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The Lokomo Sword is a weapon in Spirit Tracks.[1]

Location and Uses[]

Spirit Tracks[]

According to Anjean, the Lokomo Sword was given to the Lokomo as a gift. It was once used by the Spirits of Good, who used it to defeat many evil creatures during their lifetime.[2] The Lokomo Sword is given to Link by Anjean inside the Spirit Train after he and Princess Zelda retrieve the Bow of Light from the Sand Temple. Although only spirits had wielded the Sword before, Anjean trusts the Lokomo Sword to Link, saying that he is the one who is meant to wield it.[3]

The Lokomo Sword can stun Phantoms without the need of Tears of Light, since it is already infused with sacred energy.[2] Unlike the Phantom Sword from Phantom Hourglass, it does not defeat them, as it instead stuns the Phantoms long enough for Princess Zelda to possess their bodies. In the final battle against Malladus, Link, with the help of Princess Zelda, thrusts the Lokomo Sword into Malladus's forehead, defeating the Demon King.

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Hyrule Warriors[]

In Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends, the Lokomo Sword appears as the third tier of Toon Link's Light Sword Weapon paired with the Mirror Shield from The Wind Waker.



TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
CanadaFrenchCAÉpée Lokomo (ST)[4]
FranceFrenchEUÉpée Locomo '"`UNIQ--ref-00000053-QINU`"' (ST)[5]
GermanyGermanLokomo-Schwert (ST | HWDE)[6][7]
ItalyItalianLama degli spiriti (ST)[8]
SpainSpanishEUEspada Trenebunda (ST)[9]
Latin AmericaSpanishLAEspada Lokomo (ST)[10]
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.



  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 130 (ST)
  2. 2.0 2.1 "This Lokomo Sword was a gift from one of the spirits. As such, it is filled with sacred energy. It has felled many evil creatures in its lifetime. Until now, only the spirits have wielded this blade..." — Anjean (Spirit Tracks)
  3. "Before you go, please take this, Link. I think you're the one who is meant to use it." — Anjean (Spirit Tracks)
  4. "Épée Lokomo" — Collection (Spirit Tracks)
  5. "Cette lame légendaire est l'épée Locomo... Elle nous a été offerte par les dieux..." — Anjean (Spirit Tracks)
  6. "Lokomo-Schwert" — Collection (Spirit Tracks)
  7. "Lokomo-Schwert" — Smithy (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  8. "Lama degli spiriti" — Collection (Spirit Tracks)
  9. "Espada Trenebunda" — Collection (Spirit Tracks)
  10. "Espada Lokomo" — Collection (Spirit Tracks)
Items in Spirit Tracks
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Red PotionWhirlwindBoomerangWhipBowBombSand WandSpirit FluteST Items
Purple PotionWhirlwindBoomerangWhipBow of LightBombSand WandSpirit FluteST Items 2
Yellow PotionWhirlwindBoomerangWhipBow of LightBombSand WandSpirit FluteST Items 3
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Swordsman's Scroll 1Swordsman's Scroll 2Lokomo SwordBow of LightShield of AntiquityRecruit UniformQuiverMedium Bomb BagRabbit NetRabbitRoyal Engineer's CertificateCompass of LightPrize PostcardFreebie CardQuintuple Points CardSilver CardST Collection Nav 2
Swordsman's Scroll 1Swordsman's Scroll 2Lokomo SwordBow of LightShield of AntiquityEngineer's ClothesQuiverBig Bomb BagRabbit NetRabbitRoyal Engineer's CertificateCompass of LightPrize PostcardFreebie CardQuintuple Points CardGold CardST Collection Nav 3
Swordsman's Scroll 1Swordsman's Scroll 2Lokomo SwordBow of LightShield of AntiquityEngineer's ClothesQuiverBig Bomb BagRabbit NetRabbitRoyal Engineer's CertificateCompass of LightPrize PostcardFreebie CardQuintuple Points CardPlatinum CardST Collection Nav 4
Swordsman's Scroll 1Swordsman's Scroll 2Lokomo SwordBow of LightShield of AntiquityEngineer's ClothesQuiverBig Bomb BagRabbit NetRabbitRoyal Engineer's CertificateCompass of LightPrize PostcardFreebie CardQuintuple Points CardDiamond CardST Collection Nav 5
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Tear of Light
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