
Harlequin Quotes

Quotes tagged as "harlequin" Showing 1-24 of 24
Jennifer Faye
“It’d been a long time since they’d been together, but as close as they were physically, they’d never been so far apart in every other way.”
Jennifer Faye, Snowbound with the Soldier

Thomas Ligotti
“As I drifted along with my bodiless invisibility, I felt myself more and more becoming an empty, floating shape, seeing without being seen and walking without the interference of those grosser creatures who shared my world. It was not an experience completely without interest or even pleasure. The clown's shibboleth of "here we are again" took on a new meaning for me as I felt myself a novitiate of a more rarified order of harlequinry. ("The Last Feast Of The Harlequin")”
Thomas Ligotti, American Fantastic Tales: Terror and the Uncanny from the 1940s to Now

Sara Jane Stone
“Goodbye, control," Maggie muttered, her hands trembling with a mix of excitement and nerves. "Hello, fantasy.”
Sara Jane Stone, Command Performance

“I hate these affairs", he'd told her once, tearing up an engraved invitation to an exclusive charity ball. "They're the worst kind of discrimination. An invitation doesn't really mean that you're invited; it means that a whole lot of people aren't”
Melinda Cross, One Hour of Magic

Carla Cassidy
“Why can I remember eggplant, when I can't remember my own name?!”
Carla Cassidy, Pregnesia

Carla Cassidy
“The good thing about being with a woman who has amnesia is that the conversation gets to be all about you”
Carla Cassidy, Pregnesia

“Motherhood doesn't have a nationality”
Melinda Cross, One Hour of Magic

Melissa Cutler
“The ferocity of her passion was what he'd been waiting for night after torturous night. He wanted her to hunger the way he hungered. To need like he needed.”
Melissa Cutler, Seduction Under Fire

Kara Lennox
“How do you and your mother manage to get your hair exactly the same shade? It's uncanny."

"I'll have you know, I'm a natural blonde!"

"How could I know that? You wouldn't let me turn the lights on.”
Kara Lennox, Tame an Older Man

Elizabeth Heiter
“The instant Isabella Cortez left the safety of the FBI building, goose bumps skittered across her skin and her senses went on high alert.”
Elizabeth Heiter, Disarming Detective

Elizabeth Heiter
“He also had deep brown eyes, light brown skin and an infectious grin, even in the middle of a grueling SWAT workout. In short, exactly her type. If only he wasn't a teammate, making him off-limits. And if only she didn't have baggage from her past that weighed more than he did.”
Elizabeth Heiter, SWAT Secret Admirer

Bernard Cornwell
Harlequin, probably derived from the old French Hellequin: a troop of the devil’s horsemen.”
Bernard Cornwell, The Archer's Tale

Anne Rice
“But the old Italian commedia that I loved—Pantaloon, Harlequin, Scaramouche, and the rest—lived on as they always had, with tightrope walkers, acrobats, jugglers, and puppeteers, in the platform spectacles at the St.-Germain and the St.-Laurent fairs.”
Anne Rice, The Vampire Lestat

Charlotte Lamb
“Do you know what you did to me?' he asked bitterly. 'You bloody well
emasculated me. I destroyed my manhood over you. I threw away my pride,
my self-control. I despised myself, and I hated you for the way you made me

-Ashley Dent”
Charlotte Lamb, The Long Surrender

Nicole Locke
“Her face flushed, her eyes flared and she poked him in the chest. "Ach, I had nae caution, you brastling gaupie! What about you? You recklessly left the sword out when there are children around!"

Anger crackled in every fibre of her body. He felt it. He saw it in the flash of her hair, the light of her eyes. But she was standing right in front of him and she was so very whole.

"Reckless!" He grabbed her arms and yanked her to him. "I'll show you reckless!”
Nicole Locke, The Knight's Broken Promise

Elizabeth Heiter
“Nine people had died today. And it didn't matter what the FBI had thought of her actions. Her career as a negotiator had ended before it had even begun.”
Elizabeth Heiter, Seduced by the Sniper

Jessica R. Patch
“Lord don't hold Your tender mercies from me. Let Your unfailing love and faithfulness always protect me.”
Jessica R. Patch

Tyler Anne Snell
“Just because you're scared doesn't mean you're not strong”
Tyler Anne Snell, Be on the Lookout: Bodyguard

Anne Hampson
“I have never desired any woman as I desire you... and I shall not rest until you're mine.”
Anne Hampson, Fetters of Hate

Carole Mortimer
“Jason was slumped behind the desk, his face buried in his hands. She couldn’t bear to see him like this, and moved to the back of his chair to pull his head back against her breasts. She caressed his temples to soothe him.

‘Oh God, Eden,’ he turned his face against her. ‘Don’t torture me any more, I can’t stand it.’

‘I don’t mean to, Jason.’ Her softened gaze rested on his bent head. ‘I only went to see Gary to—’

‘I don’t want to know!’ he said fiercely, swinging the leather chair round to look at her. ‘Whatever there is between you two I don’t want to know about it!”
Carole Mortimer, Ice in His Veins

“It didn't feel like sex. It felt like the absolute necessity to mate, lion with lioness, an affirmation of life.”
Sarah Holland, Master of Seduction

“Such cool courtesy, Alicia!' Jean-Marc drawled with soft mockery. "Where is the Snow Queen now?'

'Marshalling her forces!' she snapped.

'Have I scattered them, cherie?' he murmured.

'No, you have not!' she said angrily. 'I just didn't expect to have to fight when I arrived here! This is a romantic weekend for me!'

"Not any more,' he drawled. "From the minute I kissed you this afternoon, it became war. Our war, Alicia. Our private war..."

-JeanMark & Alicia”
Sarah Holland, Last of the Great French Lovers

Charlotte Lamb
“Why did you leave me?How could you do that to me?That note you left didn`t explain,didn`t tell me anything,just said you were going and not coming back and not to look for you.Not look for you!How could you think i wouldn`t?Did you really believe I´d let you go like that?You must have known i would go crazy,wondering where you were,what was happening to you...you must have known what you had done to me,vanishing like that."

-Domenico Alessandros”
Charlotte Lamb, Dark Fate

Charlotte Lamb
“Saskia...my god,Saskia..i`ve dreamed of making love to you so often over the past two years,I´m afraid you will vanish the way you do in my dreams.I´m afraid i`m going to wake up and find you gone again"

-Domenico Alessandros”
Charlotte Lamb, Dark Fate