

swMATH ID: 8322
Software Authors: Patro, Rob; Kingsford, Carl
Description: GHOOST: Global Network Alignment using Multiscale Spectral Signatures. GHOST is a software package for global biological network alignment. It computes alignments based on a novel spectral signature for comparing the topological similarity of nodes across networks.
Homepage: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ckingsf/software/ghost/index.html
Related Software: IsoRank; SPINAL; L-GRAAL; IsoRankN; HubAlign; NETAL; PrimAlign; MI-GRAAL; Natalie; NetCoffee; SANA; TKPSVD; TensorToolbox; BioGRID; Matlab; DeepWalk; WebGraph; FANMOD; Scikit; KEGG
Cited in: 8 Documents