Developed by authors during Renaissance times, the story of an ass eating thistles was a late addition to collections of Aesop's Fables. Beginning as a condemnation of miserly behaviour, it eventually was taken to demonstrate how preferences differ.
Developed by authors during Renaissance times, the story of an ass eating thistles was a late addition to collections of Aesop's Fables. Beginning as a condemnation of miserly behaviour, it eventually was taken to demonstrate how preferences differ. (en)
Dikembangkan oleh para penulis pada zaman Renaisans, cerita seekor keledai menyentap rumput duri adalah sebuah tambahan dari kumpulan Fabel Aesop. (in)
Developed by authors during Renaissance times, the story of an ass eating thistles was a late addition to collections of Aesop's Fables. Beginning as a condemnation of miserly behaviour, it eventually was taken to demonstrate how preferences differ. (en)
Dikembangkan oleh para penulis pada zaman Renaisans, cerita seekor keledai menyentap rumput duri adalah sebuah tambahan dari kumpulan Fabel Aesop. (in)