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King Rauru's Right Arm (TotK), also simply known as the Right Arm, is an item in Tears of the Kingdom. It was originally used by Rauru to seal Ganondorf beneath Hyrule Castle during the Imprisoning War, long before the events of Breath of the Wild.


Rauru's Right Arm functionally acts as the conduit for using powers, similar to how the Sheikah Slate used Runes.

When Link's right arm was crippled by Ganondorf's Gloom, Rauru's spirit replaced it with his own right arm after its seal on the Demon King broke. Once Link defeated Ganondorf, the spirits of Rauru and Queen Sonia restored Princess Zelda from her draconified form back to human via channeling their power through the right arm. Once that is complete, the arm is gone, and Link's own right arm is fully restored.
