a((2*n-1)*2^p) = 4^p*(n-1) + 2^(p-1)*(1+2^p), p >= 0 and n >= 1.
1, 3, 2, 10, 3, 7, 4, 36, 5, 11, 6, 26, 7, 15, 8, 136, 9, 19, 10, 42, 11, 23, 12, 100, 13, 27, 14, 58, 15, 31, 16, 528, 17, 35, 18, 74, 19, 39, 20, 164, 21, 43, 22, 90, 23, 47, 24, 392, 25, 51, 26, 106, 27, 55, 28, 228, 29, 59, 30, 122, 31, 63, 32, 2080, 33, 67, 34, 138, 35
The a(n) appeared in the analysis of A220002, a sequence related to the Catalan numbers.
The first Maple program makes use of a program by Peter Luschny for the calculation of the a(n) values. The second Maple program shows that this sequence has a beautiful internal structure, see the first formula, while the third Maple program makes optimal use of this internal structure for the fast calculation of a(n) values for large n.
The cross references lead to sequences that have the same internal structure as this sequence.
a((2*n-1)*2^p) = 4^p*(n-1) + 2^(p-1)*(1+2^p), p >= 0 and n >= 1. Observe that a(2^p) = A007582(p).
a(n) = ((n+1)/2)*(A060818(n)/A060818(n-1))
a(n) = (-1/64)*(q(n+1)/q(n))/(2*n+1) with q(n) = (-1)^(n+1)*2^(4*n-5)*(2*n)!*A060818(n-1) or q(n) = (1/8)*A220002(n-1)*1/(A098597(2*n-1)/A046161(2*n))*1/(A008991(n-1)/A008992(n-1))
Recurrence: a(2n) = 4a(n) - 2^A007814(n), a(2n+1) = n+1. - Ralf Stephan, Dec 17 2013
# First Maple program
a := n -> 2^padic[ordp](n, 2)*(n+1)/2 : seq(a(n), n=1..69); # Peter Luschny, Dec 24 2012
# Second Maple program
nmax:=69: for p from 0 to ceil(simplify(log[2](nmax))) do for n from 1 to ceil(nmax/(p+2)) do a((2*n-1)*2^p) := 4^p*(n-1) + 2^(p-1)*(1+2^p) od: od: seq(a(n), n=1..nmax);
# Third Maple program
nmax:=69: for p from 0 to ceil(simplify(log[2](nmax))) do n:=2^p: n1:=1: while n <= nmax do a(n) := 4^p*(n1-1)+2^(p-1)*(1+2^p): n:=n+2^(p+1): n1:= n1+1: od: od: seq(a(n), n=1..nmax);
A220466 = Module[{n, p}, p = IntegerExponent[#, 2]; n = (#/2^p + 1)/2; 4^p*(n - 1) + 2^(p - 1)*(1 + 2^p)] &; Array[A220466, 50] (* JungHwan Min, Aug 22 2016 *)
(PARI) a(n)=if(n%2, n\2+1, 4*a(n/2)-2^valuation(n/2, 2)) \\ Ralf Stephan, Dec 17 2013
(Haskell) -- Following Ralf Stephan's recurrence:
import Data.List (transpose)
a220466 n = a006519_list !! (n-1)
a220466_list = 1 : concat
(transpose [zipWith (-) (map (* 4) a220466_list) a006519_list, [2..]])
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Aug 31 2014
Cf. A000027 (the natural numbers), A000120 (1's-counting sequence), A000265 (remove 2's from n), A001316 (Gould's sequence), A001511 (the ruler function), A003484 (Hurwitz-Radon numbers), A003602 (a fractal sequence), A006519 (highest power of 2 dividing n), A007814 (binary carry sequence), A010060 (Thue-Morse sequence), A014577 (dragon curve), A014707 (dragon curve), A025480 (nim-values), A026741, A035263 (first Feigenbaum symbolic sequence), A037227, A038712, A048460, A048896, A051176, A053381 (smooth nowhere-zero vector fields), A055975 (Gray code related), A059134, A060789, A060819, A065916, A082392, A085296, A086799, A088837, A089265, A090739, A091512, A091519, A096268, A100892, A103391, A105321 (a fractal sequence), A109168 (a continued fraction), A117973, A129760, A151930, A153733, A160467, A162728, A181988, A182241, A191488 (a companion to Gould's sequence), A193365, A220466 (this sequence).
Sequence in context: A135515 A114486 A176743 * A090780 A184174 A277821
Johannes W. Meijer, Dec 24 2012