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The One True Me and You

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One small fandom convention. One teen beauty pageant.
One meet cute waiting to happen.

Up and coming fanfic author Kaylee Beaumont is internally screaming at the chance to finally meet her fandom friends in real life and spend a weekend at GreatCon. She also has a side quest for the weekend:

Try out they/them pronouns to see how it feels
Wear more masculine-presenting cosplay
Kiss a girl for the first time

It’s… a lot, and Kay mostly wants to lie face down on the hotel floor. Especially when her hometown bully, Miss North Carolina, shows up in the very same hotel. But there’s this con-sponsored publishing contest, and the chance to meet her fandom idols… and then, there’s Teagan.

Pageant queen Teagan Miller (Miss Virginia) has her eye on the much-needed prize: the $25,000 scholarship awarded to the winner of the Miss Cosmic Teen USA pageant. She also has secrets:

She loves the dresses but hates the tiaras
She’s a giant nerd for everything GreatCon
She’s gay af

If Teagan can just keep herself wrapped up tight for one more weekend, she can claim the scholarship and go off to college out and proud. If she’s caught, she could lose everything she’s worked for. If her rival, Miss North Carolina, has anything to do with it, that’s exactly how it’ll go down.

When Teagan and Kay bump into one another the first night, sparks fly. Their connection is intense—as is their shared enemy. If they’re spotted, the safe space of the con will be shattered, and all their secrets will follow them home. The risks are great… but could the reward of embracing their true selves be worth it?

272 pages, Hardcover

First published March 1, 2022

About the author

Remi K. England

1 book88 followers
M.K. England grew up on the Space Coast of Florida watching shuttle launches from the backyard. These days, they call rural Virginia home, where there are many more cows but a tragic lack of rockets. In between marathon writing sessions, MK can be found drowning in fandom, rolling critical hits at the gaming table, digging in the garden, or feeding their video game addiction. They probably love Star Wars more than you do.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 424 reviews
Profile Image for Lex Kent.
1,683 reviews9,449 followers
February 28, 2022
3.50 Stars. A very cute YA story. I’ve been having really good luck with YA lately so it has become one of my main go to categories to read. The rep has been great in them and that is something I felt like I wasn’t always getting enough of in some adult books. I was excited that this was a romance between a character coming to terms with being non-binary, and another character who is a lesbian. This ended up being a very sweet read, but it didn’t quite have the depth I was personally looking for. I do think it’s one of those books I would have loved as a teenager and I think it is one that should be in high school libraries.

This book has a lot of nice things going about it. It has nice main characters, nice secondary characters, nice storylines, and a nice pace that kept me reading the book. All that is good and I liked what I read, the problem was that there was no pop or spark, nothing that really gripped me and forced me to keep reading. I’m someone that loves YA to have a ton of emotions and really pull on my heart strings, but I can do sweet too. However, If the book is more on the adorable side, I still need something to take it to that next level, but this stayed very on the surface for me. I didn’t feel like we had a deep dive into the characters or their issues they had to overcome.

One slight issue for me is that it seemed like this book felt a little dated. When I say little, I mean little as in if this took place even 5 years ago, I think everything in it would have fit better. Everything felt just a tad off for 2022 standards –like the whole Tumblr thing-. I did think the Con and fan-fic writing storyline, vs a pageant was a good idea for a story. I believe people who are big fan-fic fans will definitely get a kick out of it.

TLDR: I would suggest this book for people wanting YA books that are low in angst and are very cute. If you are looking for something deep and emotional, this is not the book for you. This book is good for what it is, but it’s stuck in the “perfectly nice” category for me. If I had this book as a teenager, I think I would have loved it.

An ARC was given to me for a review.
Profile Image for Remi England.
Author 1 book88 followers
August 5, 2021
Hi, I wrote this book! I just wanted to let y'all know that there are content warnings on my website, in case that's something you might find helpful. I can't wait for y'all to hold this book full of queer joy and triumph in your hands. (The final copy, that is, because... WOW the advance copies still have so many errorssssssss *hides face*)

a banner featuring the cover of the book The One True Me and You and a blurb from author TJ Klune reading A breezy snappy story about fandom friendships and being yourself
Profile Image for zoe.
293 reviews5 followers
July 14, 2021
What I liked about this book:

- The accurate representation of AO3??? Something I never thought I would read in a published book, but I'm all here for it. Seriously, it was SO accurate.
- The characters. Specifically Teagan!!! But both of the main characters had my heart from the beginning. The author does a fantastic job writing lovable, realistic, flawed, queer characters, and this story from their perspectives was fantastic.
- It's a super short and sweet read. Easy to get through, easy to digest, and easy to finish! Which I love.

What I didn't like about this book:

- Now, when picking up this book you really have to take it at face value. It's a book about fandom culture, which is incredibly apparent from the plot summary. I found this premise to be super cringey; if you think you would also find this premise cringey... you will.
- The fandom aspect of this book *really* ages the book. First of all, the main character writes Johnlocke fanfiction, which is one of the most popular ships at the convention they're attending. This dates the story, as Johnlocke already isn't a mega-popular ship anymore. The main character also uses Tumblr as their primary mode of communication, which isn't at ALL the go-to fandom space anymore. This book will forever be set in 2014, even as it's published in 2021, because of this alone.
Profile Image for Dr. Andy.
2,529 reviews247 followers
May 19, 2023
Reread for the #TransRightsReadathon!!

I love this book so much.
Thank you to Wednesday Books & Netgalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


In a celebration of femininity and all things fandom, The One True Me & You is a love letter to finding your community and feeling empowered by it. This novel is a dual POV between Kaylee and Teagan. Kay is ready for GreatCon, a TV show/fandom event, and where they've finally entered some of their original writing. Kay is hoping to kiss a girl, use they/them pronouns for the first time and wear a more masc presenting cosplay. Teagan is a beauty queen here for her what is likely her last beauty pageant before college. While there are some aspects of the pageant that she hates, Teagan loves the dresses, and is hoping to win some of the scholarship money that's awarded to the top five. When Teagan finds out that her fandom love is simultaneously having a con in the same hotel, she knows the temptation is going to be hard.

The two cross paths during the first night of the Con and pageant and the initial attraction is immediate. But the two soon realize they have a common enemy: Miss North Carolina--Madison. Madison is from the same town as Kay and has tormented Kay for as long as they can remember. Kay's worst fear this weekend is that Madison will find their fandom fics and out them as nonbinary. Teagan knows Madison is her one of her top competitors, and Madison isn't afraid to play dirty. Teagan is going to have to walk a fine line so she's not outed as the huge gay nerd that she is.

This book was fucking amazing. I honestly don't have enough words to truly encompass all of the joy this book brought me. I loved Kaylee so much. They're questioning of both their sexuality and gender identity was something that resonated with me a lot. Especially the gender part since I've been exploring using different pronouns and names. It was so easy to cheer Kay one, I wanted the best for them. Plus as a fellow writer, seeing the inspiration sparks and the feelings you get from writing a good scene was so spot on. Kay definitely had some internalized misogyny to work through. But I loved that when she said something ridiculous about the beauty pageants, their friends were there to call them on their BS and then they broke it down so that Kay truly realized their mistake. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean the whole thing is awful for other people.

Teagan was also such a joy to read. I loved her joy of wearing dresses and power suits and clothes that made her feel good inside. I loved seeing this side of the beauty pageants. They definitely are not the best measure of beauty, but I loved how this one is starting to grow and not only rely on physical appearance. I think all pageant should remove the swimsuit parts too, it's just ugh. After Teagan does her interview portion of the pageant that's when I knew I was a goner for this book. Teagan completely destroyed the interview questions they gave her and I loved her answers so damn much. I also loved seeing her fandom heart get the chance to have fun in a community that would accept her no questions.

The romance aspect of this book was the best!! I loved seeing Kay and Teagan together. They were so utterly adorable. I loved how easily these two complemented each other. It was such a good fit and I loved that they encouraged the other one grow and learn things about themselves that they hadn't realized before. Can I have a sequel of them being happy in college!?

Have I mentioned I loved this book? I just want to reiterate what a celebration of love, friendship and queerness this book was. I was so giddy when I finished this book. I will definitely be rereading it before it comes out. Add this book to your TBR or preorder it like right now!!

Rep: White questioning-nonbinary MC, white lesbian MC, side Black character, side sapphic character, side queer characters--specific rep not indicated.

CWs: Bullying, homophobia, transphobia, lesbophobia, outing of nonbinary character without consent, outing of lesbian character by choice, grief, death of parent (in the past), mental illness--anxiety, misogyny, sexism, misgendering, panic/anxiety attacks, racism, religious bigotry.
Profile Image for jenn.
204 reviews115 followers
March 13, 2022
“we’re here to support each other in our weird obsessions no matter where we come from or what we’re like in real life.”

kay is a fanfic writer, geek, and attending a convention for their favorite tv show, the great game, while also trying out they/them pronouns with the online friends they get to meet in real life for the first time.

teagan is attending the miss cosmic teen USA pageant, in hopes of winning the scholarship, except, the pageant is sharing a hotel. with a convention for her favorite tv show that the other pageant queens most definitely don’t know about.

when kay and teagan run into each other (literally), the last thing they expect is to be attracted to each other, a geeky fanfic writer and a perfect pageant queen? not going to happen.

except…. there’s so much more to them. there’s so much care, and struggle, and community. this book is an exploration of fandom, of love, of identity, mostly. after all, who knows what can conspire in a single weekend?

hands down, my favorite thing about this book is the duality between kay, a nerdy fanfic writer obsessed with a sherlock holmes-esque tv show, and teagan, a beauty queen at heart, because england does such a good job at intertwining these. there is not one look to be queer, and teagan’s love for the con as well as her actual passion for pageants was so cool to read. one of the main conflicts in teagan and kay’s relationship was teagan’s love of what she does; even if the systems may be broken, she can still find her place as a femme lesbian beauty queen, and maybe make an impact along the way.

another thing that made me so happy reading this book was the celebration of online friendships and communities! though the fandom experience isn’t really one i have, kay’s hope they find in their tumblr and fanfic community, especially in their queer identity, is a freedom they literally can’t have in real life, it’s a way for them to escape and connect. the value this book places on online communities just means so much to me, because obviously, i have bookstagram, i have online friends, i have places to connect to people i wouldn’t have access to otherwise. and seeing that through kay, the joy they felt to be part of a community, was honestly the heart of this story. teagan too, as she experienced the sisterhood and love in pageants, and even at the con. this book so much was about belonging in these forged communities, especially as queer people who needed them, and i loved that!!

i also have to say that the dual pov in this book was exceptionally written?? i genuinely never got them confused, like i sometimes do reading dual pov. england 100% could write two different characters without losing their style, and the writing itself made me excited to dive into england’s backlist.

thank you wednesday books for sending me an advance readers copy of this lovely book!!

content warnings: bullying, public outing, challenged homo/transphobia, off-page parental death
Profile Image for Leah.
465 reviews218 followers
September 12, 2022
2.75 Stars

“The One True Me and You” by Remi K. England (M.K. England) is a YA romance between a coming-out non-binary person and a lesbian.

Kaylee (Kay) and Teagan meet in a hotel in Florida one weekend. Kay is there for a fan convention as a fanfiction writer while Teagan is in town for a beauty pageant.

I really thought I was going to love this as it focuses a lot of attention on fandom life. I spent almost a decade in fandom life and still stay on the outskirts of it so I was excited to read this. However, it really fell flat for me overall. The plot happens over a weekend and timewise this is very fast, the book felt very long to me. I had trouble concentrating and it took me over a week to read.

Kay and Teagan meet and fall in lust very quickly, they meet Friday night and end Sunday with being girlfriends. Kay spends a lot of time judging Teagan for doing beauty pageants and was quite mean to her in one specific scene that was easier for Teagan to forgive than it would’ve been for me. It was hard for me to grasp how someone who feels the need to hide because of people judging them would be so quick judge others so harshly. Teagan was easier for me to like but I also had issue with how she treated her best friend throughout the whole weekend.

There were also a few things I did like! One part I did like were the conversations about how positive and accepting fandom life and cons can be for queer people. I also liked a lot of the secondary characters and wished we had gotten more about them instead of the forced romance. They seemed like good friends to both Kay and Teagan, especially when they didn’t always deserve it. I love books with friendships and I think Teagan being a bad friend kept me from loving her.

I enjoyed Kay’s story of coming to terms with being non-binary as well. I can appreciate how hard it was for them with the kind of home life that was described and wanting to feel accepted. It’s always interesting to me to read about experiences others have.

While this one missed the mark for me, I do think it would be a better fit for a young person, especially one who is questioning themselves.

I received an ARC from Wednesday Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,082 reviews
March 29, 2022
3.5/5 stars

This book is a Young Adult LGBT romance with non binary representation.

This book is about a beauty pageant and a fandom convention held in the same Florida hotel.

The narrators are Teagan and Kaylee (both 17). Teagan is trying to win a scholarship at a big teen beauty pageant. Kaylee is a fanfic author at her first convention.

This book really highlights : Friendships. Bullying. Acceptance.

I really enjoyed most parts of the beauty pageant. And I really liked the writing aspect of the story. I also found the idea of a teen questioning who they might be to be quite interesting. It was educational to people wanting to learn more about non-binary people and what it means. I also really loved the friendships.

This isn't my usual genre. But it's good to read different types of books. Overall the romance was cute. But I didn't really connect that much to the fandom part of the story. But it was a good read.

Thanks to netgalley and Wednesday books for allowing me to read this book.
Profile Image for Carrie (brightbeautifulthings).
894 reviews35 followers
September 9, 2021
Fanfiction writer Kay is ecstatic to be spending the week at GreatCon with their fandom friends. On their to-do list is to try out they/them pronouns to see how they fit and kiss a girl for the first time. Little do they know, the hotel is also hosting the Miss Cosmic Teen USA pageant, and their own personal bully is Miss North Carolina. If Madison connects Kay to their online persona, she could out them to their entire town. Teagan is Miss Virginia, and she badly needs the pageant prize money to go to her college of choice. She’s also a major GreatCon fan and a closeted lesbian, and for some reason, Miss North Carolina seems to have targeted her as her biggest competition. Teagan can’t afford to lose this pageant, but when she sneaks into a con event and meets Kay on the first night, sparks fly. It’s only a weekend, but it could change everything for both of them. I received an invitation to read a free e-ARC through NetGalley from the publishers at St. Martin’s Press. Trigger warnings: bullying, homophobia, forced outing.

I’m so glad I got an invitation to read this book because I’m not sure I would have found it on my own, and it’s one of my favorite YA romances so far this year. As a Tumblr person myself, I always love it when the fandom elements of internet culture are accurately represented in fiction, and hanging out with Kay and their fanfiction-writing, cosplaying, Sherlock- (basically) loving friends feels a lot like hanging out with my own fandom friends. I love the way fandom culture gives the characters a safe space to be their truest selves and how supportive they all are of each other (which isn’t to say that fandom doesn’t have its ugly sides, but this isn’t the book for that negativity). I’m not as familiar with the pageant side of things, so I can’t speak to its authenticity, but I feel like England tries hard to balance the obviously negative sides with some of the positives that people may not know about, like the platforming for their causes or how empowering it is for Teagan. I enjoyed getting to know more about both worlds.

It’s fairly fast-paced, or maybe it was just that I didn’t want to put it down. The stakes are high enough on both sides to keep the tension up, since while fandom culture may be a safe place to come out, the real world often isn’t, and Kay and Teagan may both face a backlash if their identities become public. The romance is a little fast (as expected, since the book takes place over a weekend), but their connection never feels forced. These are not perfect characters, and I like that the story gives them space to make mistakes, say the wrong things, and let their own biases come out (sometimes in ways that are extremely hurtful), and then learn to apologize and be more accepting. It’s a cute, positive, and ultimately hopeful read, and I can think of at least one fandom friend in my life who needs a copy.

I review regularly at brightbeautifulthings.tumblr.com.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,682 reviews213 followers
July 11, 2021
I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The One True Me and You sort of gave me Miss Congeniality vibes. Which, yes, makes me want to dive into that movie ASAP. In it, you will meet Teagan. She is about to do her last beauty pageant and the pressure is on. Mostly because it's all for a college scholarship. She's also trying to hide the fact that she really likes girls. Not sure why but I guess that's a huge no-no in the pageant world. It also doesn't help that she has some stuff competition this around either.

Well, it's safe to say that I really loathed one character. Oh Madison... you were a completely horrible person throughout the entire competition and I'm extremely happy with how things ended. Mostly because I absolutely adored Teagan and Kay. Their connection seemed a bit instantaneous but I enjoyed every little second of it. I also really enjoyed how much everyone, but Madison, grew throughout this competition.

Now I've never been to or seen a beauty pageant but it does seem like a whole lot of work. So I liked seeing how the girls adapted to everything that was happening. I would probably pee my pants during the interview part but that's because of what happened in the movie.. oh and walking.

In conclusion, I just really devoured the heck out of this book. I'm so happy that I got the chance to dive into it and I can't wait for everyone to dive into this once it gets published.
Profile Image for Judy.
1,335 reviews46 followers
February 3, 2022
Not sure why I picked this book up, but I enjoyed it even though it is totally outside the norm for me. I have to admit that being straight, that it was a learning experience that helped my understand not only Lgbtq+ terms (I had to look up many of them), but some of the difficulties those who are different face. I also didn't know anything about fan fiction, fandom, etc., and now I do as I also had to google and learn about this phenomenon.

The story is involves a beauty contest in the same hotel as a fandom conference. Teagan, Miss Virginia, meets Kay, a fan-fic author, and they immediately find a connection and become obsessed with each other. This is a coming of age story about the two girls and their weekend of self-discovery of their own strength and confidence and their acceptance of who they really are.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books through Netgalley for an advance copy. This book will be published on March 1, 2022.
Profile Image for Trisha.
5,184 reviews198 followers
October 19, 2022
I grabbed this one entirely for the cover - It's so adorable, I love it! Imagine my surprise when the story inside as just as great!

I loved this story. One beauty pageant contestant who can't be who she really wants. And one fanfic writing con 'nerd' who isn't sure they can ask everyone to know who they think they might be. Their first meet is adorable, their fumbling to find their way was sweet, the drama was over-the-top but completely okay, and I loved all the friends. It was a guilty pleasure read, one I would tuck right back in too to smile and feel so tummy flutters of first love. I loved the fanfic panels because it reminded me of author panels (ugh! I miss book festivals!) and gave me such beautiful nostalgia. I will definitely look for more from this author!

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.
Profile Image for Anniek.
2,233 reviews830 followers
March 10, 2022
While this book has its heavier aspects, it's overall such a fun, cute read! I loved seeing how Kay was using they/them pronouns for the first time and still figuring things out, and how both characters were flawed but also willing to grow. I love fandom stories, but I feel like sometimes they tend to glorify fandom spaces a little and lack some nuance, and this book felt really thoughtful.
Profile Image for Nursebookie.
2,552 reviews388 followers
June 6, 2022
The One True Me and You
By Remi K England

Finding Identity
Fun Read

I really enjoyed The One True Me and You as written by England that addresses themes of self-discovery, new friendships, the celebration of your passions (fandom and pageants), and finding strength to accept what is important and standing up for those beliefs. I enjoyed this story in one weekend where Kay and Teagan had their super fun meet cute! Their friendship and relationship, while partnering up and having the same person they loath was super fun as you find yourself rooting for both of them. I love the exploration of pronouns, and some of the issues you will be facing as you first find your true identity. I really adored this book and the perfect read for Pride Month!

Profile Image for Jamie Pacton.
Author 10 books229 followers
February 5, 2021
I love this book so much. Full review to come, but this is a queer, joyful, funny ya contemporary that I devoured in one sitting.
Profile Image for Adri.
1,039 reviews779 followers
January 17, 2022
CWs: some references to fatphobia; bullying; homophobia/homophobic slurs; grief and references to loss of parent; brief mention of suicide; and public outing

If you need a super fast-paced, fun, heartfelt story about embracing queerness in your life, look no further! Neatly packaged in less than 300 pages, The One True Me and You is a joyous, romantic romp set against the backdrop of a weekend convention, and it's ultimately a love letter to fandom as a safe space.

I think the shorter format of this story really works, because it creates a sense of urgency that's underpinning everything. Because the story takes place over a single weekend, there's a "ticking timeline" for both of these characters that really emphasizes what's at stake. Both Kay and Teagan have very specific goals that they want to accomplish before the weekend is over and before they have to go back to their "normal" lives.

Kay wants to try out they/them pronouns, explore masculine cosplay, and enter their fanfiction into an anthology contest. Teagan, on the other hand, wants to find time to sneak into some GreatCon events between pageant responsibilities, keep her queerness under wraps, and win this one last pageant for some much-needed scholarship money. The story brilliantly captures that feeling of freedom and novelty that comes with inhabiting a different space and how that change in setting can be empowering.

There's also a great underlying thread about found family, and how important it is to have people who make you feel safe enough to be able to try something new. I think the story explores authenticity in really thoughtful ways. It’s about navigating between safety and self expression, and what it looks like to not only discover your true self but to *be* your true self, while figuring out which people and spaces are safe for those experiences.

The romance was also very endearing to me, not only because both characters are more than just their labels or social circles, but because they both challenge the other person to learn and grow in some way.

At first, Kay is really uncomfortable about Teagan being a pageant queen, and I think it’s because that space highlights their own dysphoria, their own discomfort with feminine expression, and—to some extent—their own internalized misogyny and sexism. As they learn more about Teagan and the pageant, I think they realize that there is power and beauty in feminine expression—which can be respected, even if that’s not the way you choose to express yourself. At the same time, Teagan’s perspective is also being broadened by the time she’s spending with Kay, especially in these fandom spaces which are very inclusive in terms of gender, sexuality, body type, and age. Being confronted with that ends up forcing her to rethink her own beauty standards and realize how much more the pageant scene still needs to progress.

With that said, I also appreciate how the story refuses to romanticize either fandom or pageants, especially in the way it acknowledges that both can easily be toxic and problematic. Yes, these particular characters find joy, safety, and empowerment in both of these respective spaces, but they're also not ignorant to how those spaces can be weaponized against marginalized groups, especially, or how they have historically been used to hurt or exclude people. It's possible for both realities to be true at once, and I appreciate that the story makes space to acknowledge that.

The one thing I felt was missing from the story was more in-depth conversation about identity and privilege. Especially with Kay discovering their nonbinaryness and experimenting with new pronouns, labels, and forms of expression, I wanted to see more of a conversation about how that impacts—or maybe doesn't impact—their budding relationship with Teagan. Kay identifies with both bisexuality and pansexuality, while Teagan has only ever dated and been attracted to "girls". When they first meet, Teagan is immediately attracted to Kay without knowing their gender, and while their labels ultimately don't end up "mattering" in the context of their relationship, I still think there was a conversation to be had there about how they understand labels, language, and identity as a couple.

In regards to privilege, this has more to do with the pageant circuit, and how Teagan ultimately benefits as a pageant queen because of her whiteness and her adherence to colonial, patriarchal, cishet beauty standards. There's a brief moment where Teagan is talking with her roommate/best pageant friend, who happens to be Black, and she considers that if she ends up winning the pageant over her friend, it will most likely be partially or entirely because she is white. I thought that was a good moment of reflection, but it was the only time in the book that Teagan took a pause to consider that, and it never comes up again.

They're small details in the context of the bigger picture, but I still think there was even more room in the story for these kinds of important conversations.

All in all, the story is very layered and there’s a lot of things going on, but it’s also just fun, sweet, and romantic. There’s great banter and humor between characters, a fantastic connection and chemistry between the protagonists, and overall I think there’s two relatively satisfying character arcs that feel triumphant. Being able to see this kind of queer joy and self-discovery in a story will always feel wonderful and cathartic on some level, and ultimately that's why it was a joy to read.

While this might be a genre departure for England, they successfully carry over that trademark sense of wit and chaos that is so apparent and delightful in their first two sci-fi books. If nothing else, this story made me feel confident that I would happily read anything that they write!
Profile Image for Anne Plat (Freckles).
199 reviews3 followers
March 29, 2022
This one's for everyone who's found themselves in fandom. And yeah- I live there. I still do, whatcha gonna do about it. It's for the people who write fanfic and have a secret (or not secret) dream of using that skill in their future. The ones that may not feel safe coming out in their real life community, but can be themselves online. For everyone who is their most authentic self in fandom.

Obviously I love it. The premise of a romcom that takes place at a hotel which is hosting both a beauty pageant and a con is glorious. A story where the beauty queen gets the fandom nerd is beautiful. But it's about the not-so-subtle Tumblr shoutouts (where I got my best friend). It's about the AO3 shoutouts.

'Cause while many people think it's cringe and live their life on other social media, these are the places with some of the strongest communities I've ever known. Tumblr's a hellsite (affectionate) which is why I cannot begin to explain the image on my dash but it's also the most multipurpose-targeted social media. And I'm happy on there, I make friends on there. And it's nice to see it in a positive light.

So yeah, this book is a fave. I like a story where being yourself in fandom isn't seen as bad or embarrassing. And it's okay when that's gotta be your safe space. It's a book full of hope- a book where "just for now" is actually okay. Because it is.

Not to mention the dedication truly is one of my two faves. It's right up there with "For all the 'sidekicks' out there."
Profile Image for Lannerz.
28 reviews1 follower
July 26, 2022

This book is absolute magic

// Full review to come
Profile Image for Mia.
2,531 reviews955 followers
June 12, 2021
This was awesome fun read. A one-sit reading binge. All the best things of fandom, writing, and romance all rolled into one adorable package.I adored both MCs, Remi K. England did an great job of crafting these characters and making them real people with depth and distinctively wonderful personalities.
Read this book. You will LOVE it.

Special thanks to St. Martin’s Griffin and Netgalley for sharing this ARC with me in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sherwood Smith.
Author 155 books37.5k followers
June 15, 2021
What a funny, insightful, delightful fantasia of a read!

The story takes place in a Florida hotel over a weekend, at which a beauty pageant and a media con are both booked. High school aged Kay is finally getting a chance to meet up with besties hitherto only seen on social media; Kay goes to a very conformist and socially conservative high school, at which the local queen bee gets away with scrawling LESBIAN all over her locker--as a pejorative.

Oh, and this monster shows up that the con.

But then there's Teagan, who has been doing the pageant circuit for years. This is her last one, her final shot at a much-needed scholarship that will get her to college. But she has to hide her love of girls or she'll be tossed out of the pageant circuit on her ear, and that same queen bee, against whom she's been competing for a long time, has been gunning for her.

Kay is a fanfic writer, and still trying to make some gender decisions, but tentatively leans toward non-binary. When Kay and Teagan meet, it's instant sparks. The rest of the book goes through the weekend as Teagan has to hide her burgeoning romance while being hunted by Madison the horrible queen bee, and Kay begins to gain some self confidence about a lot of things, including sharing writing and deciding on which pronouns fit best.

It wasn't a perfect book but it was such a fast, wonderful read. I loved the friendships, the talk about fandom, the enthusiasm for the emerging feminism in the pageant circle as well as the ups and downs of fandom. I really loved that whiteness was called out, not a default, when differentiating physical types.

Most of all I loved Kay and Teagan, each with insecurities to be struggled with and to be overcome. Their romance is wonderful in its rollercoaster passion and sizzling moments.

Strictly speaking this is not F/F as Kay is non-binary, so I'd make the call that the book is LGTBQ-friendly, and the central romance highlights that.

Copy provided by NetGalley
Profile Image for Larry H.
2,792 reviews29.6k followers
April 8, 2022
4.5 stars

The One True Me and You was absolutely adorable and it left me smiling!

Kaylee is excited about attending her first Con and meeting friends she’s known online for years. And as a popular fanfic author, she’s looking forward to meeting some of the people who inspired her to start writing. But more than that, she wants to do three things: try using they/them pronouns, wear cosplay that’s more masculine, and kiss a girl for the first time.

Teagan is competing as Miss Virginia in the Miss Cosmic Teen USA pageant. She has a real shot to win it all this year, and the $25,000 scholarship will really make a difference in her future. She loves competing but doesn’t like having to hide who she really is—a gay, fanfic-loving, fan art-drawing geek. She just has to keep it all to herself for one more week.

But the Con and the pageant are in the same Orlando hotel. And when Kay and Teagan meet, they both feel an instant connection, but Kay hasn’t ever felt this way before and Teagan has to outsmart the pageant chaperones. Of course, both have the same nemesis—Miss North Carolina—who, if she discovers all that is going on, will make life hell for Kay back at home and will stop at nothing to ruin Teagan’s chances for victory at the pageant.

Cosplay and pageants in the same book? How did Remi England know me so well? I thought The One True Me and You was just a great story, one about finding your authentic self and finding the courage to show it to the world. While there certainly was angst in this book, ultimately I found it really joyful, and I read it in one sitting.

Definitely a fun, sweet, positive YA romance!

Check out my list of the best books I read in 2021 at https://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com/2022/01/the-best-books-i-read-in-2021.html.

See all of my reviews at itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com.

Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/the.bookishworld.of.yrralh/.
Profile Image for Christina (A Reader of Fictions).
4,462 reviews1,762 followers
August 9, 2022
Really enjoyed this one! It's definitely some powerful insta feelings, but it's also very cute. Teagan and Kaylee meet at a con for their favorite program, a new Sherlock thing, but Teagan's actually there for a beauty pageant. The sparks fly right away, and I thought the two of them had a really nice and genuine connection. Whether it's enough for this relationship to have staying power, I'm not as certain, but they're teens, so HFN is perfectly nice.

The One True Me and You reflects well, I think, on the good sides of both the con and the pageant, while not turning eyes to flaws. There are definitely some things I needed to suspend a bit of disbelief for, but I didn't mind doing that at all, because this book made me feel happy.
Profile Image for Sarah {The Clever Reader}.
621 reviews95 followers
July 1, 2022
Awe! This book was so adorable. Kaylee and Teagan are the cutest. I enjoyed the GreatCon/Pageant setting. The friendships were well developed and I really loved how supportive they all were of one another. I thought the author did a great job of portraying the struggles teens have with their identity and that the story, although there is romance, really focused more on Kay and Teagan's personal development individually.

I definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a fun contemporary with lgbtqa+ rep. The romance, friendships, and self discovery make this the perfect contemporary read!
Profile Image for drew.
215 reviews
February 18, 2022
tw: misgendering, homophobia / lesbophobia, public outing, bullying, loss of a mom, mentions of grief, mentions of suicide, gender dysphoria

The One True Me and You takes place over a weekend at a hotel in Orlando, FL. There's been a double-booking for the beauty pageant and fan convention.

This was... a book that I read. First, the book occurs over a single weekend yet somehow feels so long and draining that it felt like weeks had passed. Additionally - Teagan and Kay met each other for the first time on Friday night, and by Sunday (after having kissed once), were already calling each other girlfriend. I know lesbians have the U-Haul stereotype, but damn. I also just don't care for the insta-love trope, to be frank, so I don't think that aspect was for me.

The entire fan convention was based on a fictional Sherlock show, where the main ship was Johnlock. It felt so very 2014, in the worst way possible. (We know it's not 2014, though, because Miss Oregon is reading a "doorstop of a fantasy novel with an orange cover." So, Priory of the Orange Tree, which came out in 2019.) I don't mind fan-culture novels, truly, I think they're entertaining, but using Johnlock as the main ship just felt so very outdated.

Speaking of things feeling outdated - the beauty pageant main character wore a white lacy dress (that ended mid-thigh) WITH jeggings underneath AND a yellow flannel wrapped around her waist AND mid-calf boots. That's the most 2014 tumblr style I can imagine. It's like if Christian Girl Autumn and Tumblr 2014 Style had a baby.

Teagan and Kay were both very frustrating main characters and it made me hesitant to root for either of them. Kay just sucked (and somehow gets worse and takes their frustrations out on Teagan), whereas Teagan was terrible to her pageant bestie. Teagan also spent the entire first half of the novel explaining how she needed the scholarship money to go to college, but then is willing to risk her entire pageant career (and this money) for a person she's known for literally 24 hours?

The pros, for me, were short:

Jess <3 Miss Pennsylvania <3 I love her so much. Teagan should've treated her so much better.

There was a section where a gay man briefly discussed how most mlm fic is written by women and not queer men like himself, which was a great point and definitely could have been expanded on. I hope that little gay man has a good day.

I also loved that Kay got to explore their identity.

I like fan culture, I do enjoy other books about fan culture, but this just missed the mark. I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend this book to people, and would likely point them in the direction of another fan-culture-based book, but I also understand how some people might really see themselves represented on page here.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Alex Nonymous.
Author 25 books500 followers
July 4, 2021
Thanks to the publisher for providing an eARC of The One True Me and You in exchange for an honest review.

The sheer serotonin this gave me is entirely unmatched. I was grinning literally the entire time. Is The One True Me and You a masterpiece of literature? Probably not. But it's very very sweet and has some very very good conversations about queerness and gender and finding your labels and people and I loved it. I also really liked both of our POVs friend groups, especially how quick Kay's was to call out how quick they were to judge all pageant girls just because they're pageant girls.
Profile Image for LGBT Representation in Books.
354 reviews63 followers
February 19, 2022
From the author:
The One True Me and You addresses the following topics that you may want a heads up about:
- Gender dysphoria: Kay is exploring their gender identity and expresses some gender-related discomfort at times. There is one instance of microagressions from their mother. Ultimately, they are happy being nonbinary and feel comfortable coming into their identity and celebrating who they are.
- Death of a parent by suicide (off-screen, before the story): Teagan experiences the loss of her mother as a child. This death by suicide resulted in the character going to therapy and ultimately pursuing art therapy as a future career. A pageant judge springs a question about it on her during her pageant interview.
- Homophobia and transphobia: The “villain” (inasmuch as there is a villain) makes a few anti-LGBTQ+ comments. Teagan hides her identity because of the general anti-queerness of the pageant world. The overall tone of the book is light and LGBTQ+ positive and affirming, though.

Trigger Warnings: Homophobia, hate crime, cursing, bullying, past break-ups, gender dysphoria, transphobia, parent death off page, suicide off page, mental health, discussion of racism/colorism in pageants, cyber bullying, outing, misgendering

Representation: Lesbian, Bisexual, Questioning, Queer, Nonbinary, Gay

The One True Me and You is the story of pageant queen, Teagan, and fanfic writer, Kay, who both are in Florida for the weekend at the same hotel. Teagan, who is there for a pageant competition, is a closeted lesbian. Kay, spending their weekend at a con for their favorite show, is questioning their gender and sexuality. The two meet by accident and risk their secrets to continue to see each other throughout the weekend.

This eARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book! I am not a fanfic reader, myself, so I loved being engulfed in this new world and learning some new vocabulary in the story! I do have to say, as a con attendee, everything the author says about the con atmosphere is true! Cons are great places to meet your people and find new friends! The author does a great job developing this world that is truly so welcoming!

This book was great and an easy read! I finished it in about a day. The story is fast paced and fun. I didn’t realize how much I had a read because I was enjoying it so much! Overall, I’d definitely recommend this book for anyone looking for a happy story with a classic romance feel! There’s a little bit of everything for everyone!
Profile Image for Marisha (MarishaReadsALot).
680 reviews37 followers
December 19, 2021
Thank you NetGalley, Wednesday Books, and Remi K. England for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of The One True Me and You in exchange for my honest review.

Kaylee Beaumont is a 17-year-old fanfic author attending a fandom convention known as GreatCon, and she's come prepared with a three-item checklist for the weekend: 1. Try out they/them pronouns, 2. Wear more masculine-presenting cosplay, and 3. Kiss a girl for the first time.

Teagan Miller, 19-year-old Miss Virginia, is at the same hotel as the GreatCon competing for Miss Cosmic Teen USA, and she's holding onto a few secrets of her own, namely: she nerds out for all things GreatCon, and she is a lesbian. Teagan keeps her sexual orientation largely to herself for fear of missing out on the $25,000 scholarship associated with Miss Cosmic Teen.

Unbeknownst to them, Kaylee and Teagan share a common enemy in Miss North Carolina, who is both Kaylee's tormenter at school and Teagan's fiercest competition. Kaylee and Teagan bump into each other their first night at the hotel, and sparks quickly fly. They both fight to keep their budding romance private, terrified their secret lives will follow them home.

This is obviously quite outside the norm for books I typically read, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked it, as YA books can be pretty hit or miss for me. The fact that this one was well-written is probably the key. I enjoyed the insight into Kaylee's thoughts as they struggled with their identity. I can always appreciate being educated about a marginalized group of people's experience.

Ultimately I think I did struggle a bit with connecting to the characters and especially the decisions they made. This is very much a "warm hug" of a story, though, if that is your thing!

The One True Me and You will be on bookshelves in the US March 1, 2022.
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