

swMATH ID: 7638
Software Authors: Ben-Ari, Mordechai
Description: jSpin is a graphical user interface for the Spin model checker that is used for verifying concurrent and distributed programs. The user interface of jSpin is simple and consists of a single window with menus, a toolbar and three adjustable text areas. Spin option strings are automatically supplied and the Spin output is filtered and presented in a tabular form. All aspects of jSpin are configurable: some at compile time, some at initialization through a configuration file and some at runtime.
Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/jspin/
Dependencies: SPIN
Related Software: SPIN; PROMELA; Uppaal; P-Lingua; CESAR; Coq; ProB; Owl; Seminator 2; Delag; SPOT; PRISM; JFLAP; Z; gCol; MeCoSim; kepler98; DART; Limi; Liss
Cited in: 16 Documents

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