

swMATH ID: 9669
Software Authors: Hahn, Ernst Moritz; Hermanns, Holger; Wachter, Björn; Zhang, Lijun
Description: PARAM: A Model Checker for Parametric Markov Models. We present PARAM 1.0, a model checker for parametric discrete-time Markov chains (PMCs). PARAM can evaluate temporal properties of PMCs and certain extensions of this class. Due to parametricity, evaluation results are polynomials or rational functions. By instantiating the parameters in the result function, one can cheaply obtain results for multiple individual instantiations, based on only a single more expensive analysis. In addition, it is possible to post-process the result function symbolically using for instance computer algebra packages, to derive optimum parameters or to identify worst cases.
Homepage: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-14295-6_56
Related Software: PRISM; PROPhESY; Storm; z3; iscasMc; Sylvan; SMT-LIB; Eigen; PASS; Rapture; MRMC; Bio-PEPA; Gurobi; FACT; CoCoALib; SMT-RAT; Prophet; GiNaC; CEGAR; Uppaal
Cited in: 20 Documents

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