Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

A list of special features, also referred to as "bonus features", traditionally and specifically created/added for/by the official Star Trek franchise for (first-time) inclusion on the various Star Trek home video format releases, which, aside from the (usually franchise-produced) documentaries proper, also include publicity/promotional material (notably theatrical teasers and trailers), outtakes (mostly in the form of the so-called "blooper reels"), deleted scenes, production (still) galleries, hidden features (aka "Easter eggs"), separate music scores, text and audio commentaries when included on/in the format release. In more recent years these have also become known as as "Value Added Material" ("VAM"), so coined by VAM producers Robert Meyer Burnett and Roger Lay, Jr..

With the more recent advent of streaming services, such productions are also increasingly created for exclusive posting on these services (typically to promotional ends, on the ubiquitous YouTube channel in particular) and are therefore to be considered as special features as well when produced by the official franchise.

For images from these special features, see Category:Memory Alpha images (special features). For franchise appointed special features production staffers, see Category:Special features staff.

All items (52)
