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EX The Champions' Ballad
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Quest Giver Zelda
Prerequisite(s)Calm all Divine Beasts
Location Shrine of Resurrection

"EX The Champions' Ballad" is a Main Quest in Breath of the Wild.[1] It is exclusive to The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack.


This Main Quest is only accessible after calming all four Divine Beasts. It can be received after reloading the overworld of Hyrule Kingdom, which can be done by Warping, loading a save file, dying, or leaving an Ancient Shrine. After this is done, Link will hear the voice of Princess Zelda,[2] who reveals she has been watching him on his journey.[3][note 1] Now that the Divine Beasts are free, [4] there is another challenge that Zelda believes Link can overcome.[5] She instructs him to return to the Shrine of Resurrection and place the Sheikah Slate into the Sheikah Slate Pedestal.[6] When she finishes speaking, the Quest will begin.

When Link enters the Shrine of Resurrection and returns the Sheikah Slate, the Sheikah Slate Pedestal will verify him as a Champion and activate the Divine Beast Tamer's Trial.[7] The Map will then open, revealing four new glowing points around the Great Plateau associated with the Trial.[8] The Sheikah Slate is returned to Link, at which point a pedestal bearing the One-Hit Obliterator appears in the chamber. He is directed to take the Weapon to begin the Trial.[9]

Once Link takes the One-Hit Obliterator, his Life Gauge will be reduced to a quarter of a Heart. He hears the voice of Monk Maz Koshia speaking to him,[10] who warns him that he must be dedicated to undertake the Divine Beast Tamer's Trial.[11] He explains that, while the One-Hit Obliterator is capable of defeating Enemies in a single hit, anyone who wields it can also be defeated in a similar way.[12] It is only usable twice in a given period, which is indicated by whether or not it is glowing.[13] Monk Maz Koshia instructs Link to prove his power by defeating the monsters found at the four locations marked on the Map.[14] Should Link wish to abandon the Divine Beast Tamer's Trial, Monk Maz Koshia tells him to leave the Great Plateau, which will cause the One-Hit Obliterator to return to its pedestal.[15]

After each Monster Stronghold is cleared, an Ancient Shrine will rise from the ground. These are Etsu Korima Shrine, Rohta Chigah Shrine, Ruvo Korbah Shrine, and Yowaka Ita Shrine. When Link leaves Rohta Chigah Shrine, he will find Kass performing a song nearby.[16] If Link approaches him, Kass is surprised to see another traveler on the Great Plateau.[17] Kass recognizes Link, but he realizes that he is unwell.[18] Kass apologizes if he overstepped, assuming that Link is simply tired from traveling.[19]

Kass reveals that he came to the Great Plateau in search of an ancient song.[20] He believes that he and Link were destined to meet at this location,[21] so he asks if he would like to hear the song.[22] If Link decides to listen, Kass will thank him as ask that he open his heart to the song.[23] The lyrics descrive a beast separate from the four Divine Beasts waiting for a hero, which is capable of making a sound that could rile Horses.[24] Kass remarks how odd the song is and explains that he found it among the notes of his teacher, the Court Poet.[25] He wonders what kind of sound would be capable of scaring a Horse.[26] He plans on visiting other locations mentioned in the notes to help open his mind.[27]

BotW One-Hit Obliterator Glowing

The One-Hit Obliterator splitting apart

Once all four Ancient Shrines have been completed, Link will hear Monk Maz Koshia praising him for completing the trials.[28] While Link has done well so far, there are more trials that the One-Hit Obliterator will lead him to.[29] When Link draws the One-Hit Obliterator, it splits into four orbs, which fly into the sky before scattering across Hyrule. Where they land, Monuments rise from the ground. Monk Maz Koshia tells Link to go to the four Monuments to continue his trials, the locations of which appear on his Map.[30] After this, all of Link's Hearts are restored.

To continue, Link needs to complete the following Main Quests:

After all four Quests are completed, Link will hear the voice of Monk Maz Koshia commending him for his efforts in the Divine Beast Tamer's Trial.[31] Link will now be able to access the Final Trial in the Shrine of Resurrection.[32] A glowing marker appears on the Map on top of the Shrine.

When Link returns to the Shrine of Resurrection, Monk Maz Koshia will speak to him again.[33] He must face one Final Trial,[34] which can be accessed by placing the Sheikah Slate back in the Sheikah Slate Pedestal.[35] When Link approaches the Pedestal, he will once again be instructed to return the Sheikah Slate.[36] Once it has been placed in the Sheikah Slate Pedestal, it will be confirmed.[37] The chamber's door will close as it begins to descend into the ground.[38]

When the doors open, Link is able to see an overview of the Final Trial. Monk Maz Koshia welcomes him to the Trial,[39] instructing him to retrieve a Map from the Guidance Stone ahead.[40] Once he does so, he will receive a Divine Beast Map,[41] which grants him some control over his environment.[42]

Inside the Final Trial, Link must traverse four chambers, each based around a specific element. These are Fire, Water, Electricity, and Wind. In each chamber, Link must activate a Terminal, which will authenticate his Sheikah Slate.[43] Once this is done, one of the locks on the door in the back of the Final Trial will be deactivated.[44] He will then be informed of how many Terminals have yet to be activated.[45][46][47] After activating the final Terminal, Link will be able to open the door and access the last part of the Trial.[48]

Past the door, Link will find the Monk's Pedestal bearing Monk Maz Koshia. When he approaches the Monk, Maz Koshia remarks that he has the heart of a hero.[49] Slowly, Monk Maz Koshia stands, at which point he offers Link one last trial.[50] Link is Warped away to a platform above the Great Plateau. Monk Maz Koshia Warps into the center of the platform, and he begins Link's last test.[51]

After defeating Monk Maz Koshia, he congratulates Link for proving himself as a hero.[52] Link is allowed to wield an ancient masterpiece.[53] The center of the platform splits open, and the Master Cycle Zero rises from inside. When Link places the Sheikah Slate under the Guidance Stone, it distills the Divine Beast into a Rune.[54] Monk Maz Koshia reiterates that this Divine Beast is destined for a hero.[55] He wishes Link well before he is Warped away.[56]

Link appears outside of the Shrine of Resurrection on the Great Plateau. Kass stands nearby, overlooking the Forest of Spirits and the rest of Hyrule. When he notices Link,[57] Kass recognizes that he has accomplihed something since they last met.[58] He would like to share his teacher's Unfinished Song with Link,[59] which he has completed.[60] It recounts the Champions' inauguration 100 years ago at Hyrule Castle.[61] He has entitled the song "The Champions' Ballad",[62] which he then proceeds to sing to Link. As Link looks upon Hyrule Castle, he suddenly remembers "The Champions' Ballad" Recovered Memory.

After the Memory concludes, Kass explains that this was the day that cemented the Champions' roles.[63] He recalls his teacher telling him to write songs that could transport listeners to the past,[64] and he now understands the power of music he was speaking of.[65] Among his teacher's notes, Kass found an Item that he would like Link to keep.[66] Link reminds him of the spirits of the Champions, and so he believes that he will treasure it.[67] He gives Link the Picture of the Champions.

As the two overlook Hyrule Kingdom, Kass wishes that the souls of the Champions will be able to rest in peace.[68] The voice of Princess Zelda calls out to Link,[69] telling him that she has been watching over his trials.[70] With the power he has, Zelda says that he is now capable of defeating Calamity Ganon.[71] With this, the Main Quest will be completed.


Stage Description
1 Zelda's voice spoke to you...

She said that because you have tamed all four Divine Beasts, you can now unlock the powerful force hidden within.

Head to the Shrine of Resurrection and return the Sheikah Slate to its terminal.
2 After returning the Sheikah Slate to the terminal in the Shrine of Resurrection, a mysterious weapon appeared out of nowhere.

You must use it to defeat all monsters at four locations within the Great Plateau.

The trial will begin once you take hold of the weapon.
3 The One-Hit Obliterator, as the name suggests, can defeat enemies in one-hit. However, the wielder will also be defeated in one hit. Defeat the monsters at the locations marked on the map within the Great Plateau.

If you wish to quit this trial, simply leave the Great Plateau. The weapon will leave your hands and return to the Shrine of Resurrection.

There are four monster bases remaining.
4 The One-Hit Obliterator, as the name suggests, can defeat enemies in one hit. However, the wielder will also be defeated in one hit. Defeat the monsters at the locations marked on the map. If you wish to quit this trial, simply leave the Great Plateau. The weapon will leave your hands and return to the Shrine of Resurrection.

There are three monster bases remaining. Conquer each Shrine that appears.
5 The One-Hit Obliterator, as the name suggests, can defeat enemies in one hit. However, the wielder will also be defeated in one hit. Defeat the monsters at the locations marked on the map. If you wish to quit this trial, simply leave the Great Plateau. The weapon will leave your hands and return to the Shrine of Resurrection.

There are two monster bases remaining. Conquer each Shrine that appears.
6 The One-Hit Obliterator, as the name suggests, can defeat enemies in one hit. However, the wielder will also be defeated in one hit. Defeat the monsters at the locations marked on the map. If you wish to quit this trial, simply leave the Great Plateau. The weapon will leave your hands and return to the Shrine of Resurrection.

There is one monster base remaining. Conquer each Shrine that appears.
[note 2]
After returning the Sheikah Slate to the terminal in the Shrine of Resurrection, a mysterious weapon appeared out of nowhere.

You must use it to defeat all monsters at four locations within the Great Plateau.

The trial will begin again once you take hold of the weapon that has returned to the Shrine of Resurrection.
8 The One-Hit Obliterator, as the name suggests, can defeat enemies in one hit. However, the wielder will also be defeated in one hit.

If you wish to quit this trial, simply leave the Great Plateau. The weapon will leave your hands and return to the Shrine of Resurrection.

You have defeated all of the monster bases. Conquer each Shrine that appears.
[note 3]
After returning the Sheikah Slate to the terminal in the Shrine of Resurrection, a mysterious weapon appeared out of nowhere.

Using it, you were able to defeat all monsters at four locations within the Great Plateau. Now you must also conquer the Shrines that appeared.

The trial will begin again once you take hold of the weapon that has returned to the Shrine of Resurrection.
10 You completed the trials of the Great Plateau! After conquering the last shrine, the One-Hit Obliterator split into four glowing orbs and scattered to different parts of Hyrule.

There seems to be more to this trial... What challenges await?

Go to the areas marked on the map. Locations remaining: 4
11 You completed the trials of the Great Plateau! After conquering the last shrine, the One-Hit Obliterator split into four glowing orbs and scattered to different parts of Hyrule.

There seems to be more to this trial... What challenges await?

Go to the areas marked on the map. Locations remaining: 3
12 You completed the trials of the Great Plateau! After conquering the last shrine, the One-Hit Obliterator split into four glowing orbs and scattered to different parts of Hyrule.

There seems to be more to this trial... What challenges await?

Go to the areas marked on the map. Locations remaining: 2
13 You completed the trials of the Great Plateau! After conquering the last shrine, the One-Hit Obliterator split into four glowing orbs and scattered to different parts of Hyrule.

There seems to be more to this trial... What challenges await?

Go to the areas marked on the map. Locations remaining: 1
14 In a realm of memory, you defeated the powerful Phantom Ganons of the four Divine Beasts. You have also completed the four trials inscribed on the stone monument.

But this trial is far from over.

The door to the final trial in the Shrine of Resurrection has opened. Return there once more.
15 When you returned the Sheikah Slate to the terminal at the Shrine of Resurrection, the room shook and descended.

The shrine itself must have been designed to play a part in the trial... Once you reached the underground, an enormous space was revealed.

Conquer the labyrinth.
16 You reached the deepest area of the trial's labyrinth!

Before you could report your completion of the trial to Monk Maz Koshia, he rose before you and the final trial started.

Display your power by fighting Monk Maz Koshia and proving you are worthy of mastering a Divine Beast.
Complete The power within prevailed! You proved your worthiness to Monk Maz Koshia by completing all of the Divine Beast Tamer's Trials. Your gift, the Master Cycle Zero, can be found with your Runes. After the trial, you met with Kass, who sang the completed Champions' Ballad for you. The song helped you recall the distant day you were appointed as a Champion...


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
JapanJapaneseEx 英傑たちの詩 (Ex Eiketsu-tachi no uta)
Taiwan, Hong Kong, MacaoChineseTREx 英傑們的詩篇 (Ex yīngjiémen de shīpiān)
NetherlandsDutchBallade der Uitverkorenen EX
FranceFrenchEUEX L'Ode aux Prodiges
GermanyGermanEX: Die Ballade der Recken
ItalyItalianLa ballata dei campioni (EX)
South KoreaKoreanEx 영걸들의 놀래 (Ex Yeonggeoldeul-ui nollae)
RussiaRussian«EX Баллада о Воинах» («EX Ballada o Voinakh»)
SpainSpanishEUExtra: Balada de los elegidos
Latin AmericaSpanishLAExtra: Balada de los campeones
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


See Also[]


  1. If the DLC Pack is installed after calming all of the Divine Beasts, Link will hear Princess Zelda as soon as the game is opened.
  2. Only triggered if Link leaves the Great Plateau before clearing the monster bases. Upon grabbing the One-Hit Obliterator again, the Quest will return to stages 3-6, depending on the number of monster bases remaining.
  3. Only triggered if Link leaves the Great Plateau after clearing the monster bases but before clearing the four Shrines that appeared. Upon grabbing the One-Hit Obliterator again, the Quest will return to stage 8.


  1. "EX The Champions' Ballad
    Shrine of Resurrection
    " — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  2. "... Link... Link..." — Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  3. "I have witnessed your journey. You have overcome every challenge laid before you." — Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  4. "Ruta. Rudania. Medoh. Naboris. All of the Divine Beasts are now free." — Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  5. "With the strength you have attained, I am certain you can unlock the powerful force hidden within." — Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  6. "Go to the Shrine of Resurrection and return the Sheikah Slate to its terminal." — Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  7. "Sheikah Slate and Champion verification complete. Activating the Divine Beast Tamer's Trial." — Sheikah Slate Pedestal (Breath of the Wild)
  8. "Associated locations have been marked on the map." — Sheikah Slate Pedestal (Breath of the Wild)
  9. "Take hold of the provided weapon to begin the trial." — Sheikah Slate Pedestal (Breath of the Wild)
  10. "I am Maz Koshia. I now address the one who wishes to master a Divine Beast..." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  11. "To undertake this task requires unwavering dedication." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  12. "That weapon defeats foes with one hit. However, the reverse is also true, as its wielder will also fall to a single strike." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  13. "You can use this weapon's ability only twice within a set period of time... only when it is glowing. When enough time passes, the weapon will regain its sheen along with its power." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  14. "At the four marked locations within the Great Plateau... defeat all monsters present to prove your power." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  15. "If you are not up to the challenge, leave this plateau. The weapon will return here, and the trial will end." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  16. "What a doleful sky..." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  17. "Hm? How unexpected to see a traveler on this solitary plateau." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  18. "Ah, we meet again! Hm? Not to be rude, but you don't look so well. Much like this plateau, you're looking a mite dreary." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  19. "Oh... I apologize. Perhaps it was not my place to say as much. I understand more than most the burden of travel." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  20. "As for me, I came to this spot to pursue an ancient song about a hero at this very plateau." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  21. "I can't shake the feeling that we were destined to meet here." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  22. "In any case, would you like to hear my song?" — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  23. "[Yes, please!] Thank you, kind traveler! Now then... please open your ears and your heart to my song..." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  24. "♪The flames crawl, the waters rise,
    the lightning strikes, the wind sighs.
    ♪A beast beyond the divine four
    awaits a hero forevermore
    ♪Let not the sound leave horses riled.
    Breathe in the breath of the wild.
    " — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  25. "Curious, indeed. As it were, I perused my teacher's old notes...and found that song there." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  26. "Hmm, what sort of sound could alarm a horse so effectively? Kabam? Kapow? Rumble, rumble? Honestly, I haven't a clue." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  27. "It certainly helps to visit the locations that inspired the song. Yes, it helps to open my mind to inspiration. Those notes had other interesting songs too... I plan to visit those locations as well." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  28. "I am Maz Koshia. You have done well to conquer the trials laid before you." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  29. "You are Hyrule's beacon of hope. But your trials have only just begun. The divine weapon shall lead you..." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  30. "Now that you have proven your power, a new journey awaits. Go to the four locations that will be revealed to you, and reach for greater heights than ever before." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  31. "I am Maz Koshia. I must commend you for conquering the trial thus far." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  32. "The door to the final trial is now open at the Shrine of Resurrection. Go, and face your destiny." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  33. "To the brave soul who wishes to master a Divine Beast... You have done well to return to this place of beginnings." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  34. "You have overcome many challenges thus far. Now, allow me to bestow upon you one final trial." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  35. "Return the Sheikah Slate to the terminal you first obtained it from. Do so, and the final passageway will reveal itself..." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  36. "Place the Sheikah Slate in the pedestal." — Sheikah Slate Pedestal (Breath of the Wild)
  37. "Sheikah Slate confirmed." — Sheikah Slate Pedestal (Breath of the Wild)
  38. "Descending...
    Please beware of tremors.
    " — Sheikah Slate Pedestal (Breath of the Wild)
  39. "Welcome, hero. You have overcome many trials to reach me. Now it is time to face the final trial." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  40. "This trial is a complex labyrinth. To start, you will need a map. You may obtain map information from the Guidance Stone." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  41. "Sheikah Slate authenticated. Distilling map of Divine Beast." — Guidance Stone (Breath of the Wild)
  42. "Divine Beast Controls have been enabled." — Guidance Stone (Breath of the Wild)
  43. "Sheikah Slate authenticated." — Terminal (Breath of the Wild)
  44. "Deactivated one lock of the door." — Terminal (Breath of the Wild)
  45. "There are three terminals remaining." — Terminal (Breath of the Wild)
  46. "There are two terminals remaining." — Terminal (Breath of the Wild)
  47. "There is one terminal remaining." — Terminal (Breath of the Wild)
  48. "All terminal locks have been deactivated. You can now access the deepest area." — Terminal (Breath of the Wild)
  49. "You have returned. Your heart is truly that of a hero." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  50. "In the name of the Goddess Hylia... I offer this final trial!" — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  51. "Let us begin." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  52. "You faced the challenge with great courage. You have erased all doubt from my mind. You are a true hero." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  53. "As such, you were destined to take hold of this ancient masterpiece..." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  54. "Sheikah Slate authenticated. Distilling rune..." — Guidance Stone (Breath of the Wild)
  55. "That which you have obtained... is a masterpiece of innovation, created for the one true hero." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  56. "Hero of Hyrule... May the Goddess smile upon you." — Monk Maz Koshia (Breath of the Wild)
  57. "Hm? Ah, it's you." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  58. "I can't put my feather on it, but I get the feeling you're even more accomplished than you were when last we met." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  59. "I happen to have the perfect song for someone as esteemed as you. I would love to sing it for you. My teacher's unfinished song... the one I told you about..." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  60. "I finally completed the key verse!" — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  61. "This lofty location is the perfect stage to sing this special song. It takes place 100 years ago... at Hyrule Castle. Yes, the very castle you can still see over yonder. It's about the magnificent inauguration of the chosen Champions." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  62. "If you would, please listen to this special song... The Champions' Ballad..." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  63. "After this ceremony, they would all forever be known as Champions." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  64. "My teacher always advised me to write songs that transport the listener to the moment in time you're singing of." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  65. "Now...I finally feel I understand what he meant...and the true power of music." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  66. "By the way, I found this when I was looking through my teacher's notes. I was thinking...you should be the one to keep it." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  67. "Your courageous heart reminds me of the indomitable spirit of the Champions. I know you'll treasure it." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  68. "A final thought... May the souls of the Champions who watch over Hyrule rest in peace." — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  69. "Link..." — Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  70. "I have watched your journey. Every step. You have overcome every challenge with great courage." — Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  71. "With the power that you have attained... I am certain you can defeat Calamity Ganon. Truly..." — Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild)