- Niculae I. Herescu (December 5, 1906 – August 19, 1961) was a Romanian classical scholar, essayist, translator and poet. Descended from a noble family of Oltenia, he was trained in Latin and became a full professor at the University of Bucharest while still in his twenties. He translated widely from the Roman canon, as well as publishing a series of studies devoted to ancient writers. Meanwhile, Herescu wrote poetry of his own, and was president of the Romanian Writers' Society for several years. He left his native country shortly before a Soviet occupation began, and spent the last part of his life in exile, first in Portugal and then in France. (en)
- Nicolae I. Herescu (Turnu Severin, 5 dicembre 1906 – 19 agosto 1961) è stato un saggista, traduttore e poeta romeno. Discendente da una nobile famiglia di Oltenia, educato negli studi classici, divenne un professore ordinario all'Università di Bucarest mentre era ancora ventenne. Tradusse ampiamente dal canone romano, oltre a pubblicare una serie di studi dedicati agli scrittori antichi. Fu anche poeta e presidente della Società degli scrittori rumeni (Societatea Scriitorilor Români) per diversi anni. Lasciò il suo paese natio poco prima dell'inizio dell'occupazione sovietica, e trascorse l'ultima parte della sua vita in esilio, dapprima in Portogallo e infine in Francia. (it)
- Niculae I. Herescu (December 5, 1906 – August 19, 1961) was a Romanian classical scholar, essayist, translator and poet. Descended from a noble family of Oltenia, he was trained in Latin and became a full professor at the University of Bucharest while still in his twenties. He translated widely from the Roman canon, as well as publishing a series of studies devoted to ancient writers. Meanwhile, Herescu wrote poetry of his own, and was president of the Romanian Writers' Society for several years. He left his native country shortly before a Soviet occupation began, and spent the last part of his life in exile, first in Portugal and then in France. (en)
- Nicolae I. Herescu (Turnu Severin, 5 dicembre 1906 – 19 agosto 1961) è stato un saggista, traduttore e poeta romeno. Discendente da una nobile famiglia di Oltenia, educato negli studi classici, divenne un professore ordinario all'Università di Bucarest mentre era ancora ventenne. (it)