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Questions tagged [posts]

"Posts" covers both questions and answers. (And perhaps wiki pages) For example, you may use this tag for apps that help with general editing.

2 votes
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Enhanced revision view

When visiting an individual post revision page, this script adds buttons that allow switching to a view showing how the revision differed from the previous one, just like on a full post history page. ...
user3840170's user avatar
4 votes
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Following Overcharged - Various improvements to the "follow" feature

Screenshot About Following Overcharged (inspired by a MSE feature request) is a userscript that provides a set of features improving the "follow" feature. Current version includes: Feature ...
Oleg Valter is with Ukraine's user avatar
4 votes
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Userscripts Configurer - One script to configure them all

Screenshot About UserScripts Configurer is a shared configuration controller for UserScripters' userscripts. How to use Configurer is exposed as a global accessible via UserScripters.Userscripts....
Oleg Valter is with Ukraine's user avatar
3 votes
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Post Box Highlighter - Highlight a post box background

Screenshot / Code Snippet About Post Box Highlighter adds a "highlight" button to every post's action menu that allows one to temprorarily highlight the background of the target post. ...
Oleg Valter is with Ukraine's user avatar
5 votes
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Magic Answer References - a userscript for making proper post referencing easier

Screenshot / Code Snippet About Referencing other posts properly by hand is tedious: one has to link to users' profiles as usernames are subject to change any time, as well as to their post. Magic ...
Oleg Valter is with Ukraine's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Items response empty after article POST request

I'm trying to post an article using StackExchange's Teams API then try to pull that new article's id from the API response. The article gets posted but the items field is empty : {"items":[],...
GrassWarlock's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Reopen/Delete Vote Rename - Clarify whether you've voted to delete/undelete already

About Ever forget you voted to delete something and ended up retracting your vote accidentally? Well, so have a bunch of other people, myself included, so let's make that a bit more obvious. This ...
Spevacus's user avatar
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Convert your Stack Exchange Posts to your own Website

Using the tools in this website you can take all your Stack Exchange Posts in SE Markdown Format and convert them to GitHub Pages Jekyll Kramdown format. The website is targeted to high-rep Stack ...
pippim com's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Don't let me interact with this user's posts (for sockpuppets, mostly)

About The main purpose of this script is to prevent one from accidentally interacting with questions/answers posted by a sock of their own (but it can also be used to avoid interacting with posts from ...
41686d6564's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Request for user script to calculate Wilson confidence ratings for posts

I came across the following blog post on the Internet recently: How Not to Sort by Average Rating: PROBLEM: You are a web programmer. You have users. Your users rate stuff on your site. You want to ...
gparyani's user avatar
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Three Columns - Displays the question page, post textarea, and post preview in side-by-side columns

Three Columns ( install ) (github) This is a userscript which allows those with reasonably wide monitors to make the most of their screen real-estate when posting, by making the question, ...
CertainPerformance's user avatar
6 votes
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Stack Exchange Post Watcher - Firefox & Chrome extension to watch posts for any changes

Stack Exchange Post Watcher Watching posts for changes is an extremely heavily requested feature on Stack Exchange (see 1, 2, 3). This extension adds a 'watch' button to the actions under every post ...
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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1 vote
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Why doesn't the API return a 'locked date' for this locked answer?

This answer has been locked, yet when I ask the API about this post it fails to return a locked_date: It's a rather old lock, but I can't see anything suspicious in the timeline or the Post History.
Glorfindel's user avatar
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1 answer

/questions returns wrong markdown when a suggested edit is improved

The /questions API method returns wrong markdown when the last revisions were made by a suggested edit improved in the review queue. This event leads to two revisions (one for the suggested edit and ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Stack Snippet Lag Fixer

About Inspired by this question on SO Meta. Sometimes, when posting or editing posts with one or more Stack Snippets, the editor requires a lot of resources to continuously re-render the post preview. ...
CertainPerformance's user avatar

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