I am upgrading a project from .NET 8 to .NET 9. The default support for Swagger UI and Swagger Docs has been removed and replaced with the AddOpenApi() and MapOpenApi().

In my Swagger json file, I would normally add common error response types to all endpoints using a custom IOperationProcessor implementation.

How do we go about upgrading from .NET 8 to .NET 9 and upgrading the open API documentation implementation?

1 Answer 1


So I just went through the process of upgrading to dotnet core 9, and switching from Swagger to Open API and Scalar UI.

I am documenting it here and the part of adding Error Response codes across all endpoints for anyone else who comes across a similar issue.

Step 1 : Is to update the dotnet version from dotnet 8 to dotnet 9

Step 2 : Uninstall Swashbuckle and any other related projects.

Step 3: Remove UseSwaggerUi() from the Program.cs

Step 4: Remove services.AddOpenApiDocument()... from the ConfigureServices.cs

Step 5: Install Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi nuget package

Step 6: Intall Scalar.AspNetCore nuget package. We will be using Scalar UI instead of Swagger UI

Step 7: Update the Program.cs file to include the MapOpenApi and MapScalarApiReference code


app.MapScalarApiReference(options =>
        .WithDefaultHttpClient(ScalarTarget.JavaScript, ScalarClient.Axios);


Step 8: Open ConfigureServices.cs and include the AddOpenApi() extension

// Customise default API behaviour

// Add the Open API document generation services

The above should be enough to get the Open API json file running. So start the Web API and navigate to: https://localhost:PORT/openapi/v1.json You should see the Open API json file. and navigating to https://localhost:PORT/scalar/v1 should display the Scalar UI.

Adding default error responses to all operations.

So normally I define my API endpoints like below, as you can see I only define the success response and it's type.

[ProducesResponseType(typeof(List<GeofenceDto>), 200)]
public async Task<ActionResult<List<GeofenceDto>>> GetGeofences()
    return await Mediator.Send(new GetGeofencesQuery());

So when generating the Open API files, it only contains the success response types:

scalar ui with only success response openapi

Which is okay if your API never returns an Error Response, I like to handle my errors using a custom exception handler like below.

public class CustomExceptionHandler : IExceptionHandler
    private readonly Dictionary<Type, Func<HttpContext, Exception, Task>> _exceptionHandlers;

    public CustomExceptionHandler()
        // Register known exception types and handlers.
        // Please note: add any new exceptions also the OpenApiGenerator.cs so they get included in the open api json document.
        _exceptionHandlers = new()
                { typeof(ValidationException), HandleValidationException },
                { typeof(NotFoundException), HandleNotFoundException },
                { typeof(UnauthorizedAccessException), HandleUnauthorizedAccessException },
                { typeof(ForbiddenAccessException), HandleForbiddenAccessException },

    public async ValueTask<bool> TryHandleAsync(HttpContext httpContext, Exception exception, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var exceptionType = exception.GetType();

        if (_exceptionHandlers.ContainsKey(exceptionType))
            await _exceptionHandlers[exceptionType].Invoke(httpContext, exception);
            return true;

        return false;

    private async Task HandleValidationException(HttpContext httpContext, Exception ex)
        var exception = (ValidationException)ex;

        httpContext.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;

        await httpContext.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(new ValidationProblemDetails(exception.Errors)
            Status = StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest,
            Type = "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.1"

    private async Task HandleNotFoundException(HttpContext httpContext, Exception ex)
        var exception = (NotFoundException)ex;

        httpContext.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status404NotFound;

        await httpContext.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(new ProblemDetails()
            Status = StatusCodes.Status404NotFound,
            Type = "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.4",
            Title = "The specified resource was not found.",
            Detail = exception.Message

    private async Task HandleUnauthorizedAccessException(HttpContext httpContext, Exception ex)
        httpContext.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized;

        await httpContext.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(new ProblemDetails
            Status = StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized,
            Title = "Unauthorized",
            Type = "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7235#section-3.1"

    private async Task HandleForbiddenAccessException(HttpContext httpContext, Exception ex)
        httpContext.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden;

        await httpContext.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(new ProblemDetails
            Status = StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden,
            Title = "Forbidden",
            Type = "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.3"

As you can see I have certain Exceptions thrown and handled with a specific Status Code. One way to add these error responses is to add them to all the endpoints as error responses types.

but I want to do this using a common piece of code. So to do this , Create a new file in your Web API project and give it a name of your chosing. I named it OpenApiCustomGenerator, and paste in the following code, modify according to your error response types and codes:

public static class OpenApiCustomGenerator
    public static void AddOpenApiCustom(this IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddOpenApi(options =>
            options.AddOperationTransformer((operation, context, ct) =>
                // foreach exception in `CustomExceptionHandler.cs` we need to add it to possible return types of an operation
                AddResponse<ValidationException>(operation, StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest);
                AddResponse<UnauthorizedAccessException>(operation, StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized);
                AddResponse<NotFoundException>(operation, StatusCodes.Status404NotFound);
                AddResponse<ForbiddenAccessException>(operation, StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden);

                return Task.CompletedTask;

            options.AddDocumentTransformer((doc, context, cancellationToken) =>
                doc.Info.Title = "TITLE_HERE";
                doc.Info.Description = "API Description";

               // Add the scheme to the document's components
               doc.Components = doc.Components ?? new OpenApiComponents();

                // foreach exception in `CustomExceptionHandler.cs` we need a response schema type
                AddResponseSchema<ValidationException>(doc, typeof(ValidationProblemDetails));

                return Task.CompletedTask;

    // Helper method to add a response to an operation
    private static void AddResponse<T>(OpenApiOperation operation, int statusCode) where T : class
        var responseType = typeof(T);
        var responseTypeName = responseType.Name;

        // Check if the response for the status code already exists
        if (operation.Responses.ContainsKey(statusCode.ToString()))

        // Create an OpenApiResponse and set the content to reference the exception schema
        operation.Responses[statusCode.ToString()] = new OpenApiResponse
            Description = $"{responseTypeName} - {statusCode}",
            Content = new Dictionary<string, OpenApiMediaType>
                ["application/json"] = new OpenApiMediaType
                    Schema = new OpenApiSchema
                        Reference = new OpenApiReference
                            Type = ReferenceType.Schema,
                            Id = responseTypeName

    // Helper method to add a response schema to the OpenAPI document
    private static void AddResponseSchema<T>(OpenApiDocument doc, Type? responseType = null)
        var exceptionType = typeof(T);
        var responseTypeName = exceptionType.Name;

        // the default response type of errors / exceptions --> check: `CustomExceptionHandler.cs`
        responseType = responseType ?? typeof(ProblemDetails);

        // Define the schema for the exception type if it doesn't already exist
        if (doc.Components.Schemas.ContainsKey(responseTypeName))

        // Dynamically build the schema based on the properties of T
        var properties = responseType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
                prop => prop.Name,
                prop => new OpenApiSchema
                    Type = GetOpenApiType(prop.PropertyType),
                    Description = $"Property of type {prop.PropertyType.Name}"

        // Add the schema to the OpenAPI document components
        doc.Components.Schemas[responseTypeName] = new OpenApiSchema
            Type = "object",
            Properties = properties

    // Helper method to map .NET types to OpenAPI types
    private static string GetOpenApiType(Type type)
        return type == typeof(string) ? "string" :
               type == typeof(int) || type == typeof(long) ? "integer" :
               type == typeof(bool) ? "boolean" :
               type == typeof(float) || type == typeof(double) || type == typeof(decimal) ? "number" :
               "string"; // Fallback for complex types


Update the ConfigureServices.cs to use your Custom Add Open API extension method.

update configureservices with custom open api extension

Then restart the Application --> go to the Scalar or Swagger UI page you should be able to see the Error Responses with their Schema

scalar UI with new error responses

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