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Quote1 There weren't any devils on this island... No... Just humans. I... finally understand how Reiner feels... All these people I'd never even met before... I... Just decided they were devils. I boarded... that airship... And since then... I've been doing the same thing over and over... Quote2
— Gabi completely lets go of hatred toward the the people of Paradis[5]

Gabi Braun (ガビ・ブラウン Gabi Buraun?) is an Eldian who lived in the Liberio internment zone and the cousin of Reiner Braun.[6] She is a Warrior candidate (戦士候補生 Senshi Kōho-sei?, also translated as "Warrior Cadet") that is likely to inherit the Armored Titan power.[7]


Gabi is a small, young girl with a petite yet athletic build. She has a small face with wide brown eyes and defined eyebrows, a small upturned nose and a notably radiant smile. She has medium length black hair which she keeps half tied above her head with large strands on each side of her face. Like her fellow Warrior candidates, she wears the standard Marleyan soldier uniform consisting of a white jacket and pants, supply packs on the hip, suspender straps, a hard hat with a stripe around it, and knee-high black combat boots.

As an Eldian, her uniform is different from the Marleyans, as her shirt collar has a small badge with the Eldian star instead of a small clip and her hat has a white stripe with the Eldian star on it instead of a pure black stripe. However, underneath her uniform, she wears a short tattered light dress with poorly made thigh-length light-colored shorts. Gabi's casual wear consists of a white shirt, black dress, a thigh-length mantle, and dark loafers. As is law in Marley, Gabi also wears the Eldian armband as all her family members and ancestors residing there do so as well.


Gabi is very passionate and head-strong, expressing her emotions and opinions without inhibition. She is also brave, possessing boundless determination, and willing to put her life on the line to complete a goal for a perceived greater good. She also shows great concern for her fellow Eldians, risking her life to take out a train instead of letting 800 of her brethren charge the gunmen guarding their objective.[8]

However, these attributes can also make her somewhat overbearing and domineering. This causes her to be tactless at times, forcing her opinions on others and taking charge regardless of whether it was asked for or not. She mostly shows this side around her fellow Warrior candidates, considering herself their de facto leader to an extent, and even threatening to 'punish' them when they disagree with her. Nonetheless, she is friendly enough that they have no issue with spending their leisure time with her.

Like many of the Eldians living in Marley, she holds an intense hatred for the people of Paradis Island due to the false history she was raised up with.[9] Aside from her resolve and determination, Gabi is care-free even on the battlefield, making remarks about her cuteness and claiming her commander loves her too much to sacrifice her. After the truth about Karl Fritz's collaboration with the Tybur family to end the Eldian Empire is revealed, she is seen wholly shocked, and her firm belief about Eldians in Paradis Island as evil is challenged. Her hatred of the people of Paradis Island is such that she shows no qualms after killing any of them.[10] She holds a strong sense of pride in being a 'true' Eldian and does not remove her armband under any circumstances; if forcibly removed, she will do anything to get it back and fears that without it, she will become just like the evil Eldians on Paradis.[11]

Although Gabi is quite smart, having the intelligence to craft a bomb capable of derailing an armored train meant for taking out the strongest Titans while huddling in a ditch with limited supplies, and forming a plan to get close enough to perform said action,[12] she is entirely oblivious and obtuse regarding other matters. Even though the other candidates are aware of Falco's obvious crush on her, Gabi remains unaware despite several people commenting on it while in her presence; even when Falco practically yelled it to her, she failed to figure it out. However, when Falco properly explained it to her, she was taken aback by it and could only blush at the news.

Gabi curses at the Survey Corps

Gabi fanatically curses the Survey Corps soldiers as devils

Though Gabi's passion is one of her greatest strengths, having allowed her to become the skilled soldier she is, it is also her greatest flaw. It drives her vengeful side to the point of extreme rashness and an almost complete disregard of common sense, leading her to believe she could kill the entire Survey Corps single-handedly, despite them having taken out several Warriors and dozens of Marleyan soldiers. Unlike Falco, it also causes her to be very rigid and self-righteous in her beliefs, still seeing the Eldians of Paradis Island as devils and different from the "true Eldians" of Marley despite the revelations made public during the Tybur festival. She dismisses the Survey Corps and Anti-Marleyan Volunteers' reasons for the invasion of Liberio, even psychotically ranting at them after being captured that she will continue to fight them.


Gabi is fearful of the possibility of death

During her time on Paradis, she still expressed her superiority as a "true Eldian" but is surprised that many of the actions of the Eldians on Paradis directly contradict what she has been raised to believe; she recalls that her cousin Reiner mentioned similar experiences while on Paradis during the Paradis Island Operation.[13] After interacting with Kaya and Lisa Blouse, Gabi begins to harbor some doubts about the Eldians on Paradis Island being monsters. Despite willing to put her life on the line in service of Marley many times, Gabi is actually quite scared at the thought of dying; when she was at the mercy of Mr. Blouse, Gabi expresses true fear and does nothing to try and defend herself, remaining completely motionless.[14]

By the time of the Marleyan counter attack against Paradis, Gabi has completely let go of her hatred against the people of Paradis and no longer sees them as devils. When she hears Mrs. Blouse's concern over them and Kaya's justified anger, Gabi breaks down in tears while confessing the faults in her prior beliefs. Gabi confessed that she finally understood her cousin Reiner's feelings and claimed, "There were no devils on this island, there were only people. We, these people we had not even ever seen, all of them, we decided they were devils."[5]

Right after the commotion of the Rumbling, Gabi is at a crossroads in her life. She realizes that people living in Paradis are no different from themselves and begins fighting against Eren Yeager, who has become the true enemy of humanity, to save everyone.


Marley arc

Gabi crafts a bomb

Gabi crafts a make-shift bomb

During the Marleyan war with the Mid-East Allied Forces, Gabi is present among 800+ other Eldians fighting on behalf of Marley. However, she and some of her friends such as Udo, Zofia, and Falco Grice are valued as Warrior candidates with the potential to inherit the Armored Titan power. When Falco's brother Colt returns to their hiding trench with his wounded brother, Gabi and her fellow candidates tend to his wounds as she re-explains their objective to him. When Udo begins to panic in fear of their military failing, he wraps Falco's bandages too tightly and Gabi scolds him. Upon Falco wondering why they were on the front lines as candidates, Gabi explains that it is so they could be evaluated by Commander Magath for their capabilities as successors to the Armored Titan power. When Zofia begins to boast about her grades, Gabi interrupts her by explaining her superior resolve to kill all the people of Paradis Island and free the people trapped in the Liberio. Falco then asks her about the item she is fiddling with and Gabi grins as she shows it off.[15]

Gabi takes out the armored train

The armored train is derailed by Gabi's bomb

When the enemy emerges with an armored train, Commander Magath makes a plan to have 800 Eldian Warriors charge the mid-eastern gunmen guarding the base to create an opening. However, Gabi interrupts Magath's idea with her own; promising that she and her home-made bomb can take out the anti-Titan artillery alone, without dying or sacrificing their Warriors. At first, she is denied, but after playfully proclaiming her worth and expendability at the same time, the commander agrees to let her take off her Eldian armband and go. Gabi undresses down to her underclothes and ties the bomb to her ankle, making it appear as shackles. She leaves the ditch and approaches the gunmen with her hands up, looking terrified. When she pretends to trip, she takes the opportunity to throw the bomb on the train tracks and derail the armored train, simultaneously killing the gunmen as she runs away laughing. When one enemy survives, he begins shooting at her as she heads for the ditch. She jumps down in time and collides with Falco who had rushed over to save her, while at the same time being shielded by the appearance of Porco Galliard's Titan. When she sees the Titan, she shows great joy and then watches as he kills the last gunmen standing.[16]

While she puts her clothes back on, she sees how Falco has brought an injured enemy soldier to the trench. She mocks him, telling him that there is no way he can surpass her as a possible heir of the Armored Titan by following an international law.[17] After stating how weird Falco is to her, she witnesses the second phase of the assault over Fort Slava, executed by Zeke Yeager and Reiner Braun, while her superior states how Eldians once ate his people just like how the Titans are eating their enemies now.[18] After witnessing Reiner's defeat, she remains doubtful about the power of the Titans.[19]

Gabi celebrates her victory

Gabi is labeled as The Eldian Goddess, the hero of the Battle of Fort Slava

After the battle has ended, Gabi is seen waiting with her comrades in a port. The children state how the power of the Titans is starting to lose its dominance. They also see several enemy soldiers who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and come to the conclusion that those survivors will only give the Eldians a worse reputation.[20] When Reiner appears, she seems very happy upon seeing him and hugs him. She states how happy she is because they can finally go back to Liberio and decides to take a walk with Reiner and the rest of her comrades. She appears offended when Falco says that Reiner should rest and yells that Falco is the one who should take a nap before being convinced by Reiner to go in a different direction.[21]

Gabi is then seen on a train towards her homeland, surrounded by the surviving Eldian forces. Colt gets drunk and starts praising her and the way her idea managed to save the lives of 800 Eldian soldiers. Motivated by his speech, all present soldiers start drinking and cheering her name while Gabi cries because of the emotion.[22]

The train reaches the Liberio Headquarters, and Gabi jumps out eagerly, happy to have returned to her hometown. She begins yelling out about returning home, before being quieted down by Reiner.[23] Gabi spots Falco turning around to look at Reiner. She gets irritated by this, and questions what Falco was doing, threatening to report him.[24]

Reiner at dinner

Gabi and her family ask Reiner about his time inside the Walls

Gabi re-enters the Internment Zone and joyfully reunites with her parents, who praise her for her bravery in the war. Gabi then greets her aunt, who invites the whole family around for a celebration at her house.[25]

At the family dinner, Gabi recounts her experience of blowing up the Armored Train, warranting congratulations from her family. When asked by his mother, Reiner admits that Gabi is currently first in line to inherit the Armored Titan. Karina says that all that is left to do is to exterminate the people of Paradis Island, which Gabi swears to do. When the topic of Reiner's time in Paradis Island appears, Gabi expresses sympathy towards Reiner, telling her family not to make Reiner talk about it.[26] Despite this, Reiner begins to tell the family about his experiences with the people of Paradis Island, but his words confuse Gabi as the Wall people are not painted in a negative light compared to typical Marley propaganda. This confusion however, is stamped out when Karina Braun begins to shower Marley propaganda back onto Gabi, saying Eldians can only be recognized as good people when the evil people of Paradis Island have been prevented from releasing their Titans and destroying the world. Gabi listens to these ideas and accepts them.[27]

Gabi and Reiner are soon summoned to the Warriors' headquarters. On the way, Gabi is praised by numerous Eldians, and is even asked about her experience by some Marleyan soldiers, but refuses to talk openly about the battle. Reiner notes that this seems out of character for her, but she insists that he is acting stranger, and is lying about his experiences on Paradis Island. Once she arrives at the Warriors' headquarters, she begins training with Falco.[28]

Confused Gabi

Gabi is confused by Falco's reasoning

During training, she is beaten by Falco in a footrace for the first time. On the way back to the internment zone, she is annoyed by a soldier's comment and reminds her friends that her achievements make her a better candidate than Falco. Seeing how determined he looks, she asks him about his motivations, reminding him of his brother's status. Falco tells her it is for her sake, which surprises and angers her, having the feeling that he gets in her way. The same day, she watches the preparations for the festival with Udo and Zofia. As they discuss about the Eldian's situation, she reminds them of their job for the night and tells them to correct their quirks, then chokes them as a punishment for having cheered for Falco earlier.[29]

In the evening, she works as a waitress with her fellow candidates for the ambassadors welcome party. Seeing Udo having trouble, she approaches him, and the four candidates then listen to Willy Tybur's declaration to the guests.[30]

The Warrior cadets' reaction

Gabi and the others shocked at Tybur's revelation about the truth behind the Great Titan War

The following day, she wakes up late and gets out to see many attractions in the internment zone. She is joined by her friends who tell her about the festival and take her with them. During the day, she enjoys the event with Reiner and the others. Later on, Reiner has to drag her as she has eaten too much. At night, her group joins the other Warriors to hear Willy Tybur's speech.[31]

Gabi watches Tybur's production along with her fellow Warriors and Warrior candidates. When Tybur reveals that it was actually Karl Fritz, not the Tybur family, who ended the Great Titan War, Gabi and her fellow candidates are left stunned.[32]

She and the others hear the rest of Willy's speech and his declaration of war against Paradis Island. Suddenly, Eren's Attack Titan comes forth to crush the stage, sending Willy's eviscerated corpse into the air and rubble hurling towards the crowd.[33]

Gabi witnesses the raid on Liberio

Gabi in horror witnesses the raid on Liberio

Gabi is dazed by the sudden attack, needing to be helped to her feet by Colt. She is traumatized to see Zofia's corpse beneath a rock beside her, and is grabbed by Colt to help her escape from the area. Udo, who had been with them, breaks off to check on Zofia. However, the crowd separates Udo before trampling him in the pandemonium. Colt and Gabi are forced to take cover behind rubble, and wait for the panicked crowd to pass them. Later on, they flee the area that had become a battlefield between the Attack Titan and the War Hammer Titan. After recovering Udo's mangled form, she asks Colt how Udo is, but he is unable to give her a straight answer, saying they should go to a hospital instead.[34]

They get to a hospital and Colt begs a doctor to take a look at Udo, but the doctor refuses, stating that their beds are full and Udo is already dead. Disheartened, Colt puts Udo's corpse on the ground and asks Gabi to stay with her family and get as far away from the plaza as possible while he goes to look for Falco, ensuring her that the Warrior Unit will defeat the invading Titans. However, she refuses, and announces that she will go to fight too, because she cannot understand why Udo and Zofia were killed. She then runs towards the battle zone, as Colt vainly tries to stop her.[35]

Gabi declares her intentions to kill Eren

Gabi declares her intent to kill Eren

Finding a convoy of reinforcements, Gabi requests to be allowed in one of the cars, but the gate guards order her to go home. At that moment, the area is attacked by the Survey Corps, who strike the soldiers with bombs and bullets. As one of the guards tells Gabi to run, he is also killed by a sniper and Gabi spots his killer, Sasha Blouse, atop a nearby roof.

Gabi watches as Sasha and Connie flee from the scene, and then grabs the rifle left by one of the fallen guards. She runs towards the plaza, where Eren has been trapped by the War Hammer Titan, and the Survey Corps are facing Zeke, Galliard, and Pieck. Looking for Eren, Gabi runs towards the battle holding the rifle and declaring that she will kill him.[36] She later joins Magath and Falco near the battlefield, where she witnesses the transformation of the Colossus Titan at the nearby port. The shock-wave knocks the three off their feet, though they are unharmed. They then watch as the Beast Titan and the Cart Titan are overpowered by the Survey Corps. Falco then runs to the Cart Titan's side and begs for the fighting to stop.[37]

Falco and Gabi look over Pieck

Falco and Gabi look over Pieck

Under Magath's orders, Gabi assists Falco in rescuing Pieck, while Magath and other Marleyan soldiers hold off the Survey Corps.[38] They later take refuge inside a building, and Falco and Gabi watch astonished at the state which Pieck has been left in. Falco observes that her injuries are so serious that her body is not repairing itself fast enough, and Gabi adds that the Cart Titan is not as tough as some of the others, such as the Armored Titan. Gabi asks Falco about Reiner, and Falco responds that he does not know, as he was below the building behind the stage during Eren's attack, and he thinks that they should not disturb him. Gabi is shocked at Falco's words, reminding him that Udo, Zofia and many others have been killed by Eren.

Gabi then notices something out of the window, and she, as well as Magath, Galliard and other soldiers are surprised to see an airship coming to Liberio to aid the Survey Corps.[39]

Gabi and Falco call for Reiner to help Galliard

Gabi and Falco call for Reiner to save Galliard

The children soon witness the Attack Titan defeating the Jaw Titan and trying to bite through its nape, which prompts them to yell desperately for Reiner to save him. Their screams are successful as Reiner surfaces in an un-armored Titan form and manages to take Galliard away from Eren, although he is knocked down by him. When Eren retreats with Mikasa Ackerman, Gabi decides that she will not let them escape, and takes a rifle as she runs out of the building in their pursuit, while Falco tries to stop her.[40]

Eventually, Falco catches up with Gabi and says there is no point in going after the airship, but she tells him that despite how she is treated in the internment zone, it is still her home and she cannot forgive anyone who attacks it. She refuses to listen to Falco's suggestion that the "island devils" have been similarly invaded, insisting that killing them is normal, and they are not like the Eldians in the internment zone.[41]

Gabi realizes she can get on the airship

Gabi realizes how she can get on the airship

Gabi sees an enemy soldier grappling to the airship above her and shoots him in the head. His body falls with his weapon and equipment still tethered to the airship. Gabi tests the weapon and, after asking Falco to tell her family and superiors that she fought to the end, activates the trigger to reel up to the airship. At the last moment, Falco grabs onto the corpse and is taken with her. Upon reaching the airship, Gabi rolls inside and fires her rifle at the group of Survey Corps soldiers. The bullet hits a woman in the chest and both Gabi and Falco are taken prisoner. She yells that they are carrying out Zeke's will and that the soldier holding her can tell their ringleader that the true Eldians will curse them into their graves. The soldier invites Gabi to tell their ringleader in person and takes her and Falco into another back room. Gabi is stunned to see the ringleader is actually their Warchief, Zeke Yeager, who is still alive.[42]

After arriving at Paradis Island, Gabi and Falco are escorted away by a member of the Military Police and put into a prison cell.[43]

War for Paradis arc

Gabi and Falco escape the prison

Gabi and Falco escape the holding cell

Sometime later, Gabi begins feigning a seizure, attracting the attention of her guard. When the guard attempts to check on her, she uses a brick concealed in her clothes to beat him. Gabi and a regretful Falco then hide the guard under her bed, before the two flee the prison. Gabi, still shaken by Zeke's betrayal, laments that she can no longer trust anyone.[44] Early next morning, they stop at a river. Falco notices that Gabi still has her Eldian armband on and tells her to remove it. Gabi does not and claims that a civilian would not know what it means and there would not be any soldiers out this far. She tells Falco she will most likely not return back to Marley and resolves to track down Zeke in order to ask why he betrayed Marley before she either gets recaptured or killed.[45]

Gabi asks why Falco followed her

Gabi takes back her armband and asks why Falco followed her

Gabi tells Falco that he does not have to follow her and can do as he pleases; Falco responds by tearing off Gabi's armband. Seeing it removed drives Gabi into a frenzy and she throws Falco to the ground. She demands he return it, seeing herself being the same as the island devils without it. On the verge of tears, Gabi asks why Falco followed her when a girl named Kaya comes out of the forest. When asked what they are doing out here on their own, Gabi claims they ran away from home and discreetly tries to pick up a large rock to attack the girl. As the girl invites them both to her home, Falco takes the rock away from Gabi.[46] They reach the house and Gabi ponders whether to take a horse to escape, believing that the military will now be looking for them after she killed the guard. When Falco insists they stay for a few days, Gabi refuses and does not wish to eat with devils. As the farmer asks why they are here, Gabi is somewhat surprised to hear a southern Marley dialect coming from him. As Gabi is given some breakfast, Lisa Blouse pats her on the head; this causes Gabi to shriek and quickly swat Lisa's hand away. Falco persuades her to eat and, eventually, Gabi does comply.[47]

Falco stops Gabi

Gabi tries to stab Kaya

Later on, Gabi and Falco work in the stables, when one of the horses starts to nibble on Gabi's head. This causes her to lose her balance and she claims that the devils caused it to happen. She insists that they cannot get any information while staying here, but Falco believes that either Colt or Reiner will be coming for them both. As they take a lunch break outside, Gabi begins to tear into Kaya with her indoctrinated belief that Eldians should not pretend to be good humans. Falco interjects, but both are stunned to hear Kaya mention that she knows they are from Marley. As Falco stammers for an excuse, Gabi moves towards a pitchfork and tries to stab Kaya with it. Falco has to wrestle the pitchfork away from her, while she claims that they are being deceived as Eldians can not be this kind. Kaya takes them both to her old village and shows them where her mother was eaten by a Titan.

Kaya insists on her mother's innocence

Gabi is stunned by Kaya's confrontation

She asks Gabi why they deserve to be hated so much, who responds by recounting the atrocities of the Eldian Empire, and says that they should not act as if they are victims. Kaya states that her entire family was born in this area and never did anything wrong. Caught off guard, Gabi responds, beginning a heated argument back and forth between them. This is halted by Falco, who explains that Kaya's village was caught in a test of the Walled country's strength. Gabi bitterly chastises Falco for revealing this. Kaya offers to take them to a restaurant where other Marleyans work, giving them a possible route way back to Marley. Gabi is surprised and asks why she would do that.[48]

Niccolo attacks Gabi

Falco saves Gabi from being attacked by Niccolo

After arriving at the restaurant where Niccolo is working at, Gabi is nervous but Kaya claims that he is from Marley and can be trusted. She participates in the meal and is surprised by how good it is. Seeing Falco excuse himself, Gabi goes along with his story and they both seek out Niccolo. Finding him in the basement, Gabi reveals herself and Falco as part of the Warrior candidates from Marley. Seeing his confused face, Gabi describes how they smuggled themselves aboard the airship used by the Survey Corps during the Raid on Liberio. When Niccolo warily asks if they killed anyone, Gabi excitedly confirms that she killed a female soldier. As Falco tries getting her attention, Gabi fails to see Niccolo grab a wine bottle and become enraged at seeing her announce she was Sasha's killer. He goes to strike her with the bottle but Falco takes the blow.[49] Niccolo punches Gabi in the face and brings them both to the dining room area. Gabi hears Niccolo reveal her and Falco's true identities in front of the stunned Blouse family and that if Mr. Blouse does not kill her, Niccolo will. When he threatens to slice Falco's neck, she pleads with him to not harm Falco as she is the one responsible. Gabi then berates Niccolo for being seduced by the island devils, but becomes riddled with fear when Mr. Blouse asks for the knife. Seeing him handle the knife but not express anger and fear at her causes Gabi to realize the people of Paradis Island are perhaps not the devils she was raised to believe.[50] One of the soldiers, Mikasa, deflects an attack by a grief-stricken Kaya and helps tend to Gabi's injuries.

After being led to a back room, Gabi asks Mikasa why she did not allow Kaya to kill her after everything she has done but does not get any response. She then requests that they kill her, but spare Falco for he had no part in her actions.[51] Soon, Eren arrives unexpectedly and Gabi sits with all three while they talk. She stays silent after hearing them discuss Eren's recent actions, nervously looking at Eren's sliced open hand. Gabi is shocked when Armin attacks Eren after he verbally abused Mikasa and watches the two briefly fight. As both Mikasa and Armin are ordered to be taken to Shiganshina District, Eren orders his followers to have Gabi taken as well.[52]

Eren asks for Gabi's help

Eren asks for Gabi's cooperation in exchange for Falco's safety

In a prison cell in Shiganshina, Gabi recalls the Blouse family weeping at the restaurant, but convinces herself that they are still the enemy. Suddenly, Eren Yeager enters her cell accompanied by two guards in military uniforms. In exchange for saving Falco's life, he asks her to cooperate with him by making a radio call for help, which would make the Paradis infiltrators react. Gabi is overcome with fear and is unable to move. Just then, one of the guards stabs the other in the neck and points her gun at Eren. Gabi recognizes the guard as Pieck, but is quickly silenced by her.[53]

Pieck orders Gabi to use the dead guard's rifle to hold Eren at gunpoint, but orders her to stand down once Eren correctly deduces that neither of them have the permission to harm him.[54] To Gabi's horror, Pieck claims that she desires to join Eren in overthrowing Marley, and attempts to turn her gun on Pieck before being disarmed. Pieck agrees to show Eren where her comrades are hiding as a sign of her loyalty, and she and Gabi are then handcuffed together before traveling to the roof of the Yeagerist headquarters. As they make their way to the roof, Gabi asks to know where Falco has been taken and is shocked to learn that he has ingested some of Zeke's spinal fluid.[55]

Upon reaching the roof, Pieck shields Gabi as Galliard's Titan bursts from within the building to eat Eren. Gabi is overjoyed to learn that Pieck has not betrayed Marley, and is thrilled to see the Marleyan air force arriving over Paradis.[56] Pieck has Galliard cut off her arm so that she can transform and uses her Titan form to flee to safety with Gabi.[57]

Gabi and Pieck rendezvous with a group of soldiers led by Magath. Although Gabi is relieved to see Magath again, she regretfully informs him and Colt that Falco has ingested Zeke's spinal fluid, and has been imprisoned as well. As the soldiers discuss possible reasons that Eren has not used the Founding Titan yet, Gabi recalls Zeke's claim that Paradis now has a Titan of royal blood; this leads the soldiers to hypothesize that he was talking about himself, and that Eren has to be in contact with him in order to activate the Founder.[58]

Gabi is remorseful for hatred toward the people of Paradis

Gabi completely lets go of her hatred towards the people of Paradis

Gabi refuses Colt's demand to escape in the airship while he rescues Falco, stating that she too wants to save him since she is the one who dragged him into all of this mess and caused all of this trouble for the Marleyan army.[59] Gabi then stops Colt from killing Nile Dok by surprise while they were hiding, and the two run away with Falco without casualties. Colt wonders why Gabi trusted an enemy that let them escape with Falco, and she states that she finally understands the truth about the people whom she believed were devils; she regrets killing Sasha and apologizes to Falco for her actions. After hearing Falco's reason for attempting to be selected as the Armored Titan, Gabi agrees with Colt's reasoning that Zeke will be resistant to transforming the Eldians once he learns Falco is among them.[60]

Gabi shoots Eren in the neck

Gabi mortally shoots Eren

As Colt and Falco are confronting Zeke about Falco's predicament, Gabi arrives with a horse and tries to convince Falco to flee out of range of Zeke's scream with her. However, before she can get any closer, Zeke screams and Falco is transformed into a Pure Titan. As Falco attacks Reiner and Galliard, Gabi sees that Colt has been killed by Falco's transformation, and retrieves his anti-Titan rifle from his corpse.[61]

Gabi cries out for the lives of her friends, and focuses her rage towards Eren. She quickly points the rifle at him and fires a single round. Before the two Yeager brothers can reach each other, the bullet strikes Eren's neck and completely decapitates him.[62]

The Wall crumbles in front of Gabi

Gabi witnesses "the rumbling" and Eren's transformation

Gabi flies backwards due to the recoil of the rifle and does not see Zeke catch Eren's decapitated head.[63] When she hits the ground, Gabi notices the walls cracking as the Earth around her starts to rumble. Moments later, the walls begin to violently crumble as the Colossus Titans emerge from their core. Large pieces of the broken wall begin falling close to Gabi. When she looks up, Gabi is astonished to see a uniquely formed Titan skeleton growing from Eren's body in a huge burst of steam.[64]

Gabi is saved from the falling debris by Reiner, who uses his Titan to shield her as he carries her away from the wall. However, his Titan's armor begins to crumble as well, forcing him to exit his Titan. As the two continue on foot, Gabi tries to find Falco and Reiner informs her that the boy was likely kidnapped by enemy combatants. Reiner begins to pass out from fatigue and Gabi helps him into a nearby building to rest. Before losing consciousness, Reiner orders Gabi to flee south and evacuate the island with the rest of Marley's forces, but Gabi chooses to stay behind and search for Falco.[65]

Gabi saves Kaya

Gabi saves Kaya from Nile

Gabi soon finds the Blouse family being attacked by a Titan and uses her rifle to kill it before it can devour Kaya. She explains that she is looking for Falco, but is interrupted by the arrival of several Paradis soldiers. Kaya claims that Gabi is part of the Blouse family and Niccolo claims to have killed the Titan to protect Gabi's identity, and as they are escorted to the military's headquarters for protection; Mr. Blouse encourages Gabi to escape and find Falco at the first chance she gets. Gabi asks Kaya why she protected her identity from the soldiers and Kaya responds by asking why Gabi saved her life from the Titan. Kaya asks Gabi if she is a devil for trying to kill her, and Gabi sullenly claims to be the only devil for having killed so many people.[66]

After reaching the military headquarters, Mr. Blouse brings Armin and Mikasa to Gabi so they can return Falco to her. Gabi is horrified to hear that Falco has been taken to be sacrificed to a Pure Titan, and tries to reason that Eren can use the Founding Titan to revert the Titan back to normal. When the soldiers reason that Eren would have reverted the Titans in Shiganshina to normal if he could, she frantically claims that there is still the possibility he can if he is able to undo all Titan hardening.[67]

Gabi and Armin arrive to rescue Falco

Gabi and Armin arrive to rescue Falco

After saying goodbye to the Blouse family, Gabi departs for Ragako with Armin.[68] They arrive at the village just as Connie is preparing to feed Falco to his mother. When Connie refuses to back down Armin tries to feed himself to the Titan in Falco's place, resulting in Connie leaving the boy to save Armin. With her friend returned to her, Gabi comforts Falco as he mourns his brother's death.[69]

The four return to Shiganshina, where they run into Annie Leonhart while eating. After the reunion, Gabi and the rest of the group work with Jean, Mikasa and Pieck to escape the Yeagerists in Shiganshina. While leaving, they stop to pick up Reiner.[70]

Gabi asks the Paradis Eldians for their help

Gabi begs the Paradis Eldians for their help to stop the rumbling

The group meets up with the rest of their allies outside of Shiganshina and share a meal together. While tensions are already running high, Yelena makes the situation worse by intentionally trying to start fights between the Warriors and the Paradis Eldians. This eventually leads to Jean flying into a rage and attacking Reiner, forcing Gabi to physically shield her cousin from harm. Although she is left injured by Jean, Gabi apologizes for Marley's years of aggression towards Paradis and begs the Paradis Eldians to help save the outside world. The next day, the alliance arrives at Paradis' harbor to find it occupied by Yeagerist forces.[71]

Keith and Magath explode the Marleyan ship

Gabi witnesses Magath sacrifice himself

While some of the group engage the Yeagerist forces, Gabi and other noncombatants are carried to a boat in the harbor by Pieck. Once on the boat, Gabi and Magath give their comrades supporting fire, but she is temporarily distracted by a bright flashing light coming from the harbor, signaling that Falco had transformed into the Jaw Titan. One of the Yeagerists manages to make a break for the boat and aims a Thunder Spear at the hull, but Gabi shoots him mid-air, before he can launch it and he falls into the ocean.[72]

As the boat leaves the harbor, Gabi looks over a regenerating Falco and then asks Pieck where Magath is, only to learn that he has stayed behind to fend off the Yeagerists. Not long after, Pieck embraces Gabi as the passengers watch the aftermath of a ship's explosion which resulted in Magath's death.[73]

At Odiha, Pieck instructs Kiyomi to keep Gabi and Falco locked inside a room on board the ship as they may object to staying behind while the others take the flying boat to confront Eren. When the Wall Titans arrive, Gabi desperately pleads with Annie to release them.[74]

Falco succeeds in using his Titan to fly and he carries Gabi and Annie to Fort Salta. The group arrives just in time to save Mikasa, Reiner, Jean, Connie and Levi from being devoured by an army of Titans.[75] As Falco returns to Eren's Titan, the group decides that they no longer have any choice other than killing Eren. Gabi reveals to the others that when she decapitated Eren in Shiganshina, she saw a glowing centipede emerge from his spine and attach itself to his head after coming into contact with Zeke. Deducing that the centipede might be the true nature of the Power of the Titans, Gabi suggests that they might see the creature again if Eren is decapitated again.[76] From atop Falco's flying Titan Gabi helps Mikasa recover Armin from the Okapi Titan by shooting it in the head with her anti-Titan rifle.[77]

As Armin transforms atop Eren's Titan, Falco carries the rest of the group back to Fort Salta. Gabi is able to reunite with her family and inform Karina that Reiner is alive, but their meeting is cut short by the realization that Eren and the centipede both survived Armin's transformation. Gabi advises that they find a way to keep the centipede from returning to Eren, but group is caught off-guard when the centipede begins emitting smoke into the fort. The Survey Corps realizes that the centipede is going to turn the Eldians in the fort into Titans and Falco departs with the Ackermans and Pieck while Gabi and the others are left behind.

The Eldians inside Salta are all transformed and immediately go to defend the centipede while it tries to return to Eren.[78]

Following Eren's death the power of the Titans is undone and all of the Eldians return to their human forms. Gabi reunites with her parents and Falco, but their reunion is cut short by the arrival of the Marleyans from Fort Salta, who demand that the Eldians all prove they can no longer turn into Titans. Before the Marleyans can execute anyone, Armin arrives and manages to talk them down.

In the three years following the battle at Fort Salta, Gabi and Falco become caretakers for Levi, who is left crippled following the battle.[79]

Bad Boy

Some time later, Gabi is among the survivors that plant trees in a collective effort to restore the ecosystems impacted by the Rumbling.[80] As she is taking a break with Falco and Levi, she makes fun of the latter's way of holding cups by the brim rather than the handle. In response, Levi tells her the story of why he chooses to never use cup handles and Gabi, moved to tears by it, vows to also never use cup handles again.[81]


As a member of the Marleyan army and a candidate to inherit the Armored Titan power, Gabi has gone through a thorough military training. She is a very resourceful individual, creating a make-shift bomb in the midst of the battle of Fort Slava. She also had the idea of simulating her surrender in order to launch the bomb from a more favorable position.[12]

She is noted by many to be the most favorable candidate to inherit the Armored Titan, though Udo implied that his grades were better than Gabi's.[9] It can be assumed that her hand to hand combat prowess are considerably superior to those of Falco, since he lamented his poor performance as a candidate while having several noticeable injuries on his face after one of their sparring sessions.[82]


  • Falco Grice - Gabi appears to care for Falco as a fellow Eldian and comrade in the fight against the Mid-East Allied Forces, showing worry at the sight of his wounds when his brother returns with him and calmly re-explaining their objective to him when he shows signs of drowsiness from being hurt. Gabi cared enough to help treat Falco's wound and was kind and light-hearted towards him while they hid from the enemy.[15] Despite this, Gabi can be hostile towards Falco, threatening to report him to the authorities for looking at her funnily,[83] and condescending him for bringing a wounded soldier back to the trench.[84] However, it appears that Falco may have a soft spot for Gabi, as he expressed great worry when she risked her life against several mid-eastern gunmen. When one survived Gabi's attack and tried to kill her, Falco, in turn, risked his life by running from their hiding place and attempted to push her out of line of fire.[85] While they have sparred back and forth on Paradis, she still harbors some affection towards Falco; when Falco got injured protecting her from Niccolo, Gabi pleads with the Marleyan to let him go and not injure him further.[86] When Falco reveals his feelings for her, she blushes and becomes flustered.[87]
  • Udo - As with her other comrades, Gabi interacted positively with Udo and was kind to him, as he was among the many people she saved by risking her life.[88] However, Gabi was not above putting Udo in his place when he lashed out or started breaking under the pressure of war. Gabi was sad and angry after Udo's death which was one of the reasons she climbed the Survey Corps' airship in attempt to retaliate for her friend's death.[89]
  • Porco Galliard - Gabi appears to show great admiration and trust towards Galliard. She was overcome with joy when she witnessed him save her life and she appears to idolize him as someone who acquired the power of the Titans, as she one day hopes to.[90]
  • Reiner Braun - Gabi is fond of her cousin Reiner and cares about him. During the battle at Fort Slava, she watched him fight, wishing nothing happened to him. Later on, she was very pleased to see him again.[91] She strives to prove to him that she is the best possible candidate to inherit Reiner's Armored Titan ability, despite not knowing that Reiner is working to prevent her from being chosen. She is shown to care for Reiner's feelings, sympathizing with him for his time on Paradis Island, and stopping her father from reminding him of his time there.[92]
  • Zeke Yeager - As the Warchief of the Marley Warriors, Gabi respected Zeke and held him in high regards. The revelation that Zeke was one of the main perpetrators behind the assault on Marley in Liberio profoundly affected Gabi and presumably severed any relationship between them.
  • Eren Yeager - Gabi has a burning desire to kill Eren for attacking Marley and causing the deaths of her friends. Despite being told that he attacked only in response to Marley attacking his home first, Gabi still views him as an enemy and an "island devil" that must be killed. However, on the numerous occasions Gabi has come into contact with Eren, she has frozen up in fear.[93]
  • Sasha Blouse - Gabi hated Sasha after she saw the latter shoot the two Liberio gate guards to death during the Battle of Liberio,[94] and pursued her to avenge their deaths until succeeding on board the Survey Corps' airship by fatally shooting Sasha in turn.[95] However, after spending some time living with the Blouse family, and via her friendship with Sasha's foster sister Kaya, she came to regret what she did and has seemingly abandoned her contempt towards her.[96]
  • Kaya - Gabi initially hated her because of her nationality and tried to kill her twice.[97][98] She did, however, acknowledge how kind Kaya was to Falco and her despite them being enemies. Her discussion with Kaya about the Eldians' crimes appears to shake Gabi; though at first she was as aggressive as usual when the topic was discussed. Gabi felt uneasy when Kaya told her about her past.[99] Their uneasy friendship is abruptly ended, however, when Niccolo exposes Gabi as the soldier who killed Kaya's adoptive sister Sasha, a revelation that causes Kaya to condemn her as a murderer as she attempts to kill her, a confrontation that leaves Gabi severely shaken. She later overhears Kaya say that she would kill both her and Falco if she ever got another chance, much to the guilt-ridden Gabi's devastation. However, Gabi saves Kaya from a Titan, and in turn, when a soldier questions if Gabi is one of the enemy soldiers, Kaya defends her and says Gabi lives with them; they later talk and come to terms with their own demons.[100] When Gabi goes to rescue Falco, she says farewell to Kaya, revealing her real name and embracing her, mending their relationship.[101]
  • Artur Blouse - Gabi initially hated him along with the rest of his family because of their nationality. However, after seeing Artur's decision to forgive her and let go of the past, she is shocked by his actions, and his actions have a deep impact on her.[102] Later on, when Gabi is hiding with Falco and Colt, she overhears Artur complimenting her and Falco's strength, she is nearly brought to tears, demonstrating the impact his words have had on her.[103]
  • Pieck Finger - Gabi holds great admiration and respect for Pieck. She idolizes her as a Warrior and bearer of one of the Nine Titans.

People killed

Failed attempts


Isayama's initial sketch of Gabi

Isayama's initial sketch of Gabi Braun


  1. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 109 (p. 3)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Attack on Titan Character Encyclopedia (p. 120)
  3. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 124 (p. 21-23)
  4. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 93 (p. 41) — Falco states that Gabi would die at age 27 if she inherits the Armored Titan from Reiner, who had two years remaining in his term as the Armored Titan.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 118 (p. 34)
  6. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 94 (p. 12)
  7. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 91 (p. 15-17)
  8. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 91 (p. 29-30)
  9. 9.0 9.1 Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 91 (p. 18)
  10. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 107 (p. 42)
  11. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 108 (p. 36 & 37)
  12. 12.0 12.1 Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 91 (p. 19-30)
  13. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 94 (p. 20 - 22)
  14. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 111 (p. 39)
  15. 15.0 15.1 Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 91 (p. 7-20)
  16. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 91 (p. 23-45)
  17. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 92 (p. 8 & 9)
  18. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 92 (p. 12-24)
  19. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 92 (p. 40)
  20. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 93 (p. 29-32)
  21. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 93 (p. 33-36)
  22. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 93 (p. 37-40)
  23. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 94 (p. 1-4)
  24. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 94 (p. 5-6)
  25. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 94 (p. 9-10)
  26. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 94 (p. 19)
  27. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 94 (p. 15-24)
  28. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 95 (p. 1-7)
  29. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 98 (p. 4-12)
  30. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 98 (p. 27-35)
  31. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 98 (p. 36-41)
  32. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 99 (p. 37-42)
  33. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 100 (p. 31-45)
  34. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 101 (p. 5 - 10, 24)
  35. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 102 (p. 14-16)
  36. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 102 (p. 17-22, 43)
  37. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 103 (p. 25 - 30, 36 - 45)
  38. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 104 (p. 10-11)
  39. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 104 (p. 18-21)
  40. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 104 (p. 30-44)
  41. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 105 (p. 9-14)
  42. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 105 (p. 16-31, 34-38)
  43. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 106 (p. 39 & 44)
  44. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 107 (p. 40 - 42)
  45. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 108 (p. 34 & 35)
  46. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 108 (p. 35 - 39)
  47. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 109 (p. 1 - 6)
  48. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 109 (p. 27 - 45)
  49. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 111 (p. 28)
  50. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 111 (p. 38-42)
  51. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 112 (p. 7)
  52. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 112 (p. 32)
  53. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 115 (p. 42-45)
  54. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 116 (p. 1 - 4)
  55. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 116 (p. 14 - 28)
  56. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 116 (p. 42 - 43)
  57. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 117 (p. 4-8)
  58. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 117 (p. 14-18)
  59. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 118 (p. 8)
  60. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 118 (p. 35 - 37)
  61. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 119 (p. 16 - 24)
  62. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 119 (p. 40 - 43)
  63. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 120 (p. 7)
  64. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 122 (p. 41-45)
  65. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 124 (p. 3 - 8)
  66. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 124 (p. 20 - 28)
  67. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 124 (p. 41 - 44)
  68. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 125 (p. 29 & 30)
  69. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 126 (p. 16 - 25)
  70. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 126 (p. 31 - 45)
  71. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 127 (p. 24 - 44)
  72. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 129 (p. 18, 28 - 33)
  73. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 129 (p. 39, 45)
  74. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 132 (p. 15 & 29)
  75. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 135
  76. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 136
  77. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 137
  78. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 138
  79. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 139
  80. Attack on Titan Art Book FLY (p. 179))
  81. Attack on Titan manga: Side Story 3 (p. 18)
  82. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 97 (p. 23)
  83. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 94 (p. 5)
  84. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 92 (p. 9)
  85. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 91 (p. 40-41)
  86. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 111 (p. 35)
  87. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 118 (p. 36)
  88. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 91 (p. 28-38)
  89. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 105 (p. 11)
  90. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 91 (p. 41-44)
  91. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 93 (p. 33)
  92. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 94 (p. 19-20)
  93. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 115 (p. 43)
  94. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 102 (p. 17-22)
  95. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 105 (p. 22-31)
  96. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 118 (p. 35)
  97. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 108 (p. 38 & 39)
  98. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 109 (p. 33 & 34)
  99. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 109 (p. 34 - 41)
  100. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 124 (p. 21 - 26)
  101. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 125 (p. 29 - 30)
  102. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 111 (p. 39 - 42)
  103. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 118 (p. 33)
  104. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 105 (p. 17)
  105. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 105 (p. 24-25)
  106. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 91 (p. 38 & 39)
  107. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 129 (p. 28)
  108. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 105 (p. 27)
  109. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 109 (p. 34)
  110. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 119 (p. 42-45)
  111. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 122 (p. 38 & 39)
  112. Attack on Titan manga: Chapter 129 (p. 32 & 33)
  113. "ラ・ラ・ランド観ました". Hajime Isayama's blog. Retrieved on March 8, 2017.
  114. Bessatsu Magazine, August 2017 issue

