
End Of The World Quotes

Quotes tagged as "end-of-the-world" Showing 1-30 of 243
“Hooray! Hooray! The end of the world has been postponed! ”
Hergé, The Shooting Star

Rick Yancey
“What were they thinking? 'It's an alien apocalypse! Quick, grab the beer!”
Rick Yancey, The 5th Wave

Haruki Murakami
“Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come.”
Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

Roger Zelazny
“Don't wake me for the end of the world unless it has very good special effects.”
Roger Zelazny, Prince of Chaos

Emma Chase
“Don’t put off till tomorrow anyone you could be doing today.”
Emma Chase, Tangled

Rick Yancey
“I would kill for a cheeseburger. Honestly. If I stumbled across someone eating a cheeseburger, I would kill them for it.”
Rick Yancey, The 5th Wave

Jana Oliver
“The End is Nigh!" the man shouted.
"Is there still time for hot chocolate?" Riley asked.
The-End-is-Nigh guy blinked. "Ah, maybe, I don’t know.”
Jana Oliver, Forbidden

Fall Out Boy
“They say the captain goes down with the ship, so when the world ends, will God go down with it?”
Fall Out Boy

Patrick Ness
“If the world wants you, it's gonna keep on coming till it gets you. And who am I that can fix it? Who am I that can change this if the world wants it so badly? Who am I to stop the end of the world if it keeps on coming?”
Patrick Ness, The Knife of Never Letting Go

Dennis Sharpe
“Like almost every truly horrible thing that has ever happened in the history of our world, the end also began with a kiss.”
Dennis Sharpe, Destroyer of Worlds

Haruki Murakami
“If there's any guy crazy enough to attack me, I'm going to show him the end of the world -- close up. I'm going to let him see the kingdom come with his own eyes. I'm going to send him straight to the southern hemisphere and let the ashes of death rain all over him and the kangaroos and the wallabies.”
Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

Richard Kadrey
“The ashes of your existence will fertilize the soil for the universe to follow.”
Richard Kadrey, Sandman Slim

Richard Kadrey
“Let me finish my beer." (Stark)
"Of course. The end of the world can wait.(Kasabian)”
Richard Kadrey, Kill the Dead

Mouloud Benzadi
“It's never the end of the world when things go wrong.
Just keep faith in yourself, keep going and stay strong.”
Mouloud Benzadi

C.S. Lewis
“Why is God landing in this enemy-occupied world in disguise and starting a sort of secret society to undermine the devil? Why is He not landing in force, invading it? Is it that He is not strong enough? Well, Christians think He is going to land in force; we do not know when. But we can guess why He is delaying. He wants to give us the chance of joining His side freely. I do not suppose you and I would have though much of a Frenchman who waited till the Allies were marching into Germany and then announced he was on our side. God will invade. But I wonder whether people who ask God to interfere openly and directly in our world quite realise what it will be like when He does. When that happens, it is the end of the world. When the author walks on to the stage the play is over. God is going to invade, all right: but what is the good of saying you are on His side then, when you see the whole natural universe melting away like a dream and something else -something it never entered your head to conceive- comes crasing in; something so beautiful to some of us and so terrible to others that none of us will have any choice left? For this time it will be God without disguise; something so overwhelming that it will strike either irresistible love or irresistible horror into every creature. It will be too late then to choose your side. There is no use saying you choose to lie down when it has become impossible to stand up. That will not be the time for choosing: it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realised it before or not. Now, today, this moment, is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It will not last forever. We must take it or leave it.”
C.S. Lewis, The Case for Christianity

Charles M. Schulz
“I think this is irresponsible preaching and very dangerous, and especially when it is slanted toward children, I think it's totally irresponsible, because I see nothing biblical that points up to our being in the last days, and I just think it's an outrageous thing to do, and a lot of people are making a living—they've been making a living for 2,000 years—preaching that we're in the last days.”
Charles M. Schulz, Charles M. Schulz: Conversations

Orson Scott Card
“You frighten me, when you say there isn't time."
"I don't see why. Christians have been expecting the imminent end of the world for millennia."
"But it keeps not ending."
"So far, so good.”
Orson Scott Card, Ender's Shadow

Margaret Atwood
“It's the end of the world every day, for someone.”
Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin

Neil deGrasse Tyson
“In 5-billion years the Sun will expand & engulf our orbit as the charred ember that was once Earth vaporizes. Have a nice day.”
Neil Degrasse Tyson

Lisa Marie Rice
“Pandora's box had been opened and monsters had come out. But there had been something hidden at the bottom of Pandora's box. Something wonderful.

Lisa Marie Rice, Breaking Danger

Rick Yancey
“How baffling it is that we imagined cities incinerated by alien bombs and death rays when all they really needed was Mother Nature and time.”
Rick Yancey, The Infinite Sea

Toba Beta
“End of the human race is just part of an endless life cycle.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Annie Dillard
“I set up and staged hundreds of ends-of-the-world and watched, enthralled, as they played themselves out.”
Annie Dillard, Teaching a Stone to Talk: Expeditions and Encounters

Dean Koontz
“Although he was a young and virile man at 37, he was not inexhaustible. In addition to food and drink, he had better lay in a couple thousand tablets of viagra. The drug would probably remain potent if he vacuum packed the pills in groups of 10 and kept them in a freezer. That would work unless civilization completely collapsed and power companies were unable to function. Fortunately, Jim had a propane-powered backup generator with half a dozen tanks of fuel already on hand. If Henry added to the propane supply, and he used the generator only for essential maintenance like keeping the viagra freezer operating in warm weather, he would be happy here on the farm for a looong, looong time. Unless, even now, dead Jim was out there in the generator shed sabotaging the machinery.”
Dean Koontz, Breathless

Georges Perec
“Maintenant tu n'as plus de refuges. Tu as peur, tu attends que tout s'arrête, la pluie, les heures, le flot des voitures, la vie, les hommes, le monde, que tout s'écroule, les murailles, les tours, les planchers et les plafonds; que les hommes et les femmes, les vieillards et les enfants, les chiens, les chevaux, les oiseaux, un à un, tombent à terre, paralysés, pestiférés, épileptiques; que le marbre s'effrite, que le bois se pulvérise, que les maisons s'abattent en silence, que les pluies diluviennes dissolvent les peintures, disjoignent les chevilles des armoires centenaires, déchiquettent les tissus, fassent fondre l'encre des journaux; q'un feu sans flammes ronge les marches des escaliers; que les rues s'effondrent en leur exact milieu, découvrant le labyrinthe béant des égouts; que la rouille et la brume envahissent la ville.”
Georges Perec, Un homme qui dort

“If 2012 is the end of the world can I have a table for two at Ground Zero?”
Stanley Victor Paskavich

“When the Mayan Calendar runs out there will be another day. Just like there was with Y2K.”
Stanley Victor Paskavich

Lydia Millet
“At that time in my personal life, I was coming to grips with the end of the world. The familiar world, anyway. Many of us were.

Scientists said it was ending now, philosophers said it had always been ending.

Historians said there’d been dark ages before. It all came out in the wash, because eventually, if you were patient, enlightenment arrived and then a wide array of Apple devices.

Politicians claimed everything would be fine. Adjustments were being made. Much as our human ingenuity had got us into this fine mess, so would it neatly get us out. Maybe more cars would switch to electric.

That was how we could tell it was serious. Because they were obviously lying.”
Lydia Millet, A Children's Bible

Arthur Miller
“Yes, the day the world ended and nobody was innocent again. God, how swiftly it all fell down!”
Arthur Miller, After the Fall

“And now, we have no option. We can't say 'maybe' 'it's possible' 'it looks very probable...' No way! We have to say this is what the Bible teaches! This is fact! May 21, 2011 is the day of the Rapture, it is the day that Judgment Day begins...”
Harold Camping, Topics from the Open Forum

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