Page charges

Page charges are due if the first author's first affiliation is not located in a country that sponsor A&A. When page charges are due, their rate is 100 euros per page (excluding appendices), reduced by the percentage of the authors working in a sponsoring country.

If the first affiliated institution of the first author has a subscription to A&A, you are eligible for a 10% discount on the totality of the page charges. Please contact your library to make sure you are eligible before requesting this discount.

As of October 17, 2022, page charges are waived if the first author is affiliated with one of the countries in Group A of Research4Life:

When a paper is submitted, a page charge form is sent to the corresponding author by the Editorial office. The evaluation process starts only upon receipt of the signed form.

The A&A Editors are entitled to waive page charges upon request. They can only do so, however, for an amount limited to a maximum of 10% of all papers published per year.


Special note for long papers:

Page charges for excessively long papers. All authors, including those from sponsoring countries, will be billed for the production costs of pages in excess of 30 at a rate of 100 euros per page (excluding appendices) and 25 euros per appendix page.