player will encounter two members of the Recon Squad who will provide them with information on Cosmog, Necrozma, and any relevant history between them and Alola.

Necrozma first appears in person once the player and Lillie make it to Poni's altar. After the events of Lusamine using Nebby's power at Aether Paradise and leaving into Ultra Space, the two summon the Legendary Pokémon with Alola's ritual: by evolving Nebby into SolgaleoUS/LunalaUM. Lillie and the player are amazed by this, only to be interrupted by an Ultra Wormhole appearing behind them. Team Skull's Boss, Guzma is dumped from the wormhole, followed by Lillie's mother, Lusamine. Lusamine warns Lillie to stay away from the monster, with Necrozma reaching through the Ultra Wormhole and making its way into Alola. Nebby takes action and fights against Necrozma, resulting in its defeat. Necrozma pins down Nebby and absorbs its light, transforming into Dusk ManeUS/Dawn WingsUM Necrozma. With light being drawn from Alola, Poni Island is covered in darkness.

The player fights against the now transformed Necrozma and wins. As a form of retreat, Necrozma summons more Ultra Wormholes across the Alola region, unleashing multiple Ultra Beasts and alerting the region's guardians. Necrozma returns into Ultra Megalopolis and attempts to revert back into its original state. Horrified at the events that just occurred, the group meets the Ultra Recon Squad, who provide information on where Necrozma had run off to and what should be done. The player is given the squadron's LunalaUS/SolgaleoUM to traverse through Ultra Space and makes their way to Ultra Megalopolis. Being informed by two other members of the Ultra Recon Squad, the player is told that Necrozma is at Megalo Tower. They make their way up through the illuminated building where they see Necrozma going through Ultra Burst, transforming into Ultra Necrozma, and initiate a battle with it. Necrozma is engulfed with Z-Power, illuminated by a yellow aura which raises all of its stats. After a difficult fight with it, Necrozma is defeated and light shines down on Alola once again. Nebby is freed from Necrozma's grasp and it goes home with the player.

Necrozma disappears, only to be discovered again by the player while traveling up Mount Lanakila. The weakened Necrozma is found in a crater, and seeks light, leaving the player the option to choose to activate a battle with a higher catch rate than it had in Sun and Moon. After the fight, Necrozma leaves a piece of Ultranecrozium Z, which it can use to temporarily return to its Ultra Necrozma form through Ultra Burst. If caught, Colress appears and provides the player with the N-Solarizer and N-Lunarizer, allowing the player to fuse Necrozma with any Solgaleo or Lunala they may own. In the post-game, Lillie and Nebby can be found on Mahalo Trail, who suggests that Necrozma would not suffer as much if it was closer to Nebby's light, and offers the Pokémon to the player.


Pokémon Sun and Moon

Ten Carat Hill

In Sun and Moon, Necrozma, Like all the Ultra Beasts, Necrozma will respawn immediately after its defeat and the player can re-encounter the Pokémon by walking into the tall grass a second time. Unlike the Ultra Beasts, there is no music indicating its presence, using the normal Ten Carat Hill track that plays in the location. Necrozma uses the "Battle! (Solgaleo/Lunala)" theme that also plays against Solgaleo and Lunala. Necrozma's name also appears as normal and not unknown. It is coded to never be Shiny.

Psychic Unknown
Prism Armor
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Necrozma Lv.75
Stealth Rock
Rock Status
Iron Defense
Steel Status
Wring Out
Normal Special
Prismatic Laser
Psychic Special

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Necrozma cannot be caught until it is found at Mount Lanakila. It is shiny locked in all encounters and its catch rate is higher than it was in Sun and Moon.

Altar of the SunneUS/Altar of the MooneUM

Necrozma has fused with Nebby and attacks both the player and Lillie during the story. It cannot be captured. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, the plot will progress. It is coded to never be Shiny.

Pokémon Ultra Sun

800Necrozma-Dusk Mane.png
Psychic Steel
Prism Armor
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Necrozma Lv.50
Sunsteel Strike
Steel Physical
Morning Sun
Normal Status
Psycho Cut
Psychic Physical
Night Slash
Dark Physical

Pokémon Ultra Moon

800Necrozma-Dawn Wings.png
Psychic Ghost
Prism Armor
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Necrozma Lv.50
Moongeist Beam
Ghost Special
Fairy Status
Psychic Special
Power Gem
Rock Special
Megalo Tower (Ultra Megalopolis)

Ultra Necrozma appears using the light it got from being fused with Nebby and undergoes the effects of Ultra Burst. It cannot be caught and must be defeated. It is coded to never be Shiny. Necrozma is flared with a yellow aura and has all of its stats raised by one stage.

Aura: +1 in all stats

Psychic Dragon
Held item:
None.png None None.png
Necrozma Lv.60
Photon Geyser
Psychic Special
Smart Strike
Steel Physical
Power Gem
Rock Special
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Special
Mount Lanakila

Necrozma is now able to be caught. Necrozma will be holding an Ultranecrozium Z; as a result, its item cannot be swapped and is unaffected by the effects of moves like Knock Off. Necrozma cannot use Z-Moves or perform Ultra Burst due to not being fused with Solgaleo or Lunala. After its defeat, Necrozma will drop a piece of Ultranecrozium Z, allowing the player to add it to their collection of Z-Crystals. Colress will give the player the N-Solarizer and N-Lunarizer after it has been caught. It is coded to never be Shiny.

Psychic Unknown
Prism Armor
Held item:
Bag Ultranecrozium Z Sprite.png Ultranecrozium Z
Necrozma Lv.65
Photon Geyser
Psychic Special
Iron Defense
Steel Status
Power Gem
Rock Special
Night Slash
Dark Physical

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

While Necrozma doesn't appear in person in Pokémon Masters EX, Lusamine references the Pokémon from the one found in Alola, similar to Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. After thinking that Necrozma is a harmful Pokémon that could steal the light of the world, she realizes treating them with kindness is a better way to go about protecting them. Lusamine pairs up with a different Necrozma in this game, taking into account of her previous actions with the former Necrozma.

In animation

Pokémon Evolutions

As a part of The Eclipse, Necrozma is found coming through an Ultra Wormhole after dumping a defeated Guzma and Lusamine on the floor of the Altar of the Moone. Lusamine warns Lillie to get away from the monster who had defeated her. In a rush, the fully evolved Nebby, now a Lunala initiates a fight with Necrozma to protect the group. However, Necrozma wins the brawl and pins Nebby down, resulting in Necrozma's transformation into Dawn Wings Necrozma by absorbing Nebby's light. The episode ends with a determined Lillie and Selene ready to battle the Pokémon.


See also: Light trio
As Necrozma As Dawn Wings Necrozma
Necrozma Evolutions.png Dawn Wings Necrozma Evolutions.png

Moves used

Necrozma Psycho Cut Evolutions.png
Using Psycho Cut
Move First Used In
Psycho Cut The Eclipse
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


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Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Website/box backgrounds



0800Necrozma-Dusk Mane 2.png 0800Necrozma-Dawn Wings 2.png
Cover art of Dusk Mane
Necrozma for Pokémon Ultra Sun
Cover art of Dawn Wings
Necrozma for Pokémon Ultra Moon
Necrozma Web Banner.png
Artwork of Necrozma from the Japanese Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon website
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon story artwork.png Ultra Burst artwork.png
Story artwork for
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Promotional artwork for
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon


Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Pokemon Moon Alola ART Book cover.jpg
Cover for the
Alola ART Book


  • Necrozma is the first Pokémon to act as the main antagonist of a core series game.

In other languages

050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: several languages for "pillager of light"


Language Title
Japan Flag.png Japanese ネクロズマ Necrozma
Chinese Cantonese 奈克洛茲瑪 Noihhāklokjī'máh
Mandarin 奈克洛茲瑪 / 奈克洛兹玛 Nàikèluòzīmǎ
France Flag.png French Necrozma
Germany Flag.png German Necrozma
Italy Flag.png Italian Necrozma
South Korea Flag.png Korean 네크로즈마 Necrozma
Russia Flag.png Russian Некрозма Nekrozma
Spain Flag.png Spanish Necrozma
Thailand Flag.png Thai เนครอสมา Nekrotma

Blinding One

Language Title
Japan Flag.png Japanese かがやきさま Kagayaku-sama
Chinese Cantonese 光輝大神 Gwōngfāi Daaihsàhn
Mandarin 光輝大神 / 光辉大神 Guānghuī Dàshén
Finland Flag.png Finnish Sokaiseva valo
France Flag.png French Grand Radieux
Germany Flag.png German Seine Lumineszenz
Italy Flag.png Italian Splendente
South Korea Flag.png Korean 빛나는 그분 Binnaneun Geubun
Portuguese Brazil Flag.png Brazil Reluzente
Portugal Flag.png Portugal Resplandescente
Spain Flag.png Spanish El Refulgente

Pillager of light

Language Title
Japan Flag.png Japanese ひかりのりゃくだつしゃ
France Flag.png French pilleur de lumière
Spain Flag.png Spanish Usurpador de la Luz


Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Necrozma.

Non-player characters in the core series games
Alola Professor KukuiMomLillieNebbyHauRotomProfessor BurnetMolayneSamson OakRyukiMohn
Team SkullAether FoundationUltra Recon SquadTeam Rainbow Rocket
Trial CaptainsIsland kahunasElite FourName RaterJudgeMr. HyperGester
Project CharacterDex logo.png This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.