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Questions tagged [meta]

For *either* meta questions about Stack Apps, or about how per-site metas are exposed by the API. (Stack Apps is its own meta site)

15 votes
0 answers

AI generated content should NOT be allowed on Stack Apps

On February 14th, 2024 a new network-wide policy on AI-generated content goes into effect. The de-facto default is that AI-generated content should follow the citation rules that already exist. In the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Are these images really necessary?

In the homepage (mobile phone) there's a huge image on the left side of each question: But are they really necessary? Should we remove them? The images seem unrelated to the questions themselves. ...
Snack Exchange's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Accessibility issue on app registration page

Page containing bug Reproduce the issue Go to the page above. Whether you click on Application Website or Application Icon, it focuses the OAuth domain input. ...
Lakshya Raj's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Please add the existence of the Meta tag to What is Meta

On our Help Center Page What is Meta the following sentence is used: Feel free to ask questions about Stack Apps on Stack Apps, tagging them with the discussion or support tags. Can we somehow add ...
rene's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Remove meta badges

Currently, we have the Quorum and Convention badges even though Stack apps is its own meta so they are unobtainable. I think they should be removed to make it so only obtainable badges are on the ...
Ethan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Where do I look for a new-to-the-network technical-overview introduction to what a script/app/etc. basically is, incl. differences between them?

Where do I look for a new-to-the-network technical-overview introduction to what a script/app/etc. basically is, including differences between them? Basically, I'm looking for onboarding documentation ...
Ayer AGG'TDd'E-A's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Adjusting the question templates to better accommodate placeholders

From time to time, we see users posting placeholder questions using one of the templates. They have no useful information to add, so they just leave the template as is, which is very logical behaviour....
Glorfindel's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Padding missing between thumbnails and other app/script information

On the Apps and Scripts tabs, the thumbnails and the rest of the information touch each other: This didn't use to be the case, could you please re-add some padding?
Glorfindel's user avatar
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When are Stack Apps questions shown with thumbnails instead of regular statistics?

Today I was browsing a tag here and I noticed that on the first pages, all questions are shown with thumbnails (most of the time, just the default one): However, from page 5 on the formatting is like ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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3 votes
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Alignment issue in the Apps, Scripts tabs

There is an alignment issue in the Apps and Scripts tabs. The user name and the tag are not aligned right indent. Screenshot for reference:
Arulkumar's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why does the 'Apps' tab show hot questions and the 'Scripts' tab high scoring questions?

The Stack Apps homepage has two unique tabs which are not present on other sites: Apps and Scripts. There is a slight difference between the two, which is visible upon hovering: That's right, the '...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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23 votes
20 answers

What's the next Script/App/Library of the Month?

Now that we have a Community Bulletin, we use it to highlight questions (more precisely scripts/apps/libraries) which deserve to be highlighted. All we ♦ moderators need to do is slap a featured tag ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Wouldn't it be nice if we had a Community Bulletin?

Our site is a bit special and different in some places compared to "regular" sites in the Stack Exchange network. For example: We are are both a Meta and a Main site. We have a special API ...
rene's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Does the [ruby-on-rails] tag add relevant context on top of [ruby]

We have the tag ruby-on-rails (7 questions) which is ... an open source full-stack web application framework written in Ruby. It follows the popular MVC framework model and is known for its "...
rene's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Even though status-review has been made a moderator-only tag, it remains blue on this post

On this answer, status-review is mentioned. For whatever reason, the tag appeared as blue instead of red. I've also noticed that it does not appear on this post for some reason. I thought that ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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