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You may be interested in our amazing software, alternative to commercial frameworks with obsolete and/or banausic programming constructs. It is completely free (license: BSD) and cross-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac etc) Python language modules. The software is published quarterly since 2007 and already has some essential applications. We expect it to become even more popular when NumPy will got full support in PyPy (with dynamic compilation).

  • OpenOpt framework - universal numerical optimization package with several own solvers (e.g. ralg) and connections to tens of other, graphical output of convergence and many other goodies
  • FuncDesigner - tool to rapidly build functions over variables/arrays and get their dense/sparse derivatives via automatic differentiation. Also, you can perform integration (with specifiable accuracy by interalg), interpolation, uncertainty analysis and interval analysis, eigenvalue analysis, solve systems of linear/nonlinear/ODE equations and numerical optimization problems coded in FuncDesigner by OpenOpt (see some examples in its doc)
  • DerApproximator - tool to get (or check user-supplied) derivatives via finite-difference approximation (updatedworks with PyPy)
  • SpaceFuncs - tool for 2D, 3D, N-dimensional geometric modeling with possibilities of parametrized calculations, numerical optimization and solving systems of geometrical equations

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  • Improvements for handling nonlinear equality constraints by ralg
  • DAE (differential algebraic equations)
  • Stochastic optimization

Latest events
  • Release 0.39
  • PyPy 1.9 release and my comment on it
  • New!Some OpenOpt / FuncDesigner functionality with PyPy
  • OpenOpt in Top-10 wikipedia most viewed optimization software
  • SciPy developers got rid of OpenOpt / FuncDesigner recipes
  • PyPy vs CPython, my benchmark
  • Sponsorship prices from 150$ for new OpenOpt features and enhancements
  • Pycel: Compiling Excel spreadsheets to Python
  • NumPy / SciPy for .NET & IronPython
  • interalg bench vs intsolver, Direct, commercial BARON

See also

Optimization department of cybernetics institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Personal tools

    Latest OOSuite 0.39

    from 2012-06-15

    Next release:

