

swMATH ID: 623
Software Authors: Pernice, Michael; Walker, Homer F.
Description: We introduce a well-developed Newton iterative (truncated Newton) algorithm for solving large-scale nonlinear systems. The framework is an inexact Newton method globalized by backtracking. Trial steps are obtained using one of several Krylov subspace methods. The algorithm is implemented in a Fortran solver called NITSOL that is robust yet easy to use and provides a number of useful options and features. The structure offers the user great flexibility in addressing problem specificity through preconditioning and other means and allows easy adaptation to parallel environments. Features and capabilities are illustrated in numerical experiments.
Homepage: http://users.wpi.edu/~walker/NITSOL/
Keywords: Newton iterative methods; truncated Newton methods; Newton-Krylov methods; inexact Newton methods; Krylov subspace methods; GMRES; BiCGSTAB; TFQMR; parallel computation; large-scale nonlinear systems; algorithm; preconditioning; numerical experiments
Related Software: KELLEY; PETSc; AztecOO; Trilinos; Aztec; LANCELOT; hypre; SUNDIALS; ML; LAPACK; KINSOL; ARPACK; MPSalsa; BoomerAMG; UMFPACK; GQTPAR; Gmsh; Wesseling; Anderson; NewtonLib
Cited in: 106 Documents
all top 5

Cited by 222 Authors

6 Bellavia, Stefania
6 Keyes, David Elliot
6 Knoll, Dana A.
6 Morini, Benedetta
5 An, Hengbin
4 Crivellini, Andrea
4 Liu, Lulu
3 Alizard, Frédéric
3 Guo, Xueping
3 Kelley, Carl T.
3 Newman, Christopher K.
3 Pernice, Michael
3 Robinet, Jean-Christophe
3 Tromeur-Dervout, Damien
3 Vassilevski, Yuri V.
3 Walker, Homer F.
2 Abgrall, Rémi
2 Bassi, Francesco
2 Berndt, Markus
2 Bonaldi, Francesco
2 Chen, Kewang
2 Droniou, Jérôme
2 Franciolini, Matteo
2 Gould, Nicholas Ian Mark
2 Gruzdev, Arseniy P.
2 Hansen, Glen A.
2 Jimack, Peter K.
2 Liu, Xu
2 Martineau, Richard C.
2 Masson, Roland
2 Melnikov, Nikolai B.
2 Mo, Zeyao
2 Nigro, Alessandra
2 Nourgaliev, Robert R.
2 Pasteau, Antoine
2 Shadid, John N.
2 Tocci, Michael D.
2 Toint, Philippe Louis
2 Vuik, Cornelis
1 Ahmed, Nadeem
1 Ahmed, Sarfraz
1 Allu, Srikanth
1 Arias, Carlos Andrés
1 Ascher, Uri M.
1 Bai, Zhongzhi
1 Bailey, David S.
1 Barton, Paul I.
1 Berrill, Mark A.
1 Berrone, Stefano
1 Bertaccini, Daniele
1 Birgin, Ernesto G.
1 Booth, Michael J.
1 Botti, Lorenzo
1 Boudouvis, Andreas G.
1 Brenner, Konstantin
1 Brown, Jed
1 Cai, Junwei
1 Cai, Xiao-Chuan
1 Calo, Victor Manuel
1 Catabriga, Lucia
1 Chacón, Luis
1 Chen, Ke
1 Cherubini, Stefania
1 Chua, Chek Beng
1 Clarno, Kevin T.
1 Colombo, Alessandro G.
1 Congedo, Pietro Marco
1 Coquel, Frédéric
1 Côrtes, Adriano M. A.
1 Coutinho, Alvaro L. G. A.
1 Dai, Pingfei
1 Dalcín, Lisandro D.
1 Dalton, Michael G.
1 De Bartolo, Carmine
1 De Simone, Valentina
1 De, Suvranu
1 Debusschere, Bert J.
1 DeHart, Mark D.
1 Deng, GanBo
1 Deuflhard, Peter
1 di Serafino, Daniela
1 Dilts, Gary A.
1 Dorf, Mikhail A.
1 Dorr, Milo R.
1 Duff, Iain S.
1 Evans, Katherine J.
1 Fang, Liang
1 Ford, Judith M.
1 Francois, Marianne M.
1 Frank, Florian
1 Garbey, Marc
1 Gasparo, Maria Grazia
1 Gaston, Derek R.
1 Gaul, André
1 Gérald, Sophie
1 Ghanem, Roger G.
1 Ghosh, Debojyoti
1 Ghosh, Supriyo
1 Godoy, William F.
1 Gomes-Ruggiero, Márcia Ap.
...and 122 more Authors
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Cited in 42 Serials

23 Journal of Computational Physics
12 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
8 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
7 Computers and Fluids
4 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
4 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
3 Applied Numerical Mathematics
3 Physics of Fluids
2 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
2 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
2 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 Computer Physics Communications
1 Inverse Problems
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
1 Operations Research
1 Computational Mechanics
1 Journal of Scientific Computing
1 European Journal of Applied Mathematics
1 Annals of Operations Research
1 Numerical Algorithms
1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics
1 SIAM Journal on Optimization
1 Advances in Engineering Software
1 Computational Optimization and Applications
1 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering
1 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
1 Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids
1 Computational Geosciences
1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
1 Springer Series in Computational Mathematics
1 JNAIAM. Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics
1 Communications in Computational Physics
1 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
1 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis
1 Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization
1 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics
1 Ural Mathematical Journal
1 Fundamentals of Algorithms

Citations by Year