
Outside In Quotes

Quotes tagged as "outside-in" Showing 1-29 of 29
Doug   Cooper
“There’s a drive in a lost soul—in one that is searching for acceptance, companionship, belonging, whatever you want to call it. The slightest coincidence ignites a spark that one hopes will lead to something meaningful.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“I'm learning quickly, once you quit one thing, it gets easier and easier just to leave situations rather than deal with shit.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Maria V. Snyder
“I am Trella the victorious leader of the Force of Sheep rebellion. Yes the name sounds ridiculous, and I still can't believe we named a major life changing event after livestock—or actually a stuffed animal—but it made sense at the time.”
Maria V. Snyder, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“Questions from earlier circle like buzzards. Am I running away or moving forward?”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Maria V. Snyder
“Riley - “Don’t worry, there are many safeguards in place. Unless you want me to have Logan explain—”

Trella - “No! I trust you.”

He clutched his hands to his chest. “She… Gasp… Trusts me! Call for medical aid stat!”

I swung at him, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my feet.

Snaking his arms around my waist, he said, “We need to celebrate this momentous occasion.”

"What are we celebrating?" Jacob Ashon, Riley's father, asked from the doorway.”
Maria V. Snyder, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“I am two people. One goes through the motions, rolling from one thing to the next; the other is withdrawn, watching a complete stranger.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“The waves splash against my face, carrying a message: Welcome, you belong here.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“To exist here, I’ll have to become skilled in saying no—an art in which I was once well accomplished, but one I no longer care to practice.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“Variety may be the spice of life, but consistency pays the bills.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“Nothing worse than someone who goes to the dance, is excited to dance, dances all night, and then complains all the next day about his feet being sore.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“Silence has built walls, walls that I attempt to break by pedaling faster, only to be imprisoned a hundred feet down the road.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“When compared side by side, my days can barely be distinguished from one another. The only difference is what I do after work and with whom I do it.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

“We are living from inside out not from outside in.”
Sunday Adelaja

Doug   Cooper
“Strangers don't see through the cracks as easily as people who know you.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“I’m like a fish in a pool, turning quickly to avoid what challenges it. My only decision is whether to go right or left to sidestep confrontation.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“Even the best buzz wears off, and you wake up more trapped than the day before.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“I never get used to the faces--wide-eyed and full of possibility--staring bad at me.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“Time doesn't age you; experience does.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“Don't let yourself get bored. Exist to question; question your existence.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“Now I feel free, and hope is creeping back. Maybe because I'm paying attention to what I have rather than what's missing.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“My discontent has accumulated over the past months, searching for a leak in the dam I’ve constructed to separate my true feelings from the situation closing in around me.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“Word has traveled quickly that just because you're on island doesn't mean you have to be stranded---as long as you have cash.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“Rationalization is foreplay with one's conscience.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“All that remains is to forge the #commitment. Regardless of how right everything feels, words never last.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“There's nothing like an orgasm to make a person think--and more often than not, to think too much.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“There's nothing like an orgasm to force a person to think--and more often than not, to think too much.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Doug   Cooper
“What you see is what you get. The island is imaginative enough. Creativity don’t need to be wasted on naming things.”
Doug Cooper

Doug   Cooper
“On the island, the recipe for an entertaining evening is drink this, smoke that, snort this, eat that. How do you feel? Well, try this and some of that.”
Doug Cooper, Outside In

Felisa Tan
“Therefore, I present to you this book—a tribute to light, the sense of sight, and the vision it gives, outside in.

This work is none other than an invitation to see and experience life in all its unadulterated fullness, both outward, and above all, inward. I hope that it can offer you a new way of looking at the world.”
Felisa Tan, In Search for Meaning