
Celebrate Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "celebrate-life" Showing 1-30 of 46
Nesta Jojoe Erskine
“We might not be the ones to change the world. We might not belong to the few that “put a ding in the universe.” We might not be something the whole world would celebrate. But...In the little corners that we live; in the lives that we’ve played a part in, we should be nothing but unforgettable.”
Nesta Jojoe Erskine, Unforgettable: Living a Life That Matters

Emmanuella Raphaelle
“There are some who relish the quiet life. Free of the frantic and discord. I used to be one of them; until my life got loud and dramatic, down right unbearable at moments.
And now I love the volumes of my life. The adagio of my heart’s beating or the metronome of the rainfall. How can one expect to live without the welcome of the bird’s chirp in the morning or the night’s vehement winds pounding our window pane?
The sound of joy, heartbreak, ecstasy. It is all for the fine tuning of our soul. We learn to calibrate the sounds of life. No more sensitivity, but making it all music. Go ahead, appreciate the soundtrack of your life. It makes for good dancing too.”
Emmanuella Raphaelle

Salma Farook
“Celebrate the varied splendour in this world, and remind yourself that it can also be found in you.”
Dr Salma Farook, What Your Soul Already Knows

Leland Lewis
“Shall we walk through the woods;
dance through the meadows;
and celebrate the miracle
of this garden world?”
Leland Lewis, Random Molecular Mirroring

“Valentine's day: one day day to celebrate love, friendship, give hugs and say sweet things to your loved ones? C'mon, I need an entire year of that!”
Rodolfo Peon

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“It’s another day and I’m alive and so are you. Isn’t that wonderful?”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Tupac Shakur
“Celebrate life
through the music
through the spoken word
through the splatter of colour on paper
or wood
or iron
or canvas
But celebrate your life
Celebrate your ability to
feel joy and sadness
Celebrate your ability to feel!
Only then will we be free to feel”
Tupac Shakur, The Rose That Grew from Concrete

Germany Kent
“Smile even though you have nothing to celebrate. Celebrate the fact that you can smile. Some people don't have nearly half of what you have and they are smiling just because they can. ”
Germany Kent

“Go where you are celebrated, flee from where you're tolerated.”
Golden Flower

“Never hanker for others to make your life beautiful, orchestrate your life and celebrate in your own aliveness. That's HEAVEN, that's Godliness!”
Ramana Pemmaraju

“Splash into your A game. Brush aside the average life.”
Hiral Nagda

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Most people celebrate the continuity of their existence so passionately that you would swear they chose to exist.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

AVIS Viswanathan
“Most of what we think will make us happy never really gives us lasting Happiness. Material things, rewards, fame, recognition, money and having a circle of ‘yes’ folks (those who are hanging around you only because they believe they can benefit from you)…these can all make you happy, but only momentarily. They only give you fleeting moments of Happiness. Too much of these, in fact, can leave you feeling drained or suffocated or incomplete. That’s when you start searching for true Happiness. And true Happiness lies only in celebrating what is, in the now. You find it by dropping all your craving, the wants, the desires. It lies in living each moment fully, in gratitude for what you have, with people who complete you, who make you come alive!”
AVIS Viswanathan

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Some people were killed by their celebration of the fact that they were still alive.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“What really annoys me very often is when People start comparing two individuals. This clearly indicates that they have not lived their life at all. They are insulting themselves by resorting to these practices. They do not have even an iota of understanding as to how unique and gifted they are. Once you start living intensely, only then will you come to recognize your self, then you will be surprised how different you are, in your responses, in your actions - In Your Individuality, only then will you appreciate the uniqueness of others, not before. So, start living joyously, Celebrate Life!”
Ramana Pemmaraju

Tom Rath
“...we must find ways to celebrate people's lives and contributions while while they are still alive. We need far more celebrations of life . . . even before people know they are dying.”
Tom Rath, Life's Great Question: Discover How You Contribute To The World

“There is no better way to celebrate life than to be in touch with your sensuality.”
Lebo Grand

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Why should we celebrate certain things at certain times? We don't need extra celebrations on anything, as every moment is already a great celebration moment to celebrate that we're just alive!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

AVIS Viswanathan
“If you are feeling lost in Life, celebrate. Because only when you are lost, can you find your true Self and discover true Happiness!”
AVIS Viswanathan

AVIS Viswanathan
“There is magic, beauty, romance and poetry waiting for you every step of the way. Life is waiting for you, with open arms. But where are you? You are not present here, in the now. Perhaps you are trapped in the past – thinking about what could have been. Or you have raced into the unborn future – busy worrying about what has not yet happened. Remember: this moment is the only Life you have! Unless you are present in the moment, you cannot celebrate Life.”
AVIS Viswanathan

AVIS Viswanathan
“Life intrinsically has no meaning. You came with nothing. You will go with nothing. But you have the opportunity to make your Life meaningful. You can do this in small doses by doing multiple things that you love doing. Or you can do this expansively by being engaged with a larger-than-you cause, your Purpose. Here 'meaningful' really means making each moment count, by living it fully, by celebrating it! Simply, as long as you do what makes you come alive, even if you don't define it or connect it with a sense of Purpose, you are living meaningfully!”
AVIS Viswanathan

AVIS Viswanathan
“When you are a witness to a moment in nature you are celebrating. For instance, when you are watching a sunrise or sunset, you are not processing. You simply are. You are captivated by the spectacle. You are not passing any judgment. You just are. Similarly, occasionally, you must rise to be a witness to your own Life. Not to observe, engage, judge or review. But to just be like a fly on your Life's wall. Be a witness. When you are a witness, you learn more about yourself. And when you employ that learning you transform.”
AVIS Viswanathan

AVIS Viswanathan
“There is no way you can fast-forward your Life. When going through painful situations, as long as you are complaining about your circumstances, you will find each day long, dreary and miserable to endure. But when you immerse yourself in what you love doing, you will find that each moment is a celebration. You will then be able to flow with Life, joyously, enthusiastically.”
AVIS Viswanathan

Nitin Namdeo
“You do not need a festival to celebrate, life itself is a festival, celebrate your life.”
Nitin Namdeo

“D-December never means
E-end, it's the time to
C-celebrate and rejoice
E-express love and joy
M-mesmerize the moments
B- believe in blithe spirit
E- enhance the end and
R- rhyme with the beginnings.”
Deepa Gera

Felisa Tan
“When what happens outside strikes a chord with what is inside, that is the essence of the moment—and that is when the artist should make the photograph.”
Felisa Tan, In Search for Meaning

Felisa Tan
“Through the sharing of this subjective meaning, I hope to inspire the audience to appreciate the world around and inside us, to reconnect once more with the universal fabric of consciousness, which contains all the Truth we need to know, but is oftentimes buried by unawareness in our daily lives; and ultimately, to celebrate this grand infinity we share.”
Felisa Tan, In Search for Meaning

C.G. Coppola
“Don’t ever forget to celebrate in life. I mean that, baby.” She holds my focus with hers. “The big things. The small things. Whatever you can — however often you can. Celebrate.” - Nina -”
C.G. Coppola, In The Moment After

Monica Lombo
“Quienes se dedican a celebrar el alba disfrutarán de festines de plenitud —bien merecidos— en sus ocasos.”
Monica Lombo, Los ladrones del alma (Libroespejo del alma)

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