

swMATH ID: 6778
Software Authors: Hofert, Marius; Mächler, Martin; McNeil, Alexander J.
Description: nacopula: Nested Archimedean Copulas. An R package for working with nested Archimedean copulas. Specifically, providing procedures for computing function values and cube volumes, characteristics such as Kendall’s tau and tail dependence coefficients, efficient sampling algorithms, various estimators, and goodness-of-fit tests. The package also contains related univariate distributions and special functions such as the Sibuya distribution, the polylogarithm, Stirling and Eulerian numbers.
Homepage: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/nacopula/index.html
Source Code:  https://github.com/cran/nacopula
Dependencies: R
Keywords: maximum-likelihood estimation; confidence intervals; multi-parameter families
Related Software: copula; copula; R; QRM; HAC; VineCopula; CDVine; fCopulae; mvtnorm; CopulaModel; SAS; Octave; Matlab; HACopula; OctSymPy; Gumbel; fMultivar; Julia; CRAN Task Views; ks
Cited in: 49 Documents

Standard Articles

2 Publications describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
Likelihood inference for Archimedean copulas in high dimensions under known margins. Zbl 1244.62073
Hofert, Marius; Mächler, Martin; McNeil, Alexander J.
Nested Archimedean Copulas Meet R: The nacopula Package Link
Marius Hofert; Martin Maechler
all top 5

Cited by 97 Authors

7 Hofert, Marius
3 Rullière, Didier
2 Abdallah, Anas
2 Bodnar, Taras
2 Brechmann, Eike Christian
2 Cambou, Mathieu
2 Cossette, Hélène
2 Di Bernardino, Elena
2 Dickhaus, Thorsten
2 Genest, Christian
2 Hu, X. Joan
2 Huser, Raphaël
2 Lemieux, Christiane
2 Li, Dongdong
2 Okhrin, Ostap
2 Segers, Johan
2 Uyttendaele, Nathan
1 Alanazi, Fadhah Amer
1 Anand, Sonia
1 Anatolyev, Stanislav
1 Arbenz, Philipp
1 Areepong, Yupaporn
1 Baillargeon, Sophie
1 Basrak, Bojan
1 Beyene, Joseph
1 Binois, Mickaël
1 Boucher, Jean-Philippe
1 Brborović, Darko
1 Busababodhin, Piyapatr
1 Chaganty, Narasinga Rao
1 Cooray, Kahadawala
1 Côté, Marie-Pier
1 Cripps, Edward
1 Czado, Claudia
1 Deng, Yihao
1 Dong, Alice X. D.
1 Embrechts, Paul
1 Genton, Marc G.
1 Gijbels, Irène
1 Górecki, Jan
1 Groenen, Patrick J. F.
1 Hamid, Jemila Seid
1 Härdle, Karl Wolfgang
1 Hendrich, Katharina
1 Herrmann, Klaus
1 Hu, Taizhong
1 Islam, Shofiqul
1 Karlis, Dimitris
1 Kauermann, Goran
1 Kohn, Robert J.
1 Kosmidis, Ioannis
1 Kuvattana, Sasigarn
1 Lau, John Wei
1 Lin, Jinguan
1 Lin, Yanxia
1 Lo, Simon M. S.
1 Mächler, Martin Beat
1 Mammen, Enno
1 Marceau, Étienne
1 McBride, Mary L.
1 McNeil, Alexander J.
1 Meyer, Renate
1 Mtalai, Itre
1 Muralidhar, Krishnamurty
1 Nešlehová, Johanna G.
1 Nikoloulopoulos, Aristidis K.
1 Okhrin, Yarema
1 Patton, Andrew J.
1 Peters, Gareth William
1 Pettere, Gaida
1 Pham, David N.
1 Prasad, Avinash
1 Pyrlik, Vladimir
1 Rivest, Louis-Paul
1 Roustant, Olivier
1 Sarathy, Rathin
1 Schepsmeier, Ulf
1 Schoonees, Pieter C.
1 Schwiebert, Jörg
1 Spinelli, John J.
1 Stange, Jens
1 Sukparungsee, Saowanit
1 Tajvidi, Nader
1 Taniguchi, Yoshihiro
1 Thabane, Lehana
1 Turlach, Berwin A.
1 van de Velden, Michel
1 Veilleux, Déry
1 Verret, François
1 Vettori, Sabrina
1 Voronova, Irina
1 Wakefield, Bradley
1 Wilke, Ralf A.
1 Xu, Peirong
1 Yuan, Zhenfei
1 Zariņa-Cīrule, Ilze
1 Zhang, Kongsheng

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