

swMATH ID: 8028
Software Authors: Apache Software Foundation; Anil, Robin Author Profile; Capan, Gokhan; Drost-Fromm, Isabel; Dunning, Ted; Friedman, Ellen; Grant, Trevor; Quinn, Shannon; Ranjan, Paritosh; Schelter, Sebastian; Yılmazel, Özgür
Description: The Apache Mahout™ machine learning library’s goal is to build scalable machine learning libraries. Apache Mahout: Scalable machine learning for everyone: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-mahout-scaling/
Homepage: http://mahout.apache.org/
Related Software: MLlib; Apache Spark; LibRec; R; Kernlab; CRAN Task Views; Hadoop; Scikit; MapReduce; CF4J; flexclust; flashClust; Rmixmod; sparklyr; cluster (R); clustMD; Azure; fastcluster; mixsmsn; RHadoop
Cited in: 3 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
Apache Mahout: machine learning on distributed dataflow systems
Anil, Robin; Capan, Gokhan; Drost-Fromm, Isabel; Dunning, Ted; Friedman, Ellen; Grant, Trevor; Quinn, Shannon; Ranjan, Paritosh; Schelter, Sebastian; Yılmazel, Özgür

Citations by Year