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Some honorable applications

  • Small Aerial Vehicle Trajectory Planning; University of California, Berkeley, & University of Waterloo (pdf)
  • Pycel: Compiling Excel spreadsheets to Python (it was developed to allow non-linear optimization of aircraft design) ,
  • PyRecSys - a python package of algorithms for recommender systems
  • Manipulation in Clutter with Whole-Arm Tactile Sensing (pdf)
  • One Thousand and One Clusters: Measuring the Bulk Flow with the Planck ESZ and X-Ray Selected Galaxy Cluster Catalogs (pdf)
  • Optimisation of a transverse flux linear PM generator using 3D Finite Element Analysis (pdf)
  • Compressed sensing (slides in Japanese)
  • sagemath.org, SAGE - a viable free open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and MATLAB
  • pymvpa.org (Multivariate Pattern Analysis)
  • Yandex
  • Pyomo can cast its models to FuncDesigner
  • PythonXY (www.pythonxy.com)
  • Carnegie Mellon University started to teach students OpenOpt
  • Linköpings Tekniska Högskola, Matematiska institutionen, Sweden, uses OpenOpt in Optimering för ingenjörer course
  • Northwestern polytechnical university, China, uses OpenOpt for nonliner optimization study
  • Constrained versions of the Markowitz portfolio optimization paradigm
  • Optimized Si/SiO2 high contrast grating mirror design for mid-infrared wavelength range: robustness enhancement
  • Structural comparison and validation of the genome scale metabolic models for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Department of Computer Science, Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK
  • holopy - A package for analyzing digital holograms
  • metano - analyzing the capabilities of metabolic networks and for assisting in metabolic reconstruction
  • GENS, Gene-Environment iNteraction Simulator for complex diseases where gene-environment interactions determine the disease risk
  • simplemax.net online services
  • enthought.com repository and educational courses . The Enthought guys are very smart! - they ignored to answer my email with proposition of collaboration but involved my soft without even notification to me.
  • Measuring Inconsistency in Probabilistic Knowledge Bases; Technische Universitat Dortmund, Germany (pdf)
  • Bayesian Inference Package (probabilistic calculations), Gulbenkian Institute of Science in Portugal
  • IdentiPy, parameter optimization and inverse problems for materials computation
  • Multiple-Shooting Optimization using the JModelica.org Platform; Lund University, Sweden (pdf)
  • Dr.-Ing. Nils Wagner, institute of mechanics, Stuttgart, Germany, eigenvalue problems
  • pyEDA - a python framework for several EDA (Electronic Design Automation) applications
  • Crystalline nano-magnetism, Institute of Physics, Far-Eastern National University
  • Determine optimal gut structures for herbivores, University of Birmingham
  • Spacecookes, MSc. Candidate in the School of Interactive Arts + Technology (www.siat.sfu.ca) at Simon Fraser University, Canada, using OpenOpt to simulate the motion of rigid bodies
  • Quflow, a hardware-software systems engineering consulting business, Dalby, Sweden
  • Robust design of subwavelength grating mirror for mid-infrared VCSEL application (pdf)
  • Jiarui Han, finance consultant, portfolio construction problems, China
  • Harvard University, fitting holograms (solving inverse light scattering problems)
  • Pusat Pengembangan Kawasan Pesisir dan Laut, intitute teknologi banding
  • MR relaxometry of silicone breast implants at 3.0T (pdf)
  • Optimal design of complex energy facilities (Ukraine, pdf, no English translation is available)

  • Know something else to add? You should inform us.
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