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User:Alexkachanov/Processors Timeline

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  • Invention of Transistors in 1948 started a new era in technology, called Solid State Electronics
  • Freescale was one of the first semiconductor companies in the world, having started as a division of Motorola in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1948


  • 29 августа: СССР: испытана РДС-1 - первая советская атомная бомба — имплозивного типа с плутонием


  • 25 июня: начало Корейской войны
  • сентябрь: США контр-наступает в Корейской войне
  • октябрь: Китай вступает в Корейскую войну
  • осень: Джон фон Нейман сообщает Теллеру что при расчетах на ENIAC выяснилось, что его идея супер-бомбы не сработает


  • январь: новая идея супер-бомбы Улама-Теллера
  • март: начала работу Matterhorn Project при Принстонском университете по исследованию реакции синтеза как источника энергии. Для расчетов использовался UNIVAC от ECC.
  • 8 мая: испытание George из 5-ой серии Operation Greenhouse. Испытавался старый дизайн Super - классическая Super. Взырыв показал, что дизайн сработает, хотя расчеты предсказывали что взрыва не произойдет. Акрвый в истории взрыв с горением термоядерного топлива. Использовался охлажденный жидкий дейтерий - получалась смесь атомного зрывая с термоядерным усилителем. На основании взырва потом было проведено успешное испытание в 1952 году Иви Майк.


  • 1 ноября: испытание Ivy Mike из 9-й серии испытаний Operation Ivy. Подрыв темоядерного устройства, но не бомбы. Первая проверка дизайна Теллера-Улама. Первое успешное испытание термоядерного устройства.


  • 12 августа: СССР: испытана РДС-6с - первая советская водородная бомба с дизайном "Слойка". Первая в мире водородная бомба, пригодная к практическому военному применению. Союз заявил, что тоже обладает термоядерным оружием, но в отличие от Соединенных Штатов, их бомба полностью готова и может быть доставлена стратегическим бомбардировщиком на территорию противника.


  • 1 марта: первое испытание сухой термоядерной бомбы: Castle Bravo - из 10-й серии испытаний Operation Castle


  • 22 ноября: СССР: испытана РДС-37 — первая советская двухступенчатая термоядерная бомба, созданной по "правильной" схеме Теллера-Улама.
  • IBM introduces the 704. Principal architect is Gene Amdahl; it is the 1st commercial machine with floating-point hard-ware, and is capable of approximately 5 kFLOPS.


  • IBM starts 7030 project (known as STRETCH) to produce supercomputer for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Its goal is to produce a machine with 100 times the performance of any available at the time.
  • LARC (Livermore Automatic Research Computer) project begins to design supercomputer for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).
  • Atlas project begins in the U.K. as joint venture between University of Manchester and Ferranti Ltd. Principal architect is Tom Kilburn.




  • Начало коммерческого производства первых интегральных микросхем
  • Bull of France announces the Gamma 60 with multiple functional units and fork & join operations in its instruction set. 19 are later built
  • John Cocke and Daniel Slotnick discuss use of parallelism in numerical calculations in an IBM research memo. Slotnick later proposes SOLOMON, a SIMD machine with 1024 1-bit PEs, each with memory for 128 32-bit values. The machine is never built, but the design is the starting point for much later work


  • IBM delivers 1rst STRETCH computer. A total of eight are built; much of the technology is re-used in the IBM 7090 which is delivered this same year
  • LARC delivered; although it meets its performance specifications, only two are ever built.


  • CDC 1604 первый компьютер компании CDC (with Cray). Элементная база транзисторы в отличие от ламповых машин: надежнее и быстрее
  • Honeywell introduces Honeywell 800, with hardware support for timesharing between eight programs.
  • E. V. Yevreinov at the Institute of Mathematics in Novosibirsk (IMN) begins work on tightly-coupled, coarse-grain parallel architectures with programmable interconnects.


  • Atlas computer becomes operational. It is the 1st machine to use virtual memory and paging; its instruction execution is pipelined, and it contains separate fixed and floating-point arithmetic units, capable of approximately 200 kFLOPS
  • C. A. Petri describes Petri Nets, a theoretical framework for describing and analyzing the properties of concurrent systems
  • Burroughs introduces the D825 symmetrical MIMD multiprocessor. 1 to 4 CPUs access 1 to 16 memory modules using a crossbar switch. The CPUs are similar to the later B5000; the operating system is symmetrical, with a shared ready queue.


  • CDC 6600 - считается первым суперкопьютером (with Cray). Впервые использованы "load-store" операции вместо "регистров-аккумуляторов"; развитие конвейерной обработки


  • IBM System/360. Впервые использованы "register-memory" операции
  • IBM begins design of the Advanced Computer System (ACS), capable of issuing up to seven instructions per cycle. The project was shelved in 1969, but many of the techniques were incorporated into later IBM machines.
  • Daniel Slotnick proposes building a massively-parallel machine for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL); the Atomic Energy Commission gives the contract to CDC instead, who build the STAR-100 to fulfill it. Slotnick's design funded by the Air Force, and evolves into the ILLIAC-IV. The machine is built at the University of Illinois, with Burroughs and Texas Instruments as primary subcontractors. Texas Instruments' Advanced Scientific Computer (ASC) also grows out of this initiative.


  • In 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore predicted [1] that the transistor density of semiconductor chips would double roughly every 18 months, which is commonly known as Moore’s Law
  • GE, MIT, and AT&T Bell Laboratories start work on Multics. The project's aim is to develop a general-purpose shared memory multiprocessing timesharing system.
  • Edsger Dijkstra describes and names the critical regions problem. Much later work in concurrent systems is devoted to finding safe, efficient ways to manage critical regions.
  • James W. Cooley and John W. Tukey describe the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm, which is later one of the largest single consumers of flooating-point cycles


  • Arthur Bernstein introduces Bernstein's Condition for statement independence (the foundation of subsequent work on data dependence analysis).
  • CDC introduces CDC 6500, containing two CDC 6400 processors. Principal architect is Jim Thornton.
  • The UNIVAC division of Sperry Rand Corporation delivers the 1st multiprocessor 1108. Each contains up to 3 CPUs and 2 I/O controllers; its EXEC 8 operating system provides interface for multithread program execution.
  • Michael Flynn publishes a paper describing the architectural taxonomy which bears his name.
  • The Minsk-222 completed by E. V. Yevreinov at the Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk


  • Karp, Miller and Winograd publish paper describing the use of dependence vectors and loop transformations to analyze data dependencies.
  • IBM produces the 360/91 (later model 95) with dynamic instruction reordering. 20 of these are produced over the next several years; the line is eventually supplanted by the slower Model 85.
  • BESM-6, developed at Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Technology (ITMVT) in Moscow, goes intoproduction. Machine has 48-bit words, achieves 1 MIPS, and contains virtual memory and a pipelined processor
  • Gene Amdahl and Daniel Slotnick have published debate at AFIPS Conference about the feasibility of parallel processing. Amdahl's argument about limits to parallelism becomes known as \Amdahl's Law"; he also propounds a corollary about system balance (sometimes called \Amdahl's Other Law"), which states that a balanced machine has the same number of MIPS, Mbytes, and Mbit/s of I/O bandwidth.


  • 18 июля: основана комоапния N M Electronics Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore - двумя иженерами из компании Fairchild. Почти сразу же они преименовались в Intel и к ним присоединился Andrew Grove. Решили заниматься микросхемами памяти, старясь снизить их стоиомсть в 100 раз, чтобы конкурировать с ферро-магнитной памятью.
  • Duane Adams of Stanford University coins the term "data flow" while describing graphical models of computation in his Ph.D thesis.
  • Group formed at Control Data to study the computing needs of image processing; this leads to the CDC AFP and Cyberplus designs.
  • IBM 2938 Array Processor delivered to Western Geophysical (who promptly paint racing stripes on it). commercial machine to sustain 10 MFLOPS on 32-bit floating-point operations. A programmable digital signal processor, it proves very popular in the petroleum industry.
  • Edsger Dijkstra describes semaphores, and introduces the dining philosophers problem, which later becomes a standard example in concurrency theory
  • George Paul, M. Wayne Wilson, and Charles Cree begin work at IBM on VECTRAN, an extension to FORTRAN 66 with array-valued operators, functions, and I/O facilities
  • CDC produces the CDC 7600 pipelined supercomputer as a follow-on to the CDC 6600.
  • Work begins at Compass Inc. on a parallelizing FORTRAN compiler for the ILLIAC-IV called IVTRAN
  • Honeywell delivers 1st Multics system (symmetric multiprocessor with up to 8 processors).


  • весна: os: попытка консорциума компаний создать time-sharing операционную систему MULTICS, которая потом послужила образцом для UNIX
  • os, UNIX: Development on UNIX starts in AT&T's Bell Labs.
  • TCP/IP, networking: BBN implement first packet switching network control programs on custom hardware to support ARPANET which were to evolve into the first IP routers


  • апрель: Intel наняла Federico Faggin, чтобы создать микропроцессор 4004, основанный на предложении инженера Hoff-а.
  • Floating Point Systems Inc. founded by C. N. Winningstad and other former Tektronix employees. The company's mission is to manufacture floating-point coprocessors for minicomputers
  • PDP-6/KA10 asymmetric multiprocessor jointly developed by MIT and DEC.
  • Work on El'brus multiprocessors begins at ITMVT under direction of Vsevolod S. Burtsev. Each machine contains up to 10 CPUs, with shared memory and hardware support for fault tolerance.
  • Development of C.mmp multiprocessor begins at Carnegie-Mellon with support from DEC


  • 15 ноября: Intel 4004 - самый первый микропроцессор как CPU на одном чипе, а не собранный из нескольких интегральных схем как до этого. Частота 740KHz, 2.300 транзисторов, технология 10 микрон
  • os, UNIX: 1st Edition UNIX is released. The B compiler was provided as part of 1st Edition UNIX in 1971, and some of the first utilities were even written in B. It had an assembler for a PDP-11/20, fi le system, fork(), roff and ed. It was used for text processing of patent documents.
  • CDC delivers hardwired Cyberplus parallel radar image processing system to Rome Air Development Center, where it achieves 250 times the performance of a CDC 6600.
  • Texas Instruments delivers the 1st Advanced Scientific Computer (also called Advanced Seismic Computer), containing 4 pipelines with an 80 ns clock time. Vector instructions were memory-to-memory. Seven of these machines are later built, and an aggressive automatic vectorizing FORTRAN compiler is developed for them. It is the 1st machine to contain SECDED (Single Error Correction, Double Error Detection) memory


  • апрель: The Intel 8008 was an early byte-oriented microprocessor designed and manufactured by Intel. Частота 500 кГц, 3.500 транзисторов, 10-микронный процесс.
  • CDC STAR-100 and the TI ASC, both announced in 1972
  • DEC rewrites the TOPS-10 monitor software for the PDP-10 to allow asymmetric multiprocessing.
  • Quarter-sized (64 PEs) ILLIAC-IV installed at NASA Ames. Each processor has a peak speed of 4 MFLOPS; the machine's I/O system is capable of 500 Mbit/s.
  • Paper studies of massive bit-level parallelism done by Stewart Reddaway at ICL. These later lead to development of ICL DAP
  • BBN builds Pluribus machines as ARPAnet switch nodes. The switching technology developed for this project later reappears in BBN's Butterfly multiprocessors.
  • Harold Stone describes the perfect shufle network, a multi-stage interconnection network which is the basis for much later work on parallel computer topologies.
  • Tony Hoare and Per Brinch Hansen independently introduce the concept of conditional critical regions, which later influences languages such as Ada and SR
  • Goodyear produces the STARAN, a 4x256 1-bit PE array processor using associative addressing and a FLIP network.
  • Burroughs begins building the PEPE (Parallel Element Processor Ensemble) which contains 8x36 processing elements and uses associative addressing.
  • os, UNIX: UNIX 2nd Edition is released. The first installations had 3 users, no memory protection, and a 500 KB disk.


  • 22 мая: networking: изобретен Ethernet, скорость 2.9 Mb/s. while working at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in California, Bob Metcalfe wrote a memo describing the network system he had invented for interconnecting advanced computer workstations called Xerox Altos, making it possible to send data between them and to high-speed laser printers
  • William L. Cohagan, working for Texas Instruments on a compiler for the TI ASC, describes the GCD test for data dependence analysis.
  • Thacker, Lampson, Boggs, Metcalfe, and (many) others at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center design and build the first Alto workstations and Ethernet local-area network. The potential of using clustered descendents of these machines as supercomputers widely acknowledged by early 1990s.
  • Linear algebra community starts de facto standards activity. The resulting software is called the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS); its name is later changed to Level 1 BLAS
  • networking: TCP/IP defined V. Cerf , E. Cain and R. Kahn as part of ARPANET program funded by the US DoD to enable interconnection of different networks
  • os, UNIX: 3rd Eiditon of UNIX is released. The UNIX C compiler (cc) first appeared. The kernel was still written in assembler and the number of installations had grown to 16. Pipes were also introduced.
  • os, UNIX: 4th Edition of UNIX is released. This is the first version of UNIX that had the kernel written in C. This made it portable and changed the history of OS's.


  • апрель: The Intel 8080 was the second 8-bit microprocessor designed and manufactured by Intel. Частота 2 МГц, 6.000 транзисторов, 6-микронный процесс.
  • июль: networking: Bob Metcalfe and David Boggs published their landmark paper “Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks.”
  • ноябрь: США: была создана компания Tandem Computers by a group of former Hewlett-Packard employees headed by James G. Treybig. Their vision was to build a machine with enough sophistication to withstand the loss of any single component—a computer with "no single point of failure".

  • The 6800 was an 8-bit microprocessor designed and manufactured by Motorola in 1974.
  • Jack Dennis and David Misunas at MIT publish the description of a data flow computer.
  • Leslie Lamport's paper "Parallel Execution of Do-Loops" lays the theoretical foundation for most later research on automatic vectorization and shared-memory parallelization. Much of the work was done in 1971-2 while Lamport was at Compass Inc.
  • CDC: CDC delivers the STAR-100, the first commercial pipelined vector supercomputer, to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The machine uses a memory-to-memory architecture; its principal architects are Jim Thornton and Neil Lincoln.
  • Япония: The Japanese National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) and Fujitsu begin development of the Japanese pipelined vector processor, the FACOM-230. Only two of these machines are ever built
  • IBM delivers the 3838 array processor, a general-purpose digital signal processor.
  • Work begins at Burroughs on designing the Burroughs Scientific Processor (BSP).
  • Work begins at ICL on building a prototype DAP (Distributed Array Processor).
  • Burton Smith begins designing the context flow Heterogeneous Element Processor (HEP) for Denelcor.
  • Tony Hoare describes monitors, a structured mutual exclusion mechanism which is later incorporated into many concurrent programming languages.
  • The LINPACK Project begins to develop software to solve linear systems of equations.
  • Tandem Computers founded by Jim Treybig and others from Hewlett-Packard to develop fault-tolerant systems for online transaction processing.
  • Federico Faggin покидает компанию Intel и основывает компанию Zilog, которая клонирует 8080 чип и создает микропроцессор Z80.
  • os, UNIX: 5th Edition of UNIX is released. The source code was made freely available to universities for educational purposes.
  • os, UNIX: Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie publish their classic paper, "The UNIX Timesharing System" at the Symposium on Operating System Principles. Bob Fabry, a professor at the University of California at Berkeley wanted to get a copy to experiment with. After buying a PDP 11/45, he received the tapes for 4th Edition UNIX which was installed in 1974.


  • май: os, UNIX, BSD: UNIX 6th Edition is released. UNIX leaves home. Called V6 UNIX, becomes the first version of UNIX to be used outside Bell Labs. Also widely known as Version 6, this is the fi rst to be widely available outside of Bell Labs. The University of California at Berkeley starts development on the Berkeley Software Distribution. The first BSD version (1.x) was derived from V6.
  • сентябрь: The MOS Technology 6502 is an 8-bit microprocessor that was designed by Chuck Peddle and Bill Mensch for MOS Technology in 1975. Из-за своей дешевизны и простоты с него началась революция персональных компьютеров. Стив Возняк выбрал этот процессор для своего первого микрокомпьютера Apple I, сначала хотел воспользоваться мотороловским процессором, но MOS Technology 6502 оказался дешевым и полным аналогом
  • CDC: Cyber 200 project begins at Control Data; its architecture is to be memory-to-memory, like that of the STAR-100. Its principal architect is Neil Lincoln
  • ILLIAC-IV becomes operational at NASA Ames after concerted check-out effort.
  • Duncan Lawrie describes the Omega network, a multi-stage interconnection network which is later used in several parallel computers.
  • Work begins at Carnegie-Mellon University on the Cm* multiprocessor, with support from DEC. The machine combines PDP minicomputers using hierarchical buses
  • Edsger Dijkstra describes guarded commands, a mechanism for structuring concurrency which is later incorporated into many programming languages.
  • Design of the iAPX 432 symmetric multiprocessor begins at Intel


  • март: Intel выпускает процессор Intel 8085. Частота 5МГц, 6.500 транзисторов, 3-микронный процесс.
  • июль: The Zilog Z80 is an 8-bit microprocessor designed by Zilog. Частота 2МГц, 8.500 транзисторов
  • Компания MOS Technologies, созданная бывшими работниками Motorola, представляет процессор 6502. Стив Возняк использует эту микросхему в своем компьютере Apple I и Apple II/II+, так как она была дешевле, чем Intel 8080.
  • Cray Research and introduced the CRAY-1 in 1976. Cray Research delivers the first Freon-cooled CRAY-1 to Los Alamos National Laboratory.
  • The Parafrase compiler system is developed at University of Illinois under the direction of David Kuck. A successor to a program called the Analyzer, Parafrase is used as a testbed for the development of many new ideas on vectorization and program transformation.
  • Carl Hewitt, at MIT, invents the Actors model, in which control structures are patterns of messages. This model is the basis for much later work on high-level parallel programming models
  • Floating Point Systems Inc. delivers its 1st 38-bit AP-120B array processor. The machine issues multiple pipelined instructions every cycle.
  • Япония: Fujitsu delivers the FACOM-230 vector processor to the Japanese National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL).
  • Tandem ships its NonStop fault-tolerant disjoint-memory machines with 2 to 16 custom processors, dual interprocessor buses, and a message-based operating system. The machines are used primarily for on-line transaction processing.
  • Work on the PS-2000 multiprocessor begins at the Institute of Control Problems in Moscow (IPU) and the Scientific Research Institute of Control Computers in Severodonetsk, Ukraine
  • Utpal Banerjee's thesis at the University of Illinois formalizes the concept of data dependence, and describes and implements the analysis algorithm named after him.
  • CDC: CDC delivers the Flexible Processor, a programmable signal processing unit with a 48-bit instruction word.
  • Borroughs delivers the PEPE associative processor
  • Floating Point Systems Inc. describes loop wrapping (later called software pipelining), which it uses to program pipelined multiple instruction issue processors
  • os, UNIX: Опубликована книна "Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition, with Source Code" by John Lions


  • июнь: The Apple II computers went on sale on June 5, 1977 with a MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor running at 1 MHz,
  • DEC VAX. Впервые использованы "memory-memory" операции
  • Al Davis of the University of Utah, in collaboration with Burroughs, builds the DDM1, the operational data flow processor.
  • Haendler, Hofmann, and Schneider built the Erlangen General Purpose Architecture (EGPA) machines at the University of Erlangen in Germany. Each machines contains 5 or 21 32-bit processors in a pyramid topology, and is programmed in an extension of FORTRAN 77.
  • Roger Hockney introduces n1=2 and r1 as metrics for pipeline performance
  • C.mmp multiprocessor completed at Carnegie-Mellon University. The machine contains 16 PDP-11 minicomputers connected by a crossbar to shared memories, and supports much early work on languages and operating systems for parallel machines
  • Conservative parallel discrete event simulation techniques are proposed independently by R. E. Bryant, and by K.Mani Chandy and J. Misra
  • Massively Parallel Processor (MPP) project for fast image processing first discussed by Goodyear and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


  • июнь: Intel 8086. Один из первых 16-битовых микропроцессоров. В то время почти все были 8-битовыми. 29.000 транзисторов, частота 5МГц.
  • Arvind, Kim Gostelow and Wil Ploue at the University of California, Irvine, describe the data flow language Id (Irvine data flow), which is the basis for much later work on data flow languages
  • In his Turing Award address, John Backus (inventor of FORTRAN) argues against the use of conventional imperative languages, and for functional programming. The dificulty of programming parallel computers in imperative languages is cited as one argument against them
  • CDC demonstrates the Cyber 203, a predecessor of its Cyber 205 product
  • Per Brinch Hansen describes remote procedure call (RPC) in paper on distributed processes, although he does not use that term
  • Harry F. Jordan describes the Finite Element Machine, later built at NASA Langley, and introduces the term barrier synchronization
  • BBN begins design of multiprocessors based around the butter y switch originally developed for the Pluribus. This switch has its roots in work on perfect shuffle and Omega networks
  • H. T. Kung and Charles Leiserson publish the first paper describing systolic arrays.
  • Tony Hoare describes the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) model. This mixes synchronous point-to-point communication with guarded commands, and is the basis for many later parallel programming languages.
  • Steven Fortune and James Wyllie describe the PRAM model, which becomes the standard model for complexity analysis of parallel algorithms
  • Leslie Lamport describes the algorithm for creating a partial order on distributed events which bears his name
  • Опубликована книга "The C Programming Language" by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie


  • май: os, UNIX, BSD: Bill Joy released the second Berkeley Software Distribution which became known as 2BSD. This included an updated Pascal system, the vi editor, and termcap which could be used for driving multiple different terminal types, a must for supporting vi. Some 75 copies of 2BSD were sent out by Bill Joy.
  • сентябрь: Motorola 68000 (CISC) - лучший коммерческий процессор на тот момент

  • The data flow multiprocessor, with 32 processors, becomes operational at CERT-ONERA in Toulouse, France
  • M. H. Van Emden and G. J. De Lucena at Waterloo propose predicate logic as a language for parallel programming. The authors have great difficulty getting their paper accepted for publication.
  • Josh Fisher at Yale describes trace scheduling, a method of compiling programs written in conventional languages for wide-word machines. This later becomes the foundation for Multiflow's VLIW systems.
  • IBM's John Cocke designs the 801, the 1st of what are later called RISC architectures
  • ICL delivers the DAP to Queen Mary College, London
  • Inmos set up by British government to develop and produce memory chips and the transputer microprocessor
  • The 1st single-processor prototype of the Denelcor HEP becomes operational
  • Parviz Kermani and Leonard Kleinrock describe the virtual cut-through technique for message routing
  • Level 1 BLAS is released; the LINPACK software package is completed. The LINPACK Users' Guide contains the 1st LINPACK Benchmark Report, listing performance on 17 machines from the DEC PDP-10 to the Cray 1. The latter achieves 4 MFLOPS for a 100x100 matrix at full precision on a single processor.
  • Япония: T. Hoshino, at the University of Kyoto, builds the PAX-9, a disjoint-memory MIMD machine containing 9 Motorola 6800 processors. This machine is the predecessor of later generations of PAX multicomputers built at Tsukuba University to study quantum chromodynamics
  • os, UNIX: 7th Edition UNIX was rewritten to make it more portable. The first K&R (Kernighan and Ritchie) compliant C compiler made its appearance with 7th edition together with Steve Bourne’s shell (sh). Microsoft licenses 7th Edition and starts development of Xenix. Note that the size of the 7th Edition kernel was only 40KB, a tiny program by today’s standards. It was ported to the VAX and the kernel was more than 40 Kilobytes (K).


  • нобярь: os, UNIX, BSD: 4BSD is released. The new system included the Pascal compiler, job control, auto reboot, and a 1KB size filesystem.
  • Apollo Computer Inc., was founded - one of the first vendors of graphical workstations in the 1980s.
  • RISC: Началась работа над исследовательским проектом Berkeley RISC, который дал начало направлению RISC-процессоров в 1984 году
  • PFC (Parallel FORTRAN Compiler) developed at Rice University under the direction of Ken Kennedy
  • Teradata spun off from Citibank to develop parallel database query processors
  • PS-2000 multiprocessors go into operation in the USSR. Each contains 64 24-bit processing elements on a segmentable bus, with independent addressing in each PE. The machine's total performance is 200 MIPS. Approximately 200 are manufactured between 1981 and 1989
  • J. T. Schwartz publishes paper describing and analyzing the ultracomputer model, in which processors are connected by a shufle/exchange network
  • Robin Milner, working at the University of Edinburgh, describes the Calculus of Communicating Systems, a theoretical framework for describing the properties of concurrent systems.
  • David Padua and David Kuck at the University of Illinois develop the DOACROSS parallel construct to be used as a target in program transformation. The name DOACROSS is due to Robert Kuhn.
  • DEC develops the KL10 symmetricmultiprocessor. Up to three CPUs are supported, but one customer builds a five CPU system.
  • El'brus-1, delivering 12 MIPS, passes testing in the USSR.
  • Les Valiant describes and analyzes random routing, a method for reducing contention in message-routing networks. The technique is later incorporated into some machines, and is the basis for much work on PRAM emulation
  • Burroughs Scientific Processor project cancelled after one sale but before delivery
  • Andy Bechtolsheim создает SUN workstation в Университете Stanford University Network. Этот "3M computer" станет основой, на которой будет создана компания Sun Microsystems, котоаря будет продавать рабочие станции.
  • os, UNIX: Microsoft releases Xenix, a PC-based version of UNIX.


  • июнь: RISC: проект Berkeley RISC выдал первый результат Berkeley RISC I
  • июнь: os, UNIX, BSD: Bill Joy then released 4.1BSD which contained numerous performance improvements to the kernel.
  • 12 августа: компания IBM представила на рынке IBM PC на основе 8-битового Intel 8088 (урезанного варианта Intel 8086). Частота 4.77 МГц
  • Apollo Computer Inc. unveiled the DN100 workstation, which used the Motorola 68000 microprocessor.
  • RISC, MIPS: Началась работа команды под руководством John L. Hennessy в университете Stanford University над процессором MIPS.
  • CDC: In 1981, CDC started shipping CYBER-205
  • tagged-token data flow computer becomes operational at the University of Manchester
  • Kuck, Kuhn, Padua, Leasure, and Wolfe, at the University of Illinois, describe the use of dependence graphs for vectorization
  • Floating Point Systems Inc. delivers the 64-bit FPS-164 array processor, which issues multiple pipelined instructions every cycle
  • CDC: Control Data delivers the Cyber 205 vector supercomputer, which has a memory-to-memory architecture
  • DEC produces the two-processor VAX 11/782 asymmetric multiprocessor. A small number of 4-processor machines (called the 11/784) are built
  • Bruce J. Nelson, of Xerox PARC and Carnegie-Mellon University, describes and names remote procedure call. RPC is later the basis for many parallel and distributed programming systems
  • A group led by Charles Seitz (computer science) and Geofrey Fox (physics) begins development of a hypercube multicomputer at the Californa Institute of Technology
  • Danny Hillis writes the description of the Connection Machine architecture in a memo from the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab
  • BBN delivers its Butterfly multiprocessor. The machine contains Motorola 68000s connected through multistage network to disjoint memories, giving appearance of shared memory
  • Franco Preparata and Jean Vuillemin describe the cube-connected cycles topology
  • Intel iAPX 432 multiprocessor prototype completed. Intel abandons the project, but some project members later help found companies which pursue the project's ideas
  • SGI: Silicon Graphics Inc. founded to develop high-performance graphics workstations.
  • Allan Gottlieb and others describe the NYU Ultracomputer, a shared-memory machine which uses message combining in a multistage interconnection network
  • США: Tandem Computers: The second generation NonStop (TNSII) came in 1981 and was an upgrade to the central processing chips, processor boards and memory boards only and otherwise identical to the first NonStop (NSI).


  • 1 февраля: Intel 80286. 134.000 транзистора, 16-bit-овый процессор
  • 24 февраля: США, Sun: Vinod Khosla, Andy Bechtolsheim и Scott McNealy - все выпускники Стенфордского университета - основывают компанию Sun Microsystems. К 1984 году компания выпускает рабочие станции на базе процессоров Motorola 68000 с высококачественной графической системой с ОС 4.2BSD
  • февраль: компания AMD подписывает соглашение с Intel о лицензионном выпуске процессоров 8086 и 8088, выступая в качестве "второго поставщика" для компании IBM.
  • 11 июня: RISC: первый экспериментальный RISC-компьютер построенный в рамках проекта Berkeley RISC I
  • Japan: Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) begins the Fifth Generation Computer Systems project, with the aim of building parallel knowledge-based machines using Prolog as a kernel language. Many imitation projects soon begun elsewhere
  • Michael Wolfe's thesis on optimizing compilers for supercomputers appears, It contains the detailed, coherent account of program transformations for vectorization and shared-memory parallelization.
  • Convex (originally called Parsec) founded to pursue mini-supercomputer market.
  • Steve Chen's group at Cray Research produces the Cray X-MP, containing two pipelined processors compatible with the CRAY-1 and shared memory
  • Japan: Hitachi introduces its S-810 vector supercomputers, with peak rates up to 800 MFLOPS
  • ILLIAC IV decommissioned
  • Alliant (originally named Dataflow) founded to built mini-supercomputers
  • Denelcor HEPs installed in US. A total of eight machines are eventually built. Denelcor, Inc. introduced multi-threading with the HEP
  • Japan: T.Hoshino, at Kyoto University, builds the PAX-32 and PAX-128, containing 32 and 128 Motorola 68000 processors respectively
  • CDC: Control Data (CDC) improves its Flexible Processor to create the Advanced Flexible Processor (AFP), with a 210-bit instruction word
  • Fujitsu ships its VP-200 vector supercomputer, with a peak rate of 500 MFLOPS
  • Sperry Univac delivers the 1100/80 machines. Each contains up to four CPUs, four I/O processors, and two array processor subsystems. Pacific-Sierra Research (PSR) develops the VAST parallelizing tool to help translate DO-loops into parallel operations.
  • Japan: Japanese MITI begins a ten-year Superspeed project, whose goal is a 10 GFLOPS supercomputer
  • Cosmic Cube hypercube prototype goes into operation at Caltech. The predecessor of the CrOS (Crystalline Operating System) programming system is developed.
  • os, UNIX, Sun: AT&T’s UNIX Systems Group releases System III UNIX. the fi rst public release outside Bell Laboratories. The Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) licenses Xenix from Microsoft. SunOS 1.0 ships. HP-UX introduced. Ultrix-11 introduced.


  • март: IBM представляет компьютер PC XT на базе 16-битного процессора Intel 8088
  • август: os, UNIX, BSD: Following Bill Joy’s departure in 1982 to co-found Sun Microsystems, 4.2BSD was released. Mike Karels and Marshall Kirk McKusick took on leadership roles. Due to the introduction of TCP/IP and the Fast File System, the number of 4.2BSD installations far exceeded UNIX System V from AT&T. University of California, Berkeley add TCP/IP networking, sockets and rcommands to UNIX 4.2 BSD
  • ноябрь: TCP/IP, UNIX, BSD, Sun: Sun Microsystems ships Sun-2 (10 MHz Motorola 68010 microprocessor, SunOS 1.0, based on 4.1BSD), first commercial system with TCP/IP and Ethernet built in as standard. They were to later add NFS , Yellowpages (NIS) and RPC's

  • Cray shipped the Cray X-MP
  • Loral Instrumentation begins development of the Loral DataFlo computer
  • J. R. Allen's Ph.D. thesis at Rice University introduces the concepts of loop-carried and loop-independent dependencies, and formalizes the process of vectorization.
  • Ada reference manual published by the US Department of Defence. The language introduces rendezvous mechanism for interprocess communication and synchronization, and is widely criticized for its complexity
  • Scientific Computer Systems founded to design and market Cray-compatible minisupercomputers
  • ETA Systems, Inc. spun off from CDC to develop a new generation of vector supercomputers
  • Япония: NEC introduces its SX-1 vector supercomputer
  • DEC modifies its popular VMS operating system to support loosely-coupled clusters of VAXes.
  • The full Mark I Cosmic Cube hypercube goes into operation at Caltech. Work begins on its successor, the Mark II.
  • Sheryl Handler and Danny Hillis found Thinking Machines Corporation; Hillis' Ph.D. thesis is used as a starting point for a massively-parallel AI supercomputer
  • Impressed by the Caltech hypercubes, Steve Colley and John Palmer leave Intel to found nCUBE
  • CRAY-1 with 1 processor achieves 12.5 MFLOPS on the 100x100 LINPACK benchmark.
  • The US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) starts the Strategic Computing Initiative, which helps fund such machines as the Thinking Machines Connection Machine, BBN Butterfly, and CMU WARP
  • SISAL (Streams and Iterations in a Single-Assignment Language) language definition released by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Colorado State University, DEC, and University of Manchester. A descendent of data ow languages, it includes array operations, streams, and iterations.
  • David May publishes description of Occam, a concurrent programming language based on CSP which is closely associated with the transputer
  • Tandem ships its Fiber Optic Extension (FOX) ring network to connect distributed clusters of processors. Several systems containing more than 100 processors are built
  • Goodyear Aerospace delivers the Massively Parallel Processor (MPP) to NASA Goddard. The Machine contains 16K processors in a 128x128 grid, each with 1024 bits of memory
  • Myrias Research spun off from University of Alberta to build shared-memory mini-supercomputers
  • Sequent founded. Several of its founders are former members of Intel iAPX 432 project
  • Encore founded to build minisupercomputers.
  • os, UNIX: Computer Research Group, UNIX System Group (USG) and a third group merge to become UNIX System Development Lab
  • os, UNIX: AT&T's UNIX System Development Labs release System V Release 1 (SVR1) UNIX, the first supported release. Installed base 45,000.
  • США: Tandem Computers: NonStop TXP (Tandem NonStop Extended Processor). Was also an upgrade to the processor boards only and otherwise identical to the NSI/NSII. A new Operating Systems was required - Guardian B-Series.


  • Ron Cytron's Ph.D. thesis at the University of Illinois extends the concept of DOACROSS loops
  • Harry F. Jordan implements The Force, the SPMD programming language, on the Denelcor HEP.
  • The CRAY X-MP family is expanded to include 1- and 4-processor machines. A CRAY X-MP running CX-OS, the Unix-like operating system for supercomputers, is delivered to NASA Ames
  • Intel Scientific Computers is set up by Justin Rattner to produce hypercube multicomputers commercially.
  • Sequent produces its shared-memory Balance multiprocessors, using NS32016 microprocessors and a proprietary Unix-like symmetric operating system called DYNIX
  • Center for Supercomputing Research and Development (CSRD) founded at the University of Illinois. Work begins on CEDAR, a hierarchical shared-memory machine.
  • Cydrome founded by B. R. Rau and others to build VLIW mini-supercomputers with architectural support for software pipelining of loops
  • Япония: Mitsui Shipbuilding Company installs a toroidal multicomputer called the PAX-64J at the University of Tsukuba
  • CRAY X-MP with 1 processor achieves 21 MFLOPS on 100x100 LINPACK
  • Robert Halstead at MIT introduces and names the futures construct in a paper describing the implementation of Multilisp
  • Unimpressed with available commercial machines, Caltech begins work on Mark III hypercube
  • Multi flow founded by Josh Fisher and others from Yale to produce very long instruction word (VLIW) supercomputers
  • Work starts on Level 2 of the BLAS software
  • os, UNIX, BSD: 4.2BSD is released including TCP/IP, new signals and much more.
  • os, UNIX: USG later became the UNIX System Development Laboratory (USDL) releaased System V Release 2 (SVR2), which was the first version of UNIX to support paging, copy-on-write semantics, shared memory, and file locking. The number of installations of UNIX worldwide exceeds 100,000.
  • os, UNIX: Digital Equipment Corporation’s (DEC’s) 4.2BSD-based Ultrix is released


  • май: os, UNIX, BSD, Sun: SunOS 2.0 released. Introduced the NFS protocol, Yellow Pages (YP) distributed network information system, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) / eXternal Data Representation (XDR) and virtual file system (VFS) layer using vnodes. Coincided with release of Motorolla 68020-based Sun-3 hardware.
  • октябрь: компания Intel представила процессор Intel 80386. 275.000 транзисторов, 5 MIPS, сделали 32-bit-ный процессор. 32-битная микроархитектура IA-32, установившаяся на 20 лет, и лишь в 2005 году пришла архитектура x86-64. Массовое производство его началось лишь в июне следующего года. Достигнутые частоты: 16-25МГц

  • David Gelernter at Yale publishes a description of Linda. Key elements of it later re-appear in the Linda parallel programming system
  • Convex delivers the of its single-processor C1 mini-supercomputers using a custom VAX-like vector processor
  • Cray Research produces the CRAY-2, with four background processors, a single foreground processor, a 4.1 nsec clock cycle, and 256 Mword memory. The machine is cooled by an inert fluorocarbon previously used as a blood substitute
  • Fujitsu introduces its VP-400 vector supercomputer
  • Intel produces the iPSC/1 hypercube, which contains 80286 processors connected through Ethernet controllers
  • IBM introduces the 3090 vector processor
  • W. K. Giloi's design is chosen as the basis for the German Suprenum supercomputer project
  • Thinking Machines Corporation demonstrates CM-1 Connection Machine to DARPA.
  • Inmos produces 1st (integer) T414 transputer. Members of the implementation group leave to found Meiko, which demonstrates its transputer-based Computing Surface that year. Parsytec founded in Germany to build transputer-based machines; ESPRIT Supernode project begins work on floatingpoint transputer
  • Alliant delivers its FX/8 vector multiprocessor machines. The processors are a custom implementation of an extended Motorola 68020 instruction set. An auto-parallelizing FORTRAN compiler is shipped with the machine
  • Denelcor closes doors
  • Dally and Seitz develop the wormhole routing model, invent virtual channels, and show deadlock-free routing can be performed using virtual channels
  • A 16-node QCD machine at Columbia University begins operation. The machine delivers 250 MFLOPS peak and 60 MFLOPS sustained performance
  • NEC SX-2 with 1 processor achieves 46 MFLOPS on 100x100 LINPACK
  • Supertek Computers, Inc. is founded by Mike Fung, a former Hewlett Packard RISC project manager
  • NEC delivers its SX-2 vector supercomputer. The machine has a 6.0 ns clock is capable of producing 8 floating point results per clock cycle, and can be configured with up to 256 MByte of memory
  • Teradata ships the of its DBC/1012 parallel database query engine. These machines contain Intel 8086 processors connected by proprietary tree network
  • ICL produces a 1024-processor MiniDAP for use as workstation co-processor.
  • nCUBE produces the 1st of its nCUBE/10 hypercube multi-computers using custom VAX-like processors.
  • Charles Leiserson describes the fat-tree networ
  • David Jefferson describes how virtual time and time warping can be used as a basis for speculative distributed simulations.
  • IBM begins the RP3 project, to build a scalable shared-memory multiprocessor using a message-combining switch similar to that in the NYU Ultracomputer
  • Pfister and Norton analyze hot spot contention in multistage networks, and describe how message combining can ameliorate its effects.
  • Dennis Ritchie, Bell Labs, creates kernel streams to allow easy implementation of protocol stacks as part of UNIX Eighth Edition
  • 8th Edition of UNIX is released. 8th Edition UNIX picked up some enhancements developed from 4.1BSD. This edition was used as the basis for System V Release 3.


  • январь: RISC, MIPS: процессор R2000 (RISC, MIPS I ISA)
  • 26 февраля: HP, RISC: архитектура PA-RISC (32-bit)
  • февраль: ox, UNIX, Sun: SunOS 3.0 (based on 4.2BSD + UNIX System V IPC)
  • июнь: os, UNIX, BSD: Following criticism of 4.1BSD performance, a two year period of tuning and refining produced 4.3BSD which was released, including internet name server. 4.2BSD-based HP-UX first appears.
  • сентябрь: os, UNIX, BSD, Sun: SunOS 3.2 released. Same as SunOS 3.0, plus some 4.3BSD. First support for Sun-4 series.

  • RISC, SPARC: The published revision was the 32-bit SPARC Version 7 (V7) in 1986
  • In 1986, IBM introduced the System/370 vector architecture and its implementation in the 3090 Vector Facility. The architecture extends the System/370 architecture with 171 vector instructions. The 3090/VF is integrated into the 3090 CPU.
  • на деньги компаний Compaq, ASCII и Kleiner Perkins создана компания NexGen, которая создавала клоны процессора Intel 80386. К тому времени как клон был готов вся индустрия уже перешла на процессоры Intel 80486
  • Loral Instrumentation delivers the first LDF-100 data ow computer to the U.S. government. Two more systems are shipped before the project is shut down
  • Gul Agha, at the University of Illinois, describes a new form of the Actors model which is the foundation for much later work on fine-grained multicomputer architectures and software
  • The CrOS III programming system, Cubix (a file-system handler) and Plotix (a graphics handler) are developed for the Caltech hypercubes. These are later the basis for several widely-used message-passing programming systems
  • Scientific Computer Systems delivers 1st SCS-40, a Cray-compatible minisupercomputer
  • El'brus-2 completed in the USSR. The machine contains 10 processor, and delivers 125 MIPS (94 MFLOPS) peak performance. Approximately 200 machines are later manufactured
  • Thinking Machines ships CM-1 Connection Machine, containing up to 65536 single-bit processors connected in hypercube.
  • Encore ships its bus-based Multimax computer, which couples NS32032 processors to Weitek floating-point accelerators.
  • Dally shows that low-dimensional k-arrry n-cubes are more wire-efficient than hypercubes for typical values of network bisection, message length, and module pinout. Dally demonstrates the torus routing chip, the low-dimensional wormhole routing component
  • Kai Li describes system for emulating shared virtual memory on disjoint-memory hardware
  • The Universities of Bologna, Padua, Pisa, and Rome, along with CERN and INFN, complete a 4-node QCD machine delivering 250 MFLOPS peak and 60 MFLops sustained performance
  • CRAY X-MP with 4 processors achieves 713 MFLOPS (against a peak of 840) on 1000x1000 LINPACK
  • Alan Karp offers $100 prize to 1st person to demonstrate speedup of 200 or more on general purpose parallel processor. Benner, Gustafson, and Montry begin work to win it, and are later awarded the Gordon Bell Prize.
  • Arvind, Nikhil, and Pingali at MIT propose the I-structure, a parallel array-like structure allowing side effects. This is incorporated into the Id language, and similar constructs soon appear in other high-level languages
  • Floating Point Systems introduces its T-series hypercube, which combines Weitek floating-point units with Inmos transputers. A 128-processor system is shipped to Los Alamos.
  • Active Memory Technology spun off from ICL to develop DAP products.
  • Kendall Square Research Corporation (KSR) is founded by Henry Burkhardt (a former Data General and Encore founder) and Steve Frank, to build multiprocessor computers.
  • GE installs a prototype 10-processor programmable bit-slice systolic array called the Warp at CMU
  • os, UNIX: IBM releases AIX 2 for the RT server.
  • os, UNIX: Опубликована книга "The Design of the UNIX Operating System" by Maurice J. Bach. Описывает SVR2 UNIX
  • RISC, ARM: начался выпуск процессора ARM2
  • США: Tandem Computers: third generation CPU, the NonStop VLX


  • июль: RISC, SPARC: Sun SPARC (32-bit, RISC, SPARC V7) - используется в рабочих станциях SparcStation компании Sun Microsystems. Архитектура в значительной степени была основана на проектах Berkeley RISC; основные отличия от MIPS (Stanford) заключались в регистровом окне и конвейере. При проектировании SunRise в качестве консультанта привлекался профессор Дэвид Паттерсон
  • os, UNIX: Tanenbaum написал MINIX
  • The Motorola 68030 is a 32-bit microprocessor in Motorola's 68000 family. Главная фича - интегрированный Memory management unit (MMU), который позволял создавать операционные системы с виртуальной памятью (virtual memory - VM)
  • Chuan-Qi Zhu and Pen-Chung Yew at CSRD describe algorithms for run-time data dependence testing. These influence the implementation of synchronization primitives on the Cedar multiprocessor
  • Piyush Mehrotra and John Van Rosendale describe BLAZE, a language for shared-memory systems. The compiler uses data distribution descriptions in its intermediate form
  • ParaSoft spun off from hypercube group at Caltech to produce commercial version of CrOS-like message-passing system
  • ETA produces air- and liquid nitrogen-cooled versions of ETA multiprocessor supercomputer. Principal architect is Neil Lincoln
  • Intel produces the iPSC/2 hypercube using the 80386/7 chip-set and circuit-switched routing. The machine includes concurrent I/O facilities
  • Sequent produces its 80386-based Symmetry bus-based multiprocessor
  • The Caltech Mark III hypercube completed. The machine uses Motorola 68020 microprocessors and wormhole routing
  • Thinking Machines Corporation introduces the CM-2 Connection Machine, which contains 64k single-bit processors connected in hypercube and 2048 Weitek floating point units. The machine's FORTRAN compiler is developed by Compass Inc
  • Parsytec delivers its transputer-based SuperCluster machine
  • Myrias produces a prototype 68000-based SPS-1 multiprocessor. The machine emulates shared memory at the operating system level
  • Cydrome delivers the Cydra 5. The machine contains a single VLIW numeric processor with a 256-bit instruction word capable of 7 operations per cycle, andmultiple scalar processors for I/O and general-purpose work
  • J. van Leuwen and R. B. Tan describe interval routing, a compact way of encoding distributed routing information for many topologies. This is later used in the Inmos T9000 transputer
  • V. Nageshwara Rao and Vipin Kumar propose the use of isoeficiency to assess the scalability of parallel algorithms
  • Second-generation QCD machine containing 64 nodes goes into operation at Columbia University, delivering 1 GFLOPS peak and 300 MFLOPS sustained performance
  • ETA10 with 1 processor achieves 52 MFLOPS on 100x100 LINPACK; NEC SX-2 with 1 processor achieves 885 MFLOPS (against a peak of 1300) on 1000x1000 LINPACK.
  • The Gordon Bell Prizes for parallel performance is awarded. The recipients are Brenner, Gustafson, and Montry, for a speedup of 400-600 on variety of applications running on a 1024-node nCUBE, and Chen, De Benedictis, Fox, Li, and Walker, for speedups of 39-458 on various hypercubes
  • AMT delivers the of its reengineered DAPs, with 1024 single-bit processors connected in torus.
  • Multiflow delivers the Trace/200 VLIW machines, which use 256 to 1024 bits per instruction
  • Charles Seitz, working at Ametek, builds the Ametek-2010, the parallel computer using a 2-D mesh interconnect with wormhole routing
  • Abhiram Ranade describes how message combining, butterfly networks, and a complicated routing algorithm can emulate PRAMs in near-optimal time
  • Work starts on Level 3 BLAS. The LAPACK project is begun, with the aim of producing linear algebra software for shared memory parallel computers.
  • os, UNIX: AT&T releases System V Release 3 (SVR3), which includes STREAMS, the Network File System (NFS), and the Transport Level Interface (TLI). At this time there are 750,000 UNIX installations around the world. IRIX introduced.
  • os, UNIX: System V Release 3.2 (SRV 3.2) was released, which involved a merge of SVR3 and Xenix, produced by Microsoft and the Santa Cruz Operation (SCO).
  • США: Tandem Computers: introduced the NonStop CLX, a low-cost less-expandable minicomputer system


  • апрель: RISC: Motorola 88000 (RISC)
  • июнь: RISC: R3000 (RISC, MIPS I ISA)
  • июнь: os, UNIX, BSD, TCP: выходит 4.3BSD Tahoe. TCP enchancements: slow start, congestion avoidance, fast retransmit
  • октябрь: Dave Cutler переходит в Microsoft и начинает работу над Windows NT
  • октябрь:Компанией NeXT представлен NeXT Computer - очередной 3M computer, рабочая станция at a price of US$6,500. It was designed around the Motorola 68030 CPU and 68882 floating-point coprocessor, with a clock speed of 25 MHz. Its NeXTSTEP operating system is based on the Mach microkernel and BSD-derived Unix, with a proprietary GUI using a Display PostScript-based back end
  • декабрь: os, UNIX, Sun: SunOS 4.0 (based on 4.3BSD with UNIX System V IPC). New virtual memory system, dynamic linking, automounter, System V STREAMS I/O. Sun386i support.

  • IBM объявляет о компьютерной системе AS/400
  • In 1988, Cray Research introduced the CRAY Y-MP
  • The 128 processing-element SIGMA-1 dataflow machine of Japan's ElectroTechnical Laboratory (ETL) delivers over 100 MFLOPS
  • Ian Foster and Stephen Taylor describe Strand, a parallel programming language based on logic programming. Strand Software Technologies produces a commercial version called Strand88
  • Hans Zima, Heinz Bast, and Hans Michael Gerndt describe SUPERB, the automatic parallelization system for disjoint-memory computers. Ken Kennedy and David Callahan describe many of the same ideas in a paper published later the same year
  • Piyush Mehrotra and John Van Rosendale describe Kali, the language allowing user-specified data distributions on MIMD machines. Many of these ideas later appear in Vienna FORTRAN and HPF
  • ParaSoft releases the commercial version of its Express message-passing system
  • Convex introduces its second-generation C2 mini-supercomputers, which use some gallium arsenide gate arrays. Each machine could contain 1, 2, or 4 processors
  • CRI produces the of its Y-MP multiprocessor vector supercomputers.
  • Intel begins delivering iPSC/2 hyper-cubes incorporating wormhole routing
  • RISC, MIPS, SGI: Silicon Graphics produces its Power Series bus-based multiprocessor workstations, with up to 8 MIPS R2000 RISC microprocessors each
  • Work begins at Indian Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) on a transputer-based parallel machine called PARAM
  • Thinking Machines Corporation introduces the DataVault mass storage subsystem, which uses up to 84 small disks to achieve high bandwidth and fault tolerance
  • Inmos produces the T800 floating point transputer; Meiko and Parsytec begin marketing T800-based machines
  • Cydrome closes doors
  • John Gustafson and Gary Montry argue that Amdahl's Law can be invalidated by increasing problem size
  • Friedemann Mattern and Colin Fidge develop implementations of Lamport's partially-ordered virtual time algorithm for distributed systems
  • The Universities of Bologna, Padua, Pisa, and Rome, along with CERN and INFN, complete a 16-node QCD machine delivering 1 GFLOPS peak and 300 MFLops sustained performance
  • CRAY Y-MP with 1 processor achieves 74 MFLOPS on 100x100 LINPACK; the same machine with 8 processors achieves 2.1 GFLOPS (against a peak of 2.6) on 1000xx1000 LINPACK
  • Gordon Bell Prize awarded to Vu, Simon, Ashcraft, Grimes, and Peyton, whose static structures program achieves 1 GFLOPS on an 8-processor CRAY Y-MP.
  • Rosing and Schnabel describe DINO, an extension to C for describing processor structures and data distributions for distributed-memory machines
  • Floating Point Systems Inc. changes its name to FPS Computing and buys Celerity Computing. The reformed company produces the Model 500 (Celerity 6000) mini-supercomputer with multiple scalar and vector processors
  • MasPar Computer Corp. founded by former DEC executive Jeff Kalb to develop massively-parallel SIMD machines
  • Tera Computer Co. founded by Burton Smith and James Rottsolk to develop and market a new multi-threaded parallel computer, similar to the Denelcor HEP
  • Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI) working group formed to develop standard for interconnection network providing 1 GByte per second per processor and cache coherence using many unidirectional point-to-point links.
  • Mirchandaney, Saltz, Smith, Nicol and Crowley describe and implement the inspector/executor method for runtime pre-processing of loops with irregular data accesses, along with a scheme for implementing user-defined, compiler-embedded partitions
  • Patterson, Gibson, and Katz describe the use of redundant arrays of inexpensive disks (RAID) for mass storage.
  • os, UNIX: 9th Edition of UNIX is released. This edition picked up enhancements made for 4.3BSD. In 1987 Sun and AT&T joined forces to develop UNIX System V Release 4, which combined the best of SunOS and System V Release 3.2. SVR4 encompassed many of the ideas that Sun had implemented including VFS/vnodes, NFS, and their virtual memory architecture, which cleanly divides memory management into machine dependent and machine independent layers
  • США: Tandem Computers: Introduced NonStop CLX
  • os, UNIX: POSIX.1 published. Open Software Foundation (OSF) and UNIX International (UI) formed. Ultrix 4.2 ships.


  • апрель: Sun, RISC, SPARC: начало продаж SPARCstation 1, или Sun 4/60 — рабочая станция с процессорами SPARC, созданная корпорацией Sun Microsystems. Это первая рабочая станция из серии SPARCstation.
  • июнь: os, UNIX, BSD: BSD Netowrking Software release 1.0 (Networking Release 1 (Net/1)) - отдельная имлементация сети BSD для тех, кто не хочет платить лицензию AT&T за ее код в 4.3BSD

  • Intel 80486, 1.2 миллиона транзисторов, впервые встроенный математическочский сопроцессор, впервые в x86 процессорах - конвейер (tightly-pipelined), раздельный кэш для данных и инструкций. Достигнутые частоты: 25-100МГц
  • Intel начинает работу над Pentium-ом (P5)
  • CDC: In 1989 CDC, the supercomputer vendor, closed ETA Systems and left supercomputer design business
  • Murray Cole, at the University of Edinburgh, proposes the use of algorithmic skeletons as a basis for parallel functional programming
  • os, UNIX: 10th Edition of UNIX is released. This was the last edition.
  • os, UNIX: As a joint venture between AT&T's Unix System Laboratories (USL) and Sun Microsystems, System V Release 4.0 is released (SVR4), unifying: AT&T’s earlier System V Release 3, 4.3BSD, Sun’s SunOS and Xenix 5. Installed base 1.2 million. Included: TCP/IP support, the Network File System (NFS), the Unix File System (UFS), and the Virtual File System (VFS) interface. Full support of the Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) standard.
  • os, UNIX, Sun: Sun implements STREAMS based TCP/IP stack as part of SVR4 development and for use in Solaris 2. (They also implemented a full ISO stack).
  • США: Tandem Computers: introduced the NonStop Cyclone, a fast but expensive system for the mainframe end of the market. Also intorduced Integrity line in 1989, using MIPS R2000 processors and a "NonStop UX" variant of Unix
  • США: Apollo Computer Inc. (workstations manufacturer) was acquired by Hewlett-Packard for US$476 million. But after acquiring Apollo Computer in 1989, HP integrated a lot of Apollo technology into their own HP 9000 series of workstations and servers


  • февраль: RISC: In February 1990, the computers from IBM to incorporate the POWER Architecture ("Performance Optimized With Enhanced RISC") were called the "RISC System/6000" or RS/6000.
  • июнь: Bob Colwell переходит на работу в Intel и начинает разработку P6 (Pentium Pro). Ему поставлена задача превзойти в P6 производительность P5 в два раза. В это время комнада Intel в Santa Clara еще только в чертежах допиливает P5 (Pentium), который выйдет в 1993 году

  • США: NeXT: The NeXTcube is the successor to the original NeXT Computer, with a Motorolla 68040 processor, a hard disk in place of the magneto-optical drive, and a floppy disk drive. NeXTstation, a more affordable version of the NeXTcube, was released
  • The Motorola 68040 is a microprocessor from Motorola, released in 1990
  • RISC, SPARC: SPARC Version 8 (V8), an enhanced SPARC architecture definition, was released in 1990
  • os, UNIX, BSD: 4.3BSD Reno released. промежуточный релиз перед выходом 4.4BSD. Добавлены NFS implementation from the University of Guelph and support for the HP 9000 range of workstation computers. TCP: fast recovery, TCP header prediction, SLIP header compression, routing table changes
  • os, UNIX, BSD: Based on SVR2 with enhancements from 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD, IBM releases AIX 3.1.
  • os, UNIX: X/Open launches XPG3 Brand. OSF/1 debuts. Plan 9 from Bell Labs ships.


  • июнь: os, UNIX, BSD: Networking Release 2 (Net/2) - не просто сетевой код, а практически вся операционная система стала свободной так как код AT&T в ней был заменен на свой написанный с нуля. На основе этого вариата были написаны для Intel 80386: free 386BSD by William Jolitz и proprietary BSD/386 (later renamed BSD/OS) by Berkeley Software Design (BSDi). 386BSD itself was short-lived, but became the initial code base of the NetBSD and FreeBSD projects that were started shortly thereafter. Из-за юридических тяжб начатых AT&T с BSDi разработка свободного BSD дистрибутива заморозилась почти на 2 года. Благодаря этому за 2 года взлетел Linux, у которого не было никаких связей с AT&T и кодом UNIX-ов. Если бы 386BSD вышел не в 1992 году, а раньше, по словам Линуса, он бы не взялся за создание Linux-а.
  • 4 сентября: os, UNIX, Sun: Sun announced that it would replace its existing BSD-derived Unix, SunOS 4, with one based on SVR4. Новая операционная система будет называться Solaris 2.0 (SunOS 5.0)
  • 11 сентября: os, Linux: Linus Torvalds публикует версию 0.01 Linux еще в зачаточном состоянии
  • октябрь: os: Linux 0.02
  • ноябрь: os: Linux 0.03, Linux 0.10
  • декабрь: os: Linux 0.11

  • RISC, MIPS: R4000 (RISC, 64-bit, MIPS III ISA)
  • AMD Am386 - клон Intel 80386 созданный компанией Intel и выпущенный по лицензии компанией AMD
  • США: Tandem Computers: released the Cyclone/R, also known as CLX/R. This was a low cost mid-range system based on CLX components, but used MIPS R3000 microprocessors instead of the much slower CLX stack machine board.
  • os, UNIX: UNIX System Laboratories (USL) becomes a company - majority-owned by AT&T.
  • os, UNIX: MINIX 1.5 released


  • январь: os: Linux 0.12 - добавлена поддержка виртуальной памяти. теперь ОС Linux может работать не боясь истощить память компьютера, чем стала выгодно отличаться не только от Minix, но и других любительских проектов, например Coherent. Linux 0.12 перешёл на лицензию GPL
  • июнь: os, UNIX, Sun: Sun Microsystems выпустила операционную систему Solaris 2.0 (SunOS 5), based on UNIX SVR4, вместо предыдущих версий SunOS up to ver. 4.x, которые базировались на BSD. Sun еще продолжает выпускать обновленяи для старой SunOS 4.x вплоть до ноября 1994 года (SunOS 4.1.4)

  • RISC, SPARC, Sun: SuperSPARC (RISC, суперскаляр, SPARC V8)
  • RISC: DEC Alpha (RISC, 64-bit)
  • os, TCP/IP, networking: Linus Torvalds posts Linux version 0.98 which included TCP/IP networking
  • os, UNIX: USL releases System V Release 4.2 (Destiny) that includes the VERITAS filesystem VxFS and Volume Manager VxVM. HP-UX 9.0 ship
  • США, RISC, MIPS, SGI: Silicon Graphics (SGI) приобрела комапнию MIPS за 333 миллиона долларов. Тогда же сменилось название на MIPS Technologies Inc.


  • 23 марта: выпущен Intel Pentium (микроархитектура P5). Первый суперскалярный процессор в сейместве x86. 3.1 миллиона транзисторов, 90 MIPS. Достигнутые частоты: 60-300МГц
  • апрель: AMD Am486 - клон процессоров Intel 80486 по лицензии
  • 16 июня: os, UNIX: UNIX System Laboratories (USL) was purchased by Novell. SVR4.2MP is released by Novell following their purchase of USL from AT&T.
  • июнь: os, UNIX: Sun Microsoystems released Solaris 2.1 that supports x86 processors. Previous versions Solaris 2.0 and 2.1 were SPARC-only.
  • RISC, SPARC: SPARC Version 9, the 64-bit SPARC architecture, was released by SPARC International in 1993
  • Version 1.0 of the High Performance FORTRAN (HPF) language specification is released
  • Cray Research delivers a Y-MP M90 with 32 Gbyte of memory to the U.S. Government, after delivering a similar machine with 8 Gbyte of memory in the previous year to the Minnesota Supercomputer Center
  • Fujitsu installs a one-of-a-kind 140-processor Numerical Wind Tunnel (NWT) machine at Japan's National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL). Each processor is a vector supercomputer with 256 Mbyte memory and a peak performance of 1.6 GFLOPS; processors are connected by crossbar network, and deliver aggregate LINPACK performance of 124.5 GFLOPS on 31920x31920 matrix. The technology in this machine is also used in Fujitsu's VPP-500 product
  • RISC: IBM delivers the SP1 Powerparallel system based on its RISC RS/6000 processor
  • SGI: Silicon Graphics ships Challenge series of bus-based multiprocessor graphics workstations and servers, containing up to 36 MIPS R4400 RISC microprocessors
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory purchases a CS-2 Computing Surface from Meiko, the major purchase by a U.S. national laboratory from a vendor with roots outside the U.S.
  • 512-node J-Machines (message-driven multicomputers) operational at MIT, Caltech, and Argonne National Laboratories
  • IBM's GF-11 system (the name stands for 11 GFLOPS), purpose-built for quantum chromodynamic calculations under the direction of Monty Denneau, finishes computation of nucleon masses
  • An NEC SX-3/44 with 4 processors achieves 15.1 GFLOPS (against a peak of 25.0) on 1000x1000 LINPACK; a Thinking Machines Corporation CM-5 achieves 59.7 GFLOPS with 1024 processors on a 52224x52224 problem
  • Cray Computer Corp. places a CRAY-3 at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
  • NEC produces the Cenju-3, containing up to 256 VR4400SC (MIPS R4000 runalike) processors connected by an Omega network
  • RISC, SPARC, Sun: Sun begins shipping SPARCcenter 1000 and 2000 servers, shared-memory multiprocessor containing up to 8 and 20 SPARC CPUs respectively
  • ScaLAPACK prototypes released for Intel's Paragon, Thinking Machines' CM-5, and PVM message-passing system
  • CRI delivers its 1st T3D multicomputer to the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center. The machine contains a 3-dimensional torus of DEC Alpha microprocessors, and is hosted by a Y-MP C90.
  • os, UNIX, BDS: 4.4BSD, the final release from Berkeley, is released.
  • США: Tandem Computers: released the NonStop Himalaya K-series with the faster MIPS R4400, a native mode NSK operating system, and fully expandable Cyclone system components


  • 14 марта: RISC: PowerPC 601, первые компьютеры Apple на процессоре PowerPC (Power Macintosh 6100, 7100 и 8100)
  • март: os, UNIX, BSD: 4.4BSD Lite, which was free of copyrighted UNIX source code, is released. BSD 4.4-Lite eliminated all code claimed to infringe on USL/Novell.
  • ноябрь: SunOS 4.1.4 Last update release of SunOS 4.x (based on 4.3BSD)
  • Япония: NEC announced the SX-4 supercomputer in November 1994
  • RISC, MIPS: R8000 (RISC, суперскаляр, MIPS IV)
  • компания NexGen представила процессор Nx586, который пытался конкурировать с Intel Pentium
  • RISC, SPARC, Sun: Sun SuperSPARC II
  • TCP/IP, Networking: Microsoft release it’s own Winsocket TCP/IP add-on implementation for Windows 3.11 joining several 3rd party packages already available. It would not become standard until Windows 95 was released the following year
  • os, UNIX: As the owner of the UNIX trademark, X/Open introduces the Single UNIX Specification (formerly Spec 1170) which separates the UNIX trademark from any actual code stream itself, thus allowing multiple implementations.
  • os, UNIX: Sun released Solaris 2.4, supporting both SPARC and x86 systems from a unified source code base.


  • 1 мая: RISC: PowerPC 603, PowerPC 604
  • 1 ноября: Intel Pentium Pro (микроархитектура P6). 5.5 миллиона транзисторов, кэш второго уровня L2 - на отдельной положке. Starting with the advent of the Pentium® Pro processor, IA32 processors no longer execute the complex, multi-byte, IA32 instruction set. Rather, the front end logic within the processor decodes each IA32 instruction into a series of one or more fixed-length, primitive instructions referred to as μops (micro-ops). The resulting μops are the instructions executed by the processor core.
  • 16 октября: RISC: PowerPC 603e
  • ноябрь: AMD Am5x86 - более быстрый Am486 (клон 80486). Следующий процессор AMD K5 (представлен в марте 1996 года) компания AMD делала уже сама, но не очень успешно получилось
  • ноябрь: os, UNIX, Sun: Sun Solaris 2.5 (SunOS 5.5) is released. First to support UltraSPARC

  • Andy Bechtolsheim - один из основателей компании Sun Microsystems - основывает с David Cheriton компанию Granite Systems, которая начинает выпускатб продукты под Gigabit Ethernet. Компанию приобрела Cisco в 1996 году.
  • RISC, SPARC, Sun: Sun UltraSPARC (64-bit, SPARC V9, SIMD: VIS)
  • RISC: IBM transfers AS/400 iSeries machines to RISC POWER processros
  • RISC, SPARC: Fujitsu SPARC64 - первая реализация SPARC V9 компанией Fujitsu. Superscalar microprocessor that issues four instructions per cycle and executes them out of order.
  • Intel начинает разработку новой микроархитектуры NetBurst с очень длинным конвейером, чтобы разогнать частоту процессора до высоких частот (гонка к гигагерцу). Первый процессор на основе этой микроархитектуры вышел в 2000 году под назв��нием Pentium 4.
  • os, UNIX: X/Open introduces the UNIX 95 branding program for implementations of the Single UNIX Specification. Digital UNIX introduced. UnixWare 2.0 ships. OpenServer 5.0 debuts
  • os, UNIX: SCO buys Novell’s UNIX business
  • США: Tandem Computers: Integrity S4000 was the first to use ServerNet (a networked "bus" structure) and moved toward sharing peripherals with the NonStop line
  • ox, UNIX, BSD: The final release from Berkeley was 1995's 4.4BSD-Lite Release 2, after which the CSRG was dissolved and development of BSD at Berkeley ceased. Since then, several variants based directly or indirectly on 4.4BSD-Lite (such as FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and DragonFly BSD) have been maintained.


  • март: AMD K5 - первый x86 процессор компании AMD, который она проектировала сама, а не выпускала по лицензии Intel. С K5 компания AMD замахнулась на Pentium Pro, но получился процессор по производительности близкий лишь к простому Pentium.
  • 19 июля: RISC: PowerPC 604e
  • 22 октября: Intel Pentium MMX (P55C) с дополнительными SIMD MMX-инструкциями
  • RISC: HP PA-RISC 2.0 (64-bit, SIMD: MAX-2)
  • Компания AMD покупает компанию NexGen вместе с ее процессором Nx586, так как AMD K5 не оправдал надежд, а на основе Nx586 был создан потом процессор ADM K6
  • RISC, SPARC: Fujitsu SPARC64 II до 1998 года
  • США: Tandem Computers: Jimmy Treybig покидает пост CEO. Roel Pieper становится президентом компании и CEO
  • os, UNIX: The Open Group forms as a merger of the Open Software Foundation (OSF) and X/Open. UnixWare 2.1, HP-UX 10.20 and IRIX 6.2 ship.


  • апрель: AMD K6, еще один ответ компании AMD Intel-овскому Pentium-у. К тому времни Intel уже продавал Pentium II и Pentium III, которые использовали другой сокет, а AMD K6 становился в сокет исходного Pentium-а и позволял апгрейлить систему без замены материнской платы. Из-за этого многие бюджетные пользователи перебежали на процессоры AMD.
  • 7 мая: Intel Pentium II (микроархитектура P6, SIMD: MMX), добавлен out-of-order execution. 7.5 миллионов транзисторов, кэщ второго уровня L2 - на одной подложке с процессором. Достигнутые частоты: 233-450МГц
  • сентябрь: RISC: PowerPC 750 (G3)
  • os, UNIX: The Open Group introduces Version 2 of the Single UNIX Specifi cation, including support for realtime, threads and 64-bit and larger processors. The specifi cation is made freely available on the web. UnixWare 7, a merge of SVR4.2MP and SCO OpenServer, is released. SGI IRIX 6.4, IBM AIX 4.3 and HP-UX 11 ship.
  • США: Tandem Computers: представила новую серию своих компьютеров NonStop S-series на замену NonStop K-series. The S-Series introduced ServerNet technology. The S-Series comprised of two ranges; the Snn00 (two trailing zeros) range and the Snn000 (three trailing zeros) range. With the additional zero came more powerful processors, generally more memory, improved expansion capability and a bigger price tag, both for the hardware and the new O/S – the G-Series.All S-Series machines used MIPS processors, including the R4400, R10000, R12000, and R14000.
  • США: Compaq acquired the Tandem Computers company and NonStop customer base to balance Compaq's heavy focus on low-end PCs
  • os, UNIX: MINIX 2.0 released. x86 and SPARC only are supported.


  • апрель: Intel представляет дешевые Celeron-ы, Pentium II Xeon для серверов.
  • 28 мая: AMD K6-2 (SIMD: 3DNow!)
  • ноябрь: os, UNIX, Sun: Solaris 7.0 (SunOS 5.7) released. The first 64-bit UltraSPARC release. Sun dropped the prefix "2." in the Solaris version number, leaving "Solaris 7".
  • Япония: NEC SX-5 introduced in June 1998. The SX-5 Series employs a 0.25μ CMOS LSI technology. This enables the SX-5 to achieve a clock cycle of 4.0ns, which is half that of the SX-4 Series.
  • During 1998, Intel became the first to integrate L2 cache directly on the processor die (running at the full speed of the processor core), dramatically increasing performance. This was first done on the second-generation Celeron processor (based on the Pentium II core), as well as the Pentium IIPE (performance-enhanced) chip used only in laptop systems.
  • США: Compaq acquired the much larger Digital Equipment Corporation and inherited its DEC Alpha RISC servers with OpenVMS and Tru64 Unix customer bases. Tandem was then midway in porting its NonStop product line from MIPS R12000 microprocessors to Intel's new Itanium Merced microprocessors. This project was restarted with Alpha as the new target to align NonStop with Compaq's other large server lines.
  • os, UNIX: The Open Group introduces the UNIX 98 family of brands, including Base, Workstation and Server. First UNIX 98 registered products shipped by Sun, IBM and NCR. The Open Source movement starts to take off with announcements from Netscape and IBM. UnixWare 7 and IRIX 6.5 ship.


  • 26 февраля: Intel Pentium III (микроархитектура P6, SIMD: MMX, SSE). 9.5-28 миллионов транзисторов. Достигнутые частоты: 450-1400МГц
  • май: США: Compaq Computer Corp is set to announce a high-end addition to its Tandem Himalaya range today. The S72000 range, already shipping, speeds up performance by 20% over the previous top-of-the-range system by adding faster cache memory and new hardware memory management functionality to the S-Series servers. The current Himalaya range also includes the S7000 server, using the MIPS R4400 chip at 150MHz, and the S700, a two-processor configuration using either S7000 or S70000 processor modules. Compaq уверяет, что следующие системы будут работать на процессоре Alpha и поступят на рынок в 2022 году.
  • 23 июнь: AMD K7 (Athlon) - ответ компании AMD для сектора серверов
  • сентябрь: RISC: PowerPC 7400 (G4, SIMD: AltiVec)
  • 25 октября: The first high-end desktop PC chip with on-die full-core speed L2 cache was the second-generation (Coppermine core) Pentium III introduced in late 1999 (October 25, 1999). After this, all major processor manufacturers began integrating L2 (and even L3) cache on the processor die, a trend that continues today.
  • ox, UNIX: The UNIX system reaches thirty. Sun Solaris 7 ships. Linux 2.2 kernel released. The Open Group and the IEEE commence joint development of a revision to POSIX and the Single UNIX Specifi cation. First LinuxWorld conferences. Dot com fever on the stock markets. HP Tru64 UNIX ships.
  • os, UNIX, Sun: Sun Microsystems announces intent to release Solaris under open source license.


  • февраль: os, unix, Sun: Solaris 8 (SunOS 5.8) released
  • 20 ноября: Pentium 4 (микроархитектура NetBurst/P68, SIMD: MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3). 42-178 миллионов транзисторов. Достигнутые частоты: 1400-3730МГц. Ставка Intel на гонку гигагерцев. Глубокий конвейер, сумасшедшие частоты, огромное тепловыделение до 100 Вт, так что Pentium 4 нельзя поместить в мобильные устройства.


  • 30 января: os, UNIX: Version 3 of the Single UNIX Specification unites IEEE POSIX, The Open Group and the industry efforts. The combined standard that would be known as the core of Single UNIX Specification, Version 3 and as POSIX.1-2001
  • июнь: Intel Itanium (EPIC-VLIW, 64-bit)
  • 9 октября: AMD Athlon XP и AMD Athlon MP (для многопроцессорных систем)
  • 15 ноября: marked the 30th anniversary of the microprocessor, and in those 30 years processor speed had increased more than 18,500 times (from 0.108MHz to 2GHz)
  • RISC: IBM POWER4 - первый в мире двух-ядерный процессор для обычных не-embedded систем
  • os: The Linux 2.4 kernel emerges after many delays
  • os, TCP/IP, networking: Linux community re-implement TCP/IP stack to improve performance with version 2.4
  • os, UNIX: SCO's UNIX business is sold to Linux distributor Caldera. The value of procurements of open systems referencing the UNIX brand exceeds $55 billion. IBM AIX 5L ships.
  • США: Compaq terminated all Alpha engineering investments in favor of the Itanium microprocessors, before any new NonStop products were rleased on Alpha.
  • США: Hewlett-Packard similarly made the choice to abdicate its successful PA-RISC product lines in favor of Intel's Itanium microprocessors that HP helped to design.
  • США, os: National Security Agency (NSA) releases Linux-based SELinux


  • март: Intel: первый hyper-threading процессор Foster MP-based Xeon от Intel, потом в процессоре 3.06 GHz Northwood-based Pentium 4
  • 7 мая: HP, Compaq: Hewlett-Packard официально приобретает Compaq после 6 месяцев переговоров. The consolidations were painful and destroyed the DEC and "HP Way" engineer-oriented cultures
  • 28 мая: os, unix, Sun: Solaris 9 (SunOS 5.9) released
  • 19 июня: HP: Hewlett-Packard представила новый high-end сервер семейства NonStop, NonStop S86000. На сервере установлена реляционная база данных NonStop SQL/MX 1.5. Также сегодня НР представила новое поколение серверов семейства NonStop S76, в которое сейчас входят high-end сервер S76000 и low-end сервер S760. К третьему кварталу 2002 года будут доступны сервера среднего класса S7600 и начального уровня S76, предназначенные для построения Web-узлов.
  • июль: Intel: Itanium 2 processor code-named McKinley was released, was jointly developed by HP and Inte
  • PowerPC 970 (G5)
  • RISC, SPARC: Fujitsu SPARC64 V представлен на Microprocessor Forum 2002. four-issue superscalar microprocessor


  • 12 марта: Pentium M (микроархитектура P6, SIMD: MMX, SSE, SSE2). 77-140 миллионов транзисторов. Достигнутые частоты: 900-2130МГц. Развитие микроархитектуры P6 вместо Netburst. Экономично, меньше тепловыделение.
  • 22 апреля: AMD: Opteron (x86-64) - dual-, quad-, hex-, 8-, 12-, and 16-core server/workstation processors. Implements its own 64-bit architecture called AMD64
  • Intel: released a new Itanium 2 family member, codenamed Madison
  • os, UNIX: The core volumes of Version 3 of the Single UNIX Specification are approved as an international standard ISO/IEC 9945. “Westwood” test suites shipped for UNIX 03 brand. Sun Solaris 9.0 E ships.
  • os: Linux 2.6 kernel released.


  • сентябрь: RISC,SPARC: Fujitsu SPARC64 V+.
  • ноябрь: Intel: Itanium 2 "Madison 9M" chip released
  • RISC: UltraSPARC IV, 2004 – Dual core, basic CMT
  • Andy Bechtolsheim, David Cheriton и Kenneth Duda создали компанию Arastra, которая потом была переименована в Arista, которая занималась производством коммунаторов Ethernet для 10Gb/s и 40 Gb/s сетей
  • os, TCP/IP, networking: Sun replaces Steams TCP/IP stack with FireEngine to improve performance as part of Solaris 10
  • подразделение Motorola the Semiconductor Products Sector выделяется в самостоятельную компанию Freescale Semiconductor
  • os: Novell acquires SuSE Linux


  • 31 января: os, unix, Sun: Solaris 10 (SunOS 5.10) released, which is the first release of Solaris source code under the OSI- approved CDDL license; introduced several exciting new features such as a dynamic tracing facility (DTrace), the Service Management Facility (SMF), Zones, and the ZFS file system. OpenSolaris.org founded
  • ноябрь: RISC: Sun UltraSPARC T1 (UltraSPARC Architecture 2005) - an 8-ядерный, аппаратная поддержка 4х потоков на каждом ядре, в сумме 32 потока, полный CMT/SMT
  • июнь: Apple завявляет о том, что в будушем году перейдет с PowerPC на Intel-овские процессоры
  • 24 октября: os, UNIX: MINIX 3.1.0 released. Первый релиз MINIX 3 (Выпуск книги)
  • ноябрь: the major Itanium server manufacturers joined with Intel and a number of software vendors to form the Itanium Solutions Alliance to promote the architecture and accelerate the software porting effort
  • осень: Intel: Intel Developer Forum in 2005 - Paul Otellini - "We are dedicating all of our future product development to multicore designs. We believe this is a key inflection point for the industry". Гонка гигагерцев закончена - на NetBurst компания Intel ставит крест из-за слишком большого тепловыделения. Теперь вместо роста тактовой частоты производительность будет наращиватьс за счет увеличения ядер.


  • 5 января: Intel Core Solo/Duo - первый двух-ядерный процессор от Intel processor на основе P6 - развитие Pentium M. 152 миллиона транзисторов. Достигнутые частоты: 1500-2160МГц.
  • 27 июля: Intel Core 2 Duo - a dual-core processor - на основе микроархитектуры Core, которая является развитием P6. Process: 65 nanometer. 167-410 миллионов транзисторов. Достигнутые частоты: 1800-3300МГц. L1 Cache Size 32KB instruction, 32KB data; L2 Cache Size (on-die) 2MB or 4MB; x86 ISA Extensions EM64T for 64-bit support
  • августа: создан прототип 10GBASE-T Ethernet - 10 Гбитного Ethernet-сетевого адаптера
  • Apple переходит на процессоры Intel


  • AMD выпускает первый четырех-ядерный процессор для десктопов AMD Phenom
  • RISC, SPARC: Sun UltraSPARC T2 (UltraSPARC Architecture 2007) - an eight-core, 64-concurrent-threads processor
  • RISC, SPARC: Fujitsu SPARC64 VI - двух-ядерный процессор, L2-кэш интегрирован на том же кристалле что и ядро. Two-way coarse-grained multi-threading (CMT) which Fujitsu called vertical multi-threading (VMT).
  • Intel развивает микроархитектуру Core в новою микроахитектуру Nehalem. Первый процессор Core i7 с этой архитектурой представлен в ноябре 2008 года
  • RISC: SPARC Enterprise: линейка UNIX-серверов, основанных на архитектуре SPARC V9, разработана совместно компаниями Sun Microsystems и Fujitsu в 2007 году; представлена на рынке совместными усилиями Sun Microsystems Fujitsu и Fujitsu Siemens Computers под общим брендом
  • TCP/IP,networking: Microsoft re-implement TCP/IP stack as part of win6 (Windows Server 2008) to improve performance
  • ox, UNIX, Sun: Sun Microsystems hires Debian developer Ian Murdock to guide the OpenSolaris project.


  • 30 апреля: RISC: HP announced end of sales for the PA-RISC-based HP 9000 workstations. The last order date for PA-RISC-based HP 9000 systems was 31 December 2008 and the last ship date was 1 April 2009.
  • июль: RISC, SPARC: Fujitsu SPARC64 VII. quad-core microprocessor. Each core is capable of two-way simultaneous multithreading (SMT), which replaces two-way coarse-grained multithreading, termed vertical multithreading (VMT) by Fujitsu. Thus, it can execute eight threads simultaneously. The SPARC64 VII was featured in the SPARC Enterprise
  • ноябрь: Intel released the Nehalem (Core i7) in which hyper-threading made a return. The first generation Nehalem contained four cores and effectively scaled eight threads. первый много-ядерный процессор от Intel. 382-731 миллионов транзисторов. Достигнутые частоты: 2530-3460МГц.
  • декабрь: os, UNIX: Single UNIX Specification, Version 4 (POSIX.1-2008)
  • os, UNIX: First OpenSolaris binary is release, with source code.


  • 8 февраля: Intel: Intel released Itanium 9300 series, code-named Tukwila, is the generation of Intel's Itanium processor family following Itanium 2 and Montecito
  • 3 августа: os, UNIX: разработчиками OpenSolaris был представлен проект Illumos, являющийся форком операционной системы OpenSolaris. Причиной ответвления разработчики называют отсутствие должного внимания к проекту со стороны Oracle после того, как была приобретена Sun.
  • декабрь: RISC, SPARC: Fujitsu SPARC64 VII+ for high-end SPARC Enterprise M8000 and M9000 servers

  • RISC: SPARC T3 - a sixteen-core, 128-concurrent-thread processor


  • март: RISC, SPARC: Fujitsu SPARC64 VIIIfx для суперкомпьютеров
  • сентябрь: RISC, SPARC: Oracle SPARC T4
  • 9 ноября: OS, UNIX Sun, Oracle: Solaris 11 was released
  • ноябрь: RISC, SPARC: Fujitsu SPARC64 IXfx - коммерческая версия SPARC64 VIIIfx
  • Intel развивает Nehalem в Sandy Bridge (поколение II Core i)


  • февраль: os, UNIX: MINIX 3.2.0 released
  • 8 ноября: Intel: Intel release Itanium 9500 series processor (code-name Pulson). It is the follow-on processor to Tukwila
  • RISC, SPARC: Fujitsu SPARC64 X 16-ядерный процессор для Fujitsu's M10 servers
  • Intel: развивает Sandy Bridge в Ivy Bridge (поколение III Core i)


  • 21 февралz: os, UNIX: MINIX 3.2.1 released
  • RISC, SPARC: Fujitsu SPARC64 X+ повышение частоты
  • Intel развивает Ivy Bridge в Haswell (поколение IV Core i)


  • 29 апреля: os, UNIX, Sun: Oracle Solaris 11.2 (SunOS 5.11) released
  • август: RISC, SPARC: Fujitsu SPARC64 XIfx used in the Fujitsu PRIMEHPC FX100 supercomputer. 34 ядра: 32 вычислительных ядра + 2 ядра-помощника
  • 16 сентября: os, UNIX: MINIX 3.3.0 released. Поддержка архитектуры ARM.
  • Intel развивает Haswell в Broadwell (поколение V Core i)
  • США: Tandem/HP completed the move from Itanium to the Intel x86 architecture. The first systems "NonStop X" (or TNS/X), based on Intel x86-64 processors, were introduced.


  • март: In March 2015, a merger agreement was announced through which Freescale Semiconductor would be acquired by NXP Semiconductors and that the companies would be merged to form a US$40 (equivalent to $41.30 in 2017) billion company.[20][21] The acquisition closed on December 7, 2015.
  • 5 августа: Intel Skylake
  • 26 октября: os, unix, Sun, Oracle: Solaris 11.3 (SunOS 5.11) released
  • США: Hewlett-Packard Company splits into HP and HPE ( Hewlett Packard Enterprise)


  • os, Sun, UNIX: Oracle прекращает разработку Solaris


  • 11 мая: Intel: Intel officially launched the Itanium 9700 series processor family. Intel announced that the 9700 series would be the last Itanium chips produced


  • sun, UNIX, os: Oracle Solaris 11.4 (SunOS 5.11) was released


  • июль: США, Tandem/HPE: Sales of the Itanium-based systems ended in July 2020


  • 3 марта: OS, UNIX, Sun, Oracle: компания Oracle представила Solaris 11.4 CBE (Common Build Environment), новый бесплатный вариант операционной системы Solaris 11.4, нацеленный на использование разработчиками открытого ПО и применения в персональных целях


  • 16 апреля: os, UNIX, Sun: Oracle Solaris 11.4 SRU68 (Support Repository Update)