This is shadow298’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 878
  2. wishlist 932
  3. followers 22
  4. following 376
  1. Dustwalker
    by New Fallen Empire
  2. Rinse And Repeat
    by Beastial Piglord
  3. The Unseen
    by Klone
  4. Twin Obsidian
    by Miscellen
  5. Singularity
    by Symphony of the Damned
  6. Vanderwalls - "Life Like Liar"
    by Forbidden Place Records
  7. Yellow Sands; Or, Eight Tales of Pixie Mischief
    by Cries for Colour
  8. Unforgiving Heatwaves of Psychosis and Deforestation
    by Kryatjurr of Desert Ahd
  9. Kinship
    by IOTUNN
  10. Druknroll - Gross Puzzle
    by Drukhroll
  11. Amituofo
    by Dhyana
  12. Reflections
    by The Black Wizards
  13. Mortal Coil
    by Dödsrit
  14. Dödsrit
    by Dödsrit
  15. Nocturnal Will
    by Dödsrit
  16. Nemesis
    by Parasol Caravan
  17. Yūgen
    by Ashbringer
  18. We Came Here to Grieve
    by Ashbringer
  19. Our
    by Notturno
  20. Do Spirits Return? - EP
    by Eight Foot Manchild