
University of Siedlce is a public university established in 1969. In 50 years University of Siedlce has become an important scientific, artistic and cultural centre and a leader in education in the region.

For the term 2020-2024, the position of Rector of the University is held by Prof. Miroslaw Minkina.

The functions of the Vice-Rectors are held by:

  • Zbigniew Karczmarzyk, Ph.D., Professor of the university - Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation
  • Prof. Marek Gugała - Vice-Rector for Studies

One of the priorities of the University is the high quality of education. This means not only providing students with the right conditions for acquiring knowledge and skills, but also shaping their attitudes so that they will be the ones to create an informed society ready for the challenges of the modern world. At the University, we educate students at Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes as full-time and part-time studies. In the 3 study programmes of the second-cycle studies: Mathematics, National Security and Management, we offer studies in English. There are five faculties: Faculty of Agrobioengineering and Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Sciences, we offer almost 40 fields of study of both general and practical profile.

We also provide doctoral study programmes and, from 2019, also a Doctoral School in six disciplines:

  • biological sciences,
  • chemical sciences,
  • history,
  • security sciences,
  • agriculture and horticulture,
  • zootechnics and fisheries.

The educational offer is complemented by postgraduate studies. The study programmes are adapted to the needs of the labour market and to the interests of the candidates.

An important element of the University's activities is research and cooperation with scientific entities at home and abroad. The University carries out development work and research aimed at the development of science, the economy and culture. For this reason, great emphasis is placed on the dissemination of research results, technology transfer and the implementation of social solutions.

At University of Siedlce we think that internationalisation is extremely important in a globalising world. That’s why young people from abroad study at our university. Thanks to the Erasmus+ programme, students have the opportunity to spend a semester or two abroad or undertake traineeships abroad in renowned European institutions. The programme also supports international exchange of the university's academic and administrative staff. Academic staff and students also participate in international educational and research projects. Each academic year, the university also hosts foreign visiting professors to teach our students. Lecturers from our university are invited to foreign academic centres to teach students there. The University also has a long tradition of organizing summer schools and courses in Polish language and culture for foreigners, as well as courses to prepare for studies in Poland, thanks to which a fantastic mix of languages can be heard at the University every year and the Centre for Polish Language and Culture is bustling with activity.

At the University we provide everyone with full access to the entire offer of our University. University of Siedlce over a quarter of a century ago was the first in Poland to introduce an inclusive system of higher education. Students with disabilities are offered support through the Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities from the moment of recruitment until the receipt of their diploma. And also afterwards, as our university's Careers Office supports career development.

All aspects of the University's activities are also strengthened through the implementation of research, development and teaching projects as well as investment projects co-financed from external funds. The University is currently implementing 12 projects co-financed by the European Social Fund.

Up-to-date information can be found on the website and on social media: on Facebook, on Instagram, on SnapChat and on YouTube.

Welcome to University of Siedlce!

Historical background of Oginskis Palace

A unique place on the map of Siedlce is the Oginskis' Palace, whose history dates back to 1441 and is inextricably linked with the history of the city of Siedlce.

Initially it was a wooden manor house surrounded by an Italian garden, which was replaced by a brick palace on the initiative of Duke Kazimierz Czartoryski in 1730-1740.

In the 1770s the palace became the property of Aleksandra Oginska and it is to her that it owes its classicist appearance. Over a period of 10 years, she rebuilt it from the foundations, and created a sentimental-style park around the palace, called Alexandria.

Thanks to Oginska, the city became an important point on the cultural map of Poland. After her heirless death, the estate returned to the Czartoryski family.

Today, it is the seat of the university's authorities - the Rector’s Office

In the Rector’s Office you will find, among other things, the Careers Office and the Department of Research and International Cooperation, where you can obtain information and assistance regarding the Erasmus+ programme.