

swMATH ID: 7232
Software Authors: Šístek, J. Author Profile; Mandel, J.; Sousedík, B.; Burda, P.
Description: Parallel implementation of multilevel BDDC In application of the Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints (BDDC) to a case with many substructures, solving the coarse problem exactly becomes the bottleneck which spoils scalability of the solver. However, it is straightforward for BDDC to substitute the exact solution of the coarse problem by another step of BDDC method with subdomains playing the role of elements. In this way, the algorithm of three-level BDDC method is obtained. If this approach is applied recursively, multilevel BDDC method is derived. We present a detailed description of a recently developed parallel implementation of this algorithm. The implementation is applied to an engineering problem of linear elasticity and a benchmark problem of Stokes flow in a cavity. Results by the multilevel approach are compared to those by the standard (two-level) BDDC method.
Homepage: http://rd.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-33134-3_72
Keywords: Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints
Related Software: BDDCML; PETSc; METIS; MUMPS; PCBDDC; Trilinos; GitHub; lobpcg.m; FreeFem++; Gmsh; FROSch; ParMETIS; PARDISO; SLEPc; SuperLU; hypre; BoomerAMG; FEMPAR; FEniCS; DOLFIN
Cited in: 35 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
Parallel implementation of multilevel BDDC. Zbl 1311.65178
Šístek, J.; Mandel, J.; Sousedík, B.; Burda, P.

Citations by Year