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User:DraculavanHelsing/Books/Fallacies & Irrationality A-M

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Fallacies & Irrationality



Absence paradox
Actor–observer asymmetry
Ad hominem
Affective forecasting
Ambiguity effect
Anecdotal evidence
Argumentum ad populum
Attentional bias
Attribution bias
Automation bias
Availability heuristic
Bandwagon effect
Barnum effect
Base rate fallacy
Belief bias
Bias blind spot
Bizarreness effect
Black swan theory
Blind men and an elephant
Cheerleader effect
Cherry picking
Chewbacca defense
Chicken or the egg
Childhood amnesia
Choice-supportive bias
Circular reasoning
Clever Hans
Clustering illusion
Cognitive bias
Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive distortion
Collective consciousness
Collective intelligence
Collective memory
Collective unconscious
Confidence trick
Confirmation bias
Congruence bias
Conjunction fallacy
Consensus reality
Consensus theory of truth
Contrast effect
Critical thinking
Cross-race effect
Cue-dependent forgetting
Cultural cognition
Curse of knowledge
Decoy effect
Defence mechanisms
Defensive attribution hypothesis
Demand characteristics
Denomination effect
Disposition effect
Distinction bias
Dunning–Kruger effect
Duration neglect
Egocentric bias
Empathy gap
Endowment effect
Escalation of commitment
Experimenter's bias
Extrinsic incentives bias
Fading affect bias
False-consensus effect
Faulty generalization
Figure of speech
Forer effect
Formal fallacy
Framing (social sciences)
Framing effect (psychology)
Functional fixedness
Fundamental attribution error
Gambler's fallacy
Generation effect
Godwin's law
Golem effect
Google effect
Group attribution error
Halo effect
Hard–easy effect
Hasty generalization
Hawthorne effect
Hindsight bias
Historical revisionism (negationism)
Hot-hand fallacy
Hyperbolic discounting
Identifiable victim effect
Ideomotor phenomenon
IKEA effect
Illusion of asymmetric insight
Illusion of control
Illusion of external agency
Illusion of transparency
Illusion of validity
Illusory correlation
Illusory superiority
Illusory truth effect
Impact bias
In-group favoritism
Informal fallacy
Information bias (psychology)
Insensitivity to sample size
Jumping to conclusions
Just-so story
Just-world hypothesis
Kettle logic
Law of triviality
Less-is-better effect
Leveling and sharpening
Levels-of-processing effect
List of common misconceptions
List of confidence tricks
List of fallacies
List of memory biases
List of paradoxes
Loaded question
Loss aversion
Memory inhibition
Mere-exposure effect
Mind projection fallacy
Misattribution of memory
Misinformation effect
Modality effect
Moral credential effect
Moral luck
Murphy's law