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De Biquipedia

Wilkommen! Welcome! Bienvenue! ¡Bienvenido! !أهلاً وسهلاًه Benvenuto!
歡迎! добро пожаловать! ようこそ! Bem-vindo! Witaj ! !ברוך הבא Hoş geldiniz! καλώς ορίσατε! !خوش آمدید Isibingelelo! 잘 오셨습니다! Bine ai venit! Selamat datang!
Xin chào! !خوش آمديد Salamu! Benvolgut!

de Dieser Benutzer ist Deutsch-Muttersprachler.
en-2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English.
an-0 Iste usuario no entiende l'aragonés
(u lo entiende con prou dificultat).

I'm sorry, that I can't speak your language, so I write in English here. My interessts are geographie, maps and photos, so that's the things I want to help here.