About: Cosmati

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The Cosmati were a Roman family, seven members of which, for four generations, were skilful architects, sculptors and workers in decorative geometric mosaic, mostly for church floors. Their name is commemorated in the genre of Cosmatesque work, often just called "Cosmati", a technique of opus sectile ("cut work") formed of elaborate inlays of small triangles and rectangles of colored stones and glass mosaics set into stone matrices or encrusted upon stone surfaces. Bands, panels and shaped reserves of intricate mosaic alternate with contrasting bands, guilloches and simple geometric shapes of plain white marble. Pavements and revetments were executed in Cosmatesque technique, columns were inlaid with fillets and bands, and immovable church furnishings like cathedras and ambones were simila

Property Value
  • Els Cosmati eren membres d'una família romana, de la qual set els seus membres són especialment recordats per les seves habilitats artístiques i arquitectòniques. Pertanyents a quatre generacions diferents que van viure entre els segles XII i XIII, famosos per les seves obres arquitectòniques i per les seves escultures, però especialment pels seus mosaics i les decoracions realitzades en les esglésies i altres llocs vinculats al món religiós o eclesiàstic. La seva fama i habilitat en el camp de mosaics fou tan gran que avui en dia es parla de cosmatesc per indicar l'estil i les tècniques utilitzades per aquests mestres i els seus imitadors. Els següents són els noms d'aquests artistes: * Lorenzo Cosmati (obres datables 1190-1210) * Jacopo Cosmati (obres datables 1205-1210) * Cosimo Cosmati (1210-1235) * Luca Cosmati (1221-1240) * Jacopo Cosmati (1213-1293) * Deodato Cosmati (1225-1303) * Giovanni Cosmati (1231 e 1235) (ca)
  • Cosmati [kosmáty] byla rodina a škola kameníků, která působila ve 12.-13. století hlavně v Itálii a proslavila se pestrými ornamentálními mramorovými mozaikami. Inspirovala se jednak starověkými, ale také islámskými nefigurálními mozaikami v jižní Itálii. Název podle zakladatele Lorenzo Cosmatiho († po 1210), jehož umění se předávalo v rodinách a dílnách až do pozdního středověku. Cosmati se kromě toho zabývali vykopávkami a prodejem starověkých soch a na řadě z nich jsou jejich podpisy. (cs)
  • Als Kosmaten werden eine zwischen dem 12. und 14. Jahrhundert tätige Gruppe von Marmordekorateuren bezeichnet. Die Kosmaten waren vor allem in Rom im Bereich der Innendekoration von Kirchen tätig. Mit ihren Inkrustationen schmückten sie Fußböden, Chorschranken, Kanzeln, Altäre und Bischofsstühle aus. Beeinflusst wurde ihre Kunst durch antike Vorbilder und arabische Ziermuster in Süditalien. Die Kunst der Einlegearbeit wurde häufig innerhalb der Familie vom Vater auf den Sohn übertragen. Der Name „Kosmaten“ geht auf Kosmas, den Stammvater der Familie, zurück und wurde schließlich zur Bezeichnung des ganzen Kunststils. Dies gilt auch für die Bezeichnung „Kosmatenarbeit“ oder „kosmatesk“ für die Mosaikarbeiten. Die Kosmaten arbeiteten in vereinzelten Fällen auch außerhalb Italiens, so stammen zum Beispiel einige Grabdenkmäler in der Westminster Abbey in London und ein Mosaik im romanischen Dom zu Gurk in Kärnten von ihnen. Beispiele von Kirchen mit Kosmatenarbeiten in Rom: * Santa Croce in Gerusalemme * Santa Maria Maggiore * Santa Maria in Aracoeli * Santa Maria in Cosmedin * San Clemente * San Giovanni in Laterano * Santa Maria in Via Lata * San Saba ed Ansano * San Benedetto in Piscinula * San Cesareo in Palatio (de)
  • The Cosmati were a Roman family, seven members of which, for four generations, were skilful architects, sculptors and workers in decorative geometric mosaic, mostly for church floors. Their name is commemorated in the genre of Cosmatesque work, often just called "Cosmati", a technique of opus sectile ("cut work") formed of elaborate inlays of small triangles and rectangles of colored stones and glass mosaics set into stone matrices or encrusted upon stone surfaces. Bands, panels and shaped reserves of intricate mosaic alternate with contrasting bands, guilloches and simple geometric shapes of plain white marble. Pavements and revetments were executed in Cosmatesque technique, columns were inlaid with fillets and bands, and immovable church furnishings like cathedras and ambones were similarly treated. In addition, members of the Cosmati engaged in commerce in ancient sculptures, some unearthed in the course of excavating for marbles for reuse. More than one ancient Roman sculpture has survived with the name of one of these craftsmen incised in it. The following are the main known Cosmati: 1. * Lorenzo (dated works 1190–1210 but probably active earlier) 2. * Jacopo (dated works 1205 and 1210) 3. * Cosimo (1210–1235) 4. * Luca (1221–1240) 5. * Jacopo (1213–1293) 6. * Deodato (1225–1303) 7. * Giovanni (1231 and 1235) The earliest recorded work was executed for a church at in 1190 (Lorenzo) (CE). The principal works of the Cosmati in Rome are: * ambones of Santa Maria in Aracoeli (Lorenzo) * door at San Saba, 1205 * door with mosaics at San Tommaso in Formis (Jacopo) * Chapel of the Sancta Sanctorum by the Lateran (Cosimo) * pavement of San Giacomo alla Lungara * the magnificent episcopal throne and choir-screen in San Lorenzo fuori le Mura, of 1254 (probably Jacopo the younger) * baldacchini of the Lateran and of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, c. 1294 (Deodato) * tombs in Santa Maria sopra Minerva (c. 1296), in Santa Maria Maggiore, and in Santa Balbina (Giovanni). The chief signed works by Jacopo the younger and his brother Luca are at Anagni and Subiaco. A large number of other works by members and pupils of the same family, but unsigned, exist in Rome. These are mainly altars and baldacchini, choir-screens, paschal candlesticks, ambones, tombs and the like, all enriched with sculpture and glass mosaic of great brilliance and decorative effect. Besides the more mechanical sort of work, such as mosaic patterns and architectural decoration, they also produced mosaic pictures and sculpture of very high merit, especially the recumbent effigies, with angels standing at the head and foot, in the tombs of Aracoeli, S. Maria Maggiore and elsewhere. One of their finest works is in S. Cesareo; this is a marble altar richly decorated with mosaic in sculptured panels, and (below) two angels drawing back a curtain (all in marble) so as to expose the open grating of the confessio. The magnificent cloisters of Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, built about 1285 by Giovanni, the youngest of the Cosmati, are one of the most beautiful works of this school. The baldacchino of the same basilica is a signed work of the Florentine Arnolfo di Cambio, 1285, cum suo socio Petro, probably a pupil of the Cosmati. Other works of Arnolfo, such as the at Orvieto, show an intimate artistic alliance between him and the Cosmati. The equally magnificent cloisters of the Lateran, of about the same date, are very similar in design; both these triumphs of the sculptor-architects and mosaicists work have slender marble columns, twisted or straight, richly inlaid with bands of glass mosaic in delicate and brilliant patterns. In the crypt at Anagni is the largest section of undisturbed Cosmatesque flooring. Cosmatesque decoration is not entirely confined to Rome, or even to Italy. At Westminster Abbey there are two Cosmatesque pavements, the finest north of the Alps [1] set in Purbeck Marble: one is the before the high altar, the other the paving and decor associated with the shrine of Edward the Confessor in the Sanctuary, both works executed about 1268 for the connoisseur-king Henry III. They are extremely unusual in England: more characteristic luxury flooring in England consisted of lead-glazed ceramic tiles painted in patterns. This mosaic is depicted in Hans Holbein's The Ambassadors. The general style of works of the Cosmati school is more closely related to Romanesque art, even though some of the buildings they worked in are Gothic, as in their main lines are their larger structures, especially in the elaborate altar-canopies, with their pierced geometrical tracery. In detail, however, they differ widely from the purer Gothic of northern countries. The richness of effect which the English or French architect obtained by elaborate and carefully worked mouldings was produced in Italy by the beauty of polished marbles and jewel-like mosaics; the details being mostly rather coarse and often carelessly executed. Initial inspiration for the technique was Byzantine, transmitted through Ravenna and Sicily, but some of the minutely-figured tiling patterns are Islamic in origin, transmitted through Sicily. Ecclesiastical patronage in Rome dried up with the removal of the Papacy to Avignon in 1305, and by the time the curial court had returned and the ensuing schism had been settled a hundred years later, the craft tradition had lapsed. The differential resistance of the stones used in Cosmati work, marbles, porphyry and other colored stones has resulted in uneven wear on pavements, which have been periodically repaired, whether finely or coarsely, since the late Middle Ages, with the result that modern assessments of the quality of individual works may be compromised by overlooking later repairs. (en)
  • Les Cosmati (ou Cosma ou encore Cosmates) est un nom de convention désignant plusieurs familles de mosaïstes, architectes et sculpteurs, actifs dans le Latium (principalement à Rome), dont les générations s'échelonnent entre le XIe siècle et le XIVe siècle. Au XIXe siècle, le terme s'appliquait surtout aux membres des familles Tebaldo et Mellini, les deux familles étant alors confondues (du fait que les noms Cosma, Cosmatus, Cosmati revenaient souvent). Il désigne aujourd'hui l'ensemble des marbriers associés au style cosmatesque. Ce style est une forme d'opus sectile (« appareil découpé ») utilisant une incrustation élaborée de petits triangles et rectangles de pierres de couleur et de mosaïques de verre dans des matrices en pierre ou incrustés sur les surfaces de pierre. (fr)
  • I Cosmati erano marmorari romani che formarono varie botteghe, di cui si ricordano sette membri, appartenuti a quattro diverse generazioni vissute tra il XII e il XIII secolo, famosi per i loro lavori architettonici, per le sculture, ma soprattutto per i mosaici e le decorazioni realizzate prevalentemente in luoghi ecclesiastici. (it)
  • Onder het begrip cosmaten verstaat men een groep kunstenaars die de cosmatentechniek toepasten. Zij werkten voornamelijk in Rome, waar ze onder meer de Santa Maria in Trastevere, de Santa Maria in Aracoeli, de San Clemente en de Santa Maria in Cosmedin met cosmatenvloeren opsmukten. Het betrof een kunstvorm waarbij ingewikkelde non-figuratieve mozaïeken werden gevormd uit verschillend gekleurde stukjes marmer. Naast bijvoorbeeld ronde figuren werden er ook strookvormige figuren toegepast. De techniek werd ontwikkeld in de 12e eeuw en toegepast tot in de 14e eeuw. Toen de pausen tijdens de zogenaamde Babylonische ballingschap der pausen (1309-1377) in Avignon zetelden, raakte de techniek in verval. De cosmatentechniek werd ook toegepast op zuilen van kleinere afmetingen. De belangrijkste voorbeelden hiervan zijn de kloosterrondgang van de Sint-Jan van Lateranen en die van de Sint-Paulus buiten de Muren. Deze zijn uitgevoerd door de kunstenaar en zijn zoon. (nl)
  • Cosmati (wł. od imienia Kosma) (Marmorarii Romani) - grupa włoskich artystów kamieniarzy z kilku rodzin (np. Melini, Vaslleti i Oderisi) pracująca począwszy od XII wieku w Rzymie, a później także w pozostałych rejonach Italii oraz poza nią. Siedmiu przedstawicieli grupy było utalentowanymi architektami, rzeźbiarzami w dekoracyjnej mozaice geometrycznej, głównie na podłogach kościołów. Tych siedmiu głównich Cosmati to: 1. * Lorenzo (prace datowane na 1190–1210) 2. * Jacopo (1205 and 1210) 3. * Cosimo (1210-1235) 4. * Luca (1221-1240) 5. * Jacopo (1213-1293) 6. * Deodato (1225-1303) 7. * Giovanni (1231 i 1235) Początkowo specjalizowali się w układaniu geometrycznych mozaik wykorzystując jako materiał porfir i granit z ruin starożytnych budowli. Później wykonywali też inne detale architektoniczne w marmurze zdobiąc je również geometrycznymi motywami. Swą nazwę zawdzięczają częstemu wśród nich imieniu Kosma. Sztukę ich określano natomiast mianem arte cosmatesca. (pl)
  • 3144805 (xsd:integer)
  • 8374 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1109913888 (xsd:integer)
  • Cosmati [kosmáty] byla rodina a škola kameníků, která působila ve 12.-13. století hlavně v Itálii a proslavila se pestrými ornamentálními mramorovými mozaikami. Inspirovala se jednak starověkými, ale také islámskými nefigurálními mozaikami v jižní Itálii. Název podle zakladatele Lorenzo Cosmatiho († po 1210), jehož umění se předávalo v rodinách a dílnách až do pozdního středověku. Cosmati se kromě toho zabývali vykopávkami a prodejem starověkých soch a na řadě z nich jsou jejich podpisy. (cs)
  • I Cosmati erano marmorari romani che formarono varie botteghe, di cui si ricordano sette membri, appartenuti a quattro diverse generazioni vissute tra il XII e il XIII secolo, famosi per i loro lavori architettonici, per le sculture, ma soprattutto per i mosaici e le decorazioni realizzate prevalentemente in luoghi ecclesiastici. (it)
  • Els Cosmati eren membres d'una família romana, de la qual set els seus membres són especialment recordats per les seves habilitats artístiques i arquitectòniques. Pertanyents a quatre generacions diferents que van viure entre els segles XII i XIII, famosos per les seves obres arquitectòniques i per les seves escultures, però especialment pels seus mosaics i les decoracions realitzades en les esglésies i altres llocs vinculats al món religiós o eclesiàstic. La seva fama i habilitat en el camp de mosaics fou tan gran que avui en dia es parla de cosmatesc per indicar l'estil i les tècniques utilitzades per aquests mestres i els seus imitadors. (ca)
  • Als Kosmaten werden eine zwischen dem 12. und 14. Jahrhundert tätige Gruppe von Marmordekorateuren bezeichnet. Die Kosmaten waren vor allem in Rom im Bereich der Innendekoration von Kirchen tätig. Mit ihren Inkrustationen schmückten sie Fußböden, Chorschranken, Kanzeln, Altäre und Bischofsstühle aus. Die Kosmaten arbeiteten in vereinzelten Fällen auch außerhalb Italiens, so stammen zum Beispiel einige Grabdenkmäler in der Westminster Abbey in London und ein Mosaik im romanischen Dom zu Gurk in Kärnten von ihnen. Beispiele von Kirchen mit Kosmatenarbeiten in Rom: (de)
  • The Cosmati were a Roman family, seven members of which, for four generations, were skilful architects, sculptors and workers in decorative geometric mosaic, mostly for church floors. Their name is commemorated in the genre of Cosmatesque work, often just called "Cosmati", a technique of opus sectile ("cut work") formed of elaborate inlays of small triangles and rectangles of colored stones and glass mosaics set into stone matrices or encrusted upon stone surfaces. Bands, panels and shaped reserves of intricate mosaic alternate with contrasting bands, guilloches and simple geometric shapes of plain white marble. Pavements and revetments were executed in Cosmatesque technique, columns were inlaid with fillets and bands, and immovable church furnishings like cathedras and ambones were simila (en)
  • Les Cosmati (ou Cosma ou encore Cosmates) est un nom de convention désignant plusieurs familles de mosaïstes, architectes et sculpteurs, actifs dans le Latium (principalement à Rome), dont les générations s'échelonnent entre le XIe siècle et le XIVe siècle. Au XIXe siècle, le terme s'appliquait surtout aux membres des familles Tebaldo et Mellini, les deux familles étant alors confondues (du fait que les noms Cosma, Cosmatus, Cosmati revenaient souvent). Il désigne aujourd'hui l'ensemble des marbriers associés au style cosmatesque. (fr)
  • Onder het begrip cosmaten verstaat men een groep kunstenaars die de cosmatentechniek toepasten. Zij werkten voornamelijk in Rome, waar ze onder meer de Santa Maria in Trastevere, de Santa Maria in Aracoeli, de San Clemente en de Santa Maria in Cosmedin met cosmatenvloeren opsmukten. Het betrof een kunstvorm waarbij ingewikkelde non-figuratieve mozaïeken werden gevormd uit verschillend gekleurde stukjes marmer. Naast bijvoorbeeld ronde figuren werden er ook strookvormige figuren toegepast. (nl)
  • Cosmati (wł. od imienia Kosma) (Marmorarii Romani) - grupa włoskich artystów kamieniarzy z kilku rodzin (np. Melini, Vaslleti i Oderisi) pracująca począwszy od XII wieku w Rzymie, a później także w pozostałych rejonach Italii oraz poza nią. Siedmiu przedstawicieli grupy było utalentowanymi architektami, rzeźbiarzami w dekoracyjnej mozaice geometrycznej, głównie na podłogach kościołów. Tych siedmiu głównich Cosmati to: (pl)
  • Cosmati (ca)
  • Cosmati (cs)
  • Kosmaten (de)
  • Cosmati (en)
  • Cosmati (fr)
  • Cosmati (it)
  • Cosmaten (nl)
  • Cosmati (pl)
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