

swMATH ID: 7590
Software Authors: Poulson, Jack; Engquist, Björn; Li, Siwei; Ying, Lexing
Description: A parallel sweeping preconditioner for heterogeneous 3D Helmholtz equations. A parallelization of a sweeping preconditioner for three-dimensional Helmholtz equations without large cavities is introduced and benchmarked for several challenging velocity models. The setup and application costs of the sequential preconditioner are shown to be O(γ 2 N 4/3 ) and O(γNlogN), where γ(ω) denotes the modestly frequency-dependent number of grid points per perfectly matched layer. Several computational and memory improvements are introduced relative to using black-box sparse-direct solvers for the auxiliary problems, and competitive runtimes and iteration counts are reported for high-frequency problems distributed over thousands of cores. Two open-source packages are released along with this paper: parallel sweeping preconditioner (PSP) and the underlying distributed multifrontal solver, clique.
Homepage: https://github.com/poulson/Clique
Source Code:  https://github.com/poulson/Clique
Keywords: Helmholtz; time-harmonic; sweeping; preconditioner; parallel computation; algorithm; numerical examples
Related Software: PSP; MUMPS; AILU; UMFPACK; PARDISO; STRUMPACK; SuperLU; Julia; jInv; Trilinos; ForwardHelmholtz.jl; PETSc; Gmsh; CARP-CG; SuperLU-DIST; CSparse; FFTW; p4est; deal.ii; SLEPc
Cited in: 39 Documents

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