Mend My Broken Heart Quotes

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Mend My Broken Heart Mend My Broken Heart by Jocelyn Soriano
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Mend My Broken Heart Quotes Showing 1-30 of 41
“To be rejected by someone doesn't mean you should also reject yourself or that you should think of yourself as a lesser person. It doesn't mean that nobody will ever love you anymore. Remember that only ONE person has rejected you at the moment, and it only hurt so much because to you, that person's opinion symbolized the opinion of the whole world, of God.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Yes, I understand why things had to happen this way. I understand his reason for causing me pain. But mere understanding does not chase away the hurt. It does not call upon the sun when dark clouds have loomed over me. Let the rain come then if it must come! And let it wash away the dust that hurt my eyes!”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“We hurt so much because we have lost a part of ourselves. If we have loved much, we must have given much also, and when everything's over, we feel as though we have lost everything.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“It is our wounds that create in us a desire to reach for miracles. The fulfillment of such miracles depends on whether we let our wounds pull us down or lift us up towards our dreams.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“We cannot love a person with an all accepting, transcending and encompassing love without being hurt somewhat, without being disappointed, without being failed of our expectations. We cannot love without being broken, yet we cannot continue in love without being stronger than our brokenness.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“There will always be a pain in 'goodbyes'. No matter how much we seem to understand everything, it breaks our hearts to ever see anything beautiful die.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Let go of what you can no longer keep. Protect what's still worth keeping. Believe in love most of all.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Saying goodbye doesn't mean you need to forget,
It doesn't mean you were never loved.
It doesn't mean you're weak,
It doesn't mean you didn't try hard enough.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Greatness is not in being unbroken, but in being a blessing even after being broken, like bread, like a seed that dies yet rises again.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“When we lose a loved one, whether by a broken relationship or by unexpected death, the most difficult part we experience is the vacuum of loss we feel in our hearts.

All of a sudden, a very significant part of our life, maybe the biggest or most important part is taken away. There is no immediate replacement. What we have left is just a BIG VOID, an empty space, a black hole we cannot understand. We feel hollow, like our hearts have suddenly been taken away.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“The best partner in life is someone who will help us to love ourselves more!”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“We are fragile beings,yet we often act as though we couldn't be hurt,and as though we couldn't hurt other people.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Help me O God! The pain of separation seems more painful to me than death itself. I don't know how much longer I can carry on. Help me carry on this day Lord. Help me to let go, I pray. Though I may not forget, help me to remember how you have always carried me through. Though the pain may not yet go away, assist me in carrying this cross with hope in my heart.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“God's breath is like a fresh wind that renews us. Frail and weak as we are,we have hope. We find healing.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Wasted laughter. Wasted tears. Wasted love. That's how badly you felt. And yet, is love ever truly wasted?”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“To love is to risk, and to risk is to lose sometimes, to get hurt. But let it not deter you from loving again, from being happy.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Wounds don't go away just because you forget you had them.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“No matter how you want to, you could no longer change the past. We could only learn from it and hope that we become better people who are now stronger and wiser to face the new challenges coming our way.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“The problem however is that many of us choose to cling to our hurts. We let the pain linger longer than they should.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Acceptance is the shortest route to peace.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“One should not use friendship as a disguise if one has a different intention behind it.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“We can't say somebody loves us if that person can't even respect our feelings.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Maybe we're mad at someone else and we want to punish him by punishing ourselves.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“We project an illusion of our ideals instead of seeing other people as they really are.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Forgiveness is no longer expecting healing from the same person who caused you pain.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Our difficulties are only for a moment, but they shall bring a lasting good for those we love.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Love doesn't just go away without a sign or a reason. Things have happened along the way that caused it to grieve and to depart. Like all gifts, love has to be taken care of. It has to cherished and protected by those to whom it is given, and not just by one partner but by both.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Is what you're going through a natural process that cannot be avoided? If it isn't, what are the alternatives?”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“Transition is therefore stepping into another level, into another world where we are not so familiar with, where we may not yet be equipped to enter.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart
“One who denies the truth cannot go anywhere because he cannot face anything, starting from the many difficulties one already has where one is.”
Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart

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