

swMATH ID: 884
Software Authors: Orlowski, S.; Wessäly, R.; Pióro, M.; Tomaszewski, A.
Description: SNDlib is a library of test instances for Survivable fixed telecommunication Network Design. Its purpose is to make realistic network design test instances available to the research community, to serve as a standardized benchmark for testing, evaluating, and comparing network design models and algorithms, to be a source of information and resources related to fixed network design, and to provide a contact platform for researchers and practitioners working in this field. To this end, the library includes a set of network design instances together with the best known solutions and dual bounds, a list of conferences related to this area, and a mailing list.
Homepage: http://sndlib.zib.de/home.action
Keywords: telecommunication network design; data library; optimization
Related Software: CPLEX; SCIP; MIPLIB; Gurobi; FEASPUMP; SteinLib; Zimpl; TOTEM; PLCP; Concorde; DIMACS; SONET; MIPLIB2003; RouteNet-Fermi; TopoHub; NetworkX; Python; SciPy; Qhull; OsiSolver
Cited in: 82 Documents
all top 5

Cited by 169 Authors

11 Poss, Michael
8 Raack, Christian
6 Fortz, Bernard
5 Koster, Arie M. C. A.
4 Crainic, Teodor Gabriel
4 Mattia, Sara
4 Pióro, Michał
3 Ben-Ameur, Walid
3 Bley, Andreas
3 Coudert, David
3 Kaut, Michal
3 Klopfenstein, Olivier
3 Papadimitriou, Dimitri
3 Thapalia, Biju K.
3 Wallace, Stein W.
2 Agarwal, Yogesh Kumar
2 Bärmann, Andreas
2 Carroll, Paula
2 Climaco, Joao Carlos Namorado
2 Craveirinha, José F.
2 Diarrassouba, Ibrahima
2 Gouveia, Luis
2 Hadhbi, Youssouf
2 Holmberg, Kaj
2 Kutschka, Manuel
2 Lee, Chungmok
2 Liers, Frauke
2 Lodi, Andrea
2 Martin, Alexander
2 McGarraghy, Seán
2 Nepomuceno, Napoleão
2 Orlowski, Sebastian
2 Ouorou, Adam
2 Park, Sungsoo
2 Pascoal, Marta Margarida Braz
2 Scutellà, Maria Grazia
2 Shen, Siqian
2 Thurner, Christoph
2 Wessäly, Roland
2 Żotkiewicz, Mateusz
1 Achterberg, Tobias
1 Agra, Agostinho
1 Ayoub, Josette
1 Babonneau, Frédéric
1 Baier, Georg
1 Barbosa, Fábio
1 Belotti, Pietro
1 Bin Obaid, Hamoud S.
1 Bodur, Merve
1 Botton, Quentin
1 Bouras, Ikram
1 Broström, Peter
1 Cacchiani, Valentina
1 Caro, Luis Fernando
1 Chen, Liang
1 Chen, Weikun
1 Chen, Zhihao
1 Cherubini, Davide
1 Chimani, Markus
1 Claßen, Grit
1 Dai, Yu-Hong
1 Daryalal, Maryam
1 de Sousa, Amaro
1 de Souza, Sérgio Ricardo
1 Delage, Erick
1 Dos Reis, Daniel Morais
1 Engel, Thomas
1 Eshghi, Farshad
1 Fanni, Alessandra
1 Figueiredo, Rosa M. V.
1 Fischetti, Matteo
1 Fontaine, Pirmin
1 Fouquet, Yoann
1 Frangioni, Antonio
1 Garroppo, Rosario Giuseppe
1 Gelareh, Shahin
1 Gendreau, Michel
1 Ghosh, Supriyo
1 Gianoli, Luca G.
1 Giordano, Stefano
1 Goulart, Natã
1 Gounaris, Chrysanthos E.
1 Gourdin, Eric
1 Grötschel, Martin
1 Hahn, Philipp
1 Haouari, Mohamed
1 Hattingh, J. M.
1 Heidt, Andreas
1 Hien, Le Thi Khanh
1 Hill, Alessandro
1 Hu, Xinyi
1 Jaillet, Patrick
1 Joung, Seulgi
1 Joyce-Moniz, Martim
1 Jünger, Michael
1 Kabiri Beheshtkhah, Mahdi
1 Kalesnikau, Ilya
1 Kandyba, Maria
1 Kelarestaghi, Manoochehr
1 Kevrekidis, Ioannis George
...and 69 more Authors

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